There is a new breed of women rising on the earth. A new company of women bravehearts are emerging who carry an authority not given by man, but gained through personal victories. These women have already been tested by the pharisees of religion and been confronted by the seductions of the snake. They have already faced the powers of the age and have overcome. Most have remained unseen by the masses because they never sought the spotlight. They have been quietly exercising their spiritual muscle in the secret place and overcoming devils with an audience of One. Yet, they have been recognized by the hosts of heaven, for they have demonstrated not only strength of soul and purity of heart, but a distinguishing characteristic more commonly given to the warriors of old: VALOR.
They helped David against the band of raiders, for they were all mighty men of valor and were commanders in the army. (1 Chronicles 12:21)
It is these mighty men of valor that history repeatedly commends for their valiant strength and strategic abilities to fight, as well as their fierce loyalty to the King. In an age when women were not invited into battle, it was these mighty men who received the privileges of rank, the honors of victory, and the spoils of war. This pattern continued throughout the generations as women were relegated to the sidelines and deemed unprepared for battle and unfit for war.
But the days are now upon us when the battles are no longer about physical prowess or a competitive edge. The war is no longer between flesh and blood but between principalities and powers of the spirit. It is in this realm that these women of valor are coming forth as special agents that have been held in reserve for the strategic warfare of our time. They do not listen to religious or politically correct spirits, for their zeal for the Lord is greater than their fear of men.  Their passion for purity is greater than their quest for recognition. The sword in their mouths is not for personal satisfaction, but for dismantling the strongholds of devils. They have been uniquely prepared for Jezebel’s last stand and are ready to overthrow her regime. Knowing her wiles and deceptions from personal battles, they have been trained and equipped for the strategic strike. With childlike faith and a lion’s courage, these women of valor are fueled by a love for their King, and the King will not be denied His daughters’ victory.
There is no cause to question their strong boldness or their focused courage, for they are not motivated like Jezebel. Where Jezebel is jealous for her title, a woman of valor is zealous for her King. Where Jezebel strives to control, a woman of valor rests in her confidence. Jezebel seeks revenge on her enemies, but a woman of valor seeks restoration of the Body. Jezebel is bitter towards authority and pursues her own platform, but a woman of valor celebrates God’s leaders and serves the people. Where Jezebel usually operates from a wounded soul, a woman of valor is compelled from a heart set free. Because these women of valor have already laid down their lives and seek no name, they cannot be bought, bribed, or tempted by notoriety. Though they battle with the fine-tuned skill of a seasoned warrior, their walk of humility mantles them with unusual authority from above.
And it is these very these qualities for which Jezebel is consumed with contempt for these women of valor. Knowing their authority to crush the serpent’s head, Jezebel has sought to take their place and silence their voice. Accusing them of the very tactics she uses, her distractions and deceptions have now been exposed for their treacherous fraud. It is for this reason that heaven will use these daughters to strip Jezebel of her counterfeit robes and take back the stolen crown.
The first Jezebel was called out by Jehu, the Israelite king, but it was the eunuchs that her threw her to her death. Where many mighty men have challenged the authority of this lingering principality and spoken of her demise, it is the women of valor who have been given rights to destroy the devil’s lair and vanquish Jezebel’s reign over the nations. Being castrated of their God-given authority to speak for the King, these prophetic women of valor will take their place and be silent no more.
Not only will these women of valor be honored and celebrated for their place at the King’s table, some will rise up as mothers over nations to bring deliverance and healing to the land. They will be esteemed for their wisdom, counsel, and courageous actions against those who threaten the King’s domain. Theirs will be the mark of Deborah, the prophetess, who foreshadows the kind of mothers that will be called to lead the charge and deliver nations.
The villagers ceased in Israel; they ceased to be until I arose; I, Deborah, arose as a mother in Israel. (Judges 5:7)
These mothers of nations will exhibit fierceness in battle but a tenderness of soul. Theirs is a heaven-anointed combination of resolve and compassion, assertiveness and patience, boldness and meekness. It is for the generations to come that these women of valor and mothers of deliverance are being brought forth to disciple their children and their children’s children after them. It is the King’s good pleasure to welcome these women to His courts alongside the men to usher in this new era of Kingdom prosperity and expansion.
It is time to recognize this company of women and call them forth. Their humble disposition has kept them hidden, and yet, it is the very selfless nature of their heart that is desperately needed in the battles of this age. The enemy has no hold and hell has no authority over those who walk in humility and purity of purpose. They are the ones religion would deem weak and inferior, but heaven calls them highly favored and worthy of their due. As the first shall become last and the last shall become first, heaven now issues the charge for women of valor to come forward. Your time is now and victory is assured.
And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you ask, for all my fellow townsmen know that you are a worthy (valiant) woman. (Ruth 3:11 ESV)

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21 Responses
Wanda, This word was for me and I give thanks and praise to God for being able to read and contemplate its’ richness, as it feeds my spirit and encourages me in the many years I have interceded before My God. The enemy has come against me many times to discourage the work God has given me to encourage and teach others the value of intimacy and prayer with our God. Last week I was led to read the exact scripture form Judges, ” that Deborah arose, a mother of Israel”. I cannot explain the love for the Body of Christ, He has put in my heart and the journey in being faithful. Thank you for this word and for sharing it with others. I wanted to copy it to sit and read when encouragement is needed, but the computer will not allow me to make a copy. Is this normal? Again thank you and may God, who is able abundantly bless your Ministry. Toni Kushner
Dear Wanda, I figured it out and made a copy. thank you Toni
Powerful & very edifying. Thank you.
