This past Sunday during corporate worship, the Lord reminded me of how powerful we truly are. Listening to the passionate praises of the people, the Lord let me know… He heard us the first time…


“As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed.” (Daniel 9:23 NIV)

Remember the power of your declaration and the proclamation of My Word. From the very first time you cried out to me on behalf of this nation, I HEARD YOU. From the very first time you came together in unity of heart and interceded for the governments of men, I HEARD YOU. From the very first time you raised your voice in faith asking for justice, I HEARD YOU.

My Word is final, My blood is complete, and My victory absolute. My ear is not closed and My arm is not short. I do not need, nor ask, for greater numbers to pray or bigger crowds to gather. I do not require louder voices or more passionate pleas. All I have asked is that you BELIEVE!

It is your FAITH that I respond to and it is your TRUST IN ME that moves My heart. I LOVE answering your prayers and I DELIGHT in manifesting My goodness. The reason for seeming delay to your answers is not because I am hard of hearing. It is not because I am still fighting or struggling to overcome.


The chaos you see and the turmoil you feel are because the enemies of the cross keep screaming from the sidelines as they are headed to the pit. It is the demons who have lost that are vying for your attention and distracting your gaze. The deliverance you have sought is already underway and the hordes of hell have been forced into submission. Do not let their expulsion divert your direction or their temper tantrums sidetrack your purpose.

Be assured that I’ve been overcoming this darkness far longer than you know. Before you uttered your first prayer, I knew what was coming. Before you even understood the battle, I already arranged for the victory. 

So, do not be anxious in the natural or worry about the process. My Kingdom is larger, My strategies are deeper, and My planning far greater than any foe can imagine. Remember what I’ve promised and stand on what is true. Regardless of the fur that flies, My plan has already been implemented and heaven has already moved.

So, if another voice comes to question My ability, challenge my authority, or reject My methods of warfare – just remember – THE COMMAND WENT OUT THE FIRST TIME YOU PRAYED.


*Please share this encouraging word on social media and with your friends and family members!

In my latest video below, I share more on this word in addition to an admonition from the Lord to LOVE WELL in the midst of criticism and backlash in our stand for breakthrough…


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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


13 Responses

  1. Thank you, Wanda. This was a sharing I very much needed. You so often encourage me. I am grateful for your ministry. Jan

  2. Dear Wanda, I was encouraged by your note What I Heard in My Recent fast. I believe this is true, but I am wondering Do we still continue to pray for the nation, leadership, etc.? The Lord has told me after the election to Stand, wait and watch. I was to stand in faith, wait upon the Lord and be renewed in His strength and to watch for the glory of the Lord will be seen. So while I stand, wait and watch, I continue to prayer for the “fear of the Lord” in leadership, in the people of God and in the many Pastors across this nation to stand in faith. I see as Daniel who prayed, but continued til he received the answer. All is in His time plan and while we wait, we should continue to pray, that the Kingdom of God will grow. Is this the direction for all who are called to intercession. Thank you for your words of wisdom and prayer. Toni Kushner

    1. Your comment is confirming to me. Because between December and January, God told me to wait, to stand, and to watch what He’s gonna do.

  3. Wanda thank you for sharing this wonderful and encouraging message. I needed to hear this and be reminded that God is the story behind the story being played out. I have gotten off track and this brought me back to center with the Lord. God richly bless you and thank you for the love that you share abroad in our hearts. Elyce

  4. Hallelujah!!!! All Glory to God!! Glory to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!! Wanda, I agree ! We speak or shout or whisper the truth of what God has already shown us! Period!
    It’s already done. I’m praying for protection over His plan for the U.S. and for His people!
    EXPECTING His mighty Intervention.
    “Lights On!”
    His purposes are- and will be – fully accomplished! 🙌🙌

  5. Thank you so much for sharing, Wanda. What a beautiful message from our wondrously wonderful, personal Father.

  6. Our God is so faithful. Throughout the generations, He has and continues to provide beacons of hope and light during the dark, challenging times. Thank you that you are being faithful to your calling by being unwavering in communicating His words to those that have an ear to hear. You are an encourager to the brethren. May the LORD bless you as you continue to bless others.

  7. Dear Wanda,
    Thank you for your obedience to encourage and exhort the body of Christ! I’ve been encouraged greatly and am so thankful for coming across your blog! The Lord put on my heart Psalm 46 of which in reading your blog today I was reminded again come what may, He Reigns Victoriously!
    “”God is our Refuge and Strength,
    an Ever-present help in trouble!
    Therefore, We will Not fear,
    though the earth give way and
    the mountains fall into the sea,
    though its waters roar and foam and
    the mountains quake with its surging.
    There is a river whose streams make glad the City of God, the Holy place where The Lord Most High dwells.
    God is within her, she will not fall;
    God will help her at break of day!
    Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
    He lifts His voice, the earth melts!
    The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress!
    Come and see the works of the Lord, the desolations He has brought on the earth.
    He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth;
    He breaks the bow and shatters the spear,
    He burns the shields with fire.
    ‘Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted amount the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!’
    The Lord Almighty is with us;
    The God of Jacob is our fortress!”


  9. Thank you Wanda! Your ministry blesses me so much! You are a strong voice sharing the heart of our Lord with us. God bless you!

  10. I keep going back to this post because it’s so encouraging!
    Was at a family gathering today for Mother’s Day. Felt compelled to speak about what is going on nationally and globally. Kept it at a high level because how to unpack it all to the unaware or who have given up? The smaller family group I spoke to received it well. They want to believe, but nothing has happened yet… Wait on Him.

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