An excellent piece! I will save it and send it to fellow warriors. Important to distinguish ourselves from the Jezebel spirit and to realize that perhaps we women understand and can therefore resist that spirit in a unique way. Thanks Wanda!
Wow! What an awesome word! This is powerful and truly God’s heart for His daughters to come into the fullness of all we are capable of.
Wanda I claim this. I feel like I am the woman you are describing, and I am honored to be among a move of the daughters of the King. We serve a mighty God. We fight for our Lord, our country, and our children. All of them.
O LORD, that my daughter and I may be counted worthy. YOU know us Very Well.
Thankyou Wanda for the word from our almighty God to us women of Valor. I was away from my walk for years, I became weary in well doing.
I served in two churches where the pastor was a not who they portrayed to be. The first one used valuable women in the church for sex. One of the precious worship leader fell for his seducing spirit. She came to me and a friend to confess it. I didnt no what to do. I was young woman with two small girls attending.
I knew this man of God was hiding behind a covering of a prominent ministry and advertising our church on there large network. This was in the early 80’s. This ministry I found out later was not a covering but just giving him advertisement on there network.
The ministry was lester summerall from indiana. A great man of God who is now gone to be with the lord.
I loved him and his network, but I knew he had to be told. I had taken some of his bible courses and went to his outreach’s. I prayed about it and after talking to a spiritual friend in the same church with me, she said you must inform him. I knew Other women would be drawn through the commercials and other vulnerable women will be used.
The young women he did this to had to go through deliverance in her home and herself. I wrote Dr. Summerall a letter and went to one his outreach Indianapolis. I was so nervous, I almost backed out. When the services was closing I went to his brother in-law and told him I must see brother summerall. He asked me why and I said he can read my letter and than he can do with it whatever God tells him.
Pastor summerall came to me and seen I was shaking. I told him to please read it and than you will know the truth.
I left went home and still wondered if I did the right thing. It wasnt long I recieved a phone call from the pastor from the church I was attending. He said, God says to you touch not Gods prophets. He told me that a curse would come on me. I felt the holy spirit come on me. I said the lord said if you cause a little one to stumble you might as well put a millstone around your own neck. My husband than recieved the lord there but became disillusioned and fell from his walk with the lord.
I told him what harm he had brought to Gods people. Than a few days later I came home and someone left a note on my dining room table. It said,” I kill you Mona” we didnt lock our doors and I knew it was him or a demonic spirit.
I found out that Dr. Summerall took a team to his church and tried to restore him through repentance and asked him to step down. The pastor refused packed up and moved to Florida. He said god wasnt in indiana.
Than I joined another church and our pastor there had relationships with women in the church. I was in that church for around 12 years before all that happened.
Again my husband came to the lord but after that he was disillusioned again. He left me and our two daughters, had a affair and divorced me and remarried. After that I served God but I felt attacked all the time. I didn’t remarry for 17 years and now I have been attacked in my body. It’s been several back surgeries and pain constantly. I know I was a warrior and interressor for God. I know I have gifts and now I am 65 ready to rise up and take back our nation, see my family saved, especially my daughter whom is now gay. My present husband saved! I am going to take my health back that was taken while I was down by Gods word and promises.
I don’t know why I shared this but alot of people cant understand nor want to know what we as believers go through. We can never let the enemy destroy our relationship with God or take away our blessings. Alot things I let it happen, God was always there. Thank you for reaching out to us we all need phophets like you to lift us up. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND!!!
its never too late to Rise back up… Isaiah says even the youth will grow weary and faint but they that wait on the Lord will renew their strength. Im thanking God that your strength is renewed.
Mona, thanks for sharing your journey.
Thank you so much for sharing this prophetic word! It is right on!!! I have received many confirmations of this word from the Lord prior to even reading it last week. I’m looking forward to what God will do!
I’m confused about this sentence though –
“Being castrated of their God-given authority to speak for the King, these prophetic women of valor will take their place and be silent no more.”
Since women can’t be castrated, I’m not sure who this sentence is referring to.
By the way, I love the picture at the top, I only wish I had this dress!
I guess I could have said “Being spiritually castrated…” It’s obviously meant as a spiritual analogy and not a literal one:-). Blessings!
Wouldn’t deprived be the right word?
I’m new and I just don’t know how to comment directly but ‘d like to say how powerful and uplifting this was. I want to be part of it !!! I’m in a process of being healed from rejection and so eager to be free from this oppressing spirit…
Hi Wanda,
Thank you for sharing this word and I hope a lot of women will be encouraged by this to walk in their God given destiny!
Two textual feedbacks:
* “And it is these very these” -> “And it is these very”
* “Being castrated of their God-given authority to speak for the King, these prophetic women of valor will take their place and be silent no more”
I had to read this sentence twice to understand. I think you mean:
“*These men* being castrated of their God-given authority to speak for the King, these prophetic women of valor will take their place and be silent no more”
Hello Arjan! I think Wanda used the word castrated to draw a parallel between the women deprived of any authority and the eunuchs in the text (2 Kings 9:33). God bless you.
I resonate with this so much and believe I am among these women. I have suffered much attack in the spiritual realm and have been breaking free from a tremendous witchcraft that was being used against me.
This is me! Within the first few minutes I was amazed at the description and how it resonated with me. As the post went on I was encouraged and enlightened. As I received the promises of God and whisper of Holy Spirit, I re-wrote the whole post in my journal in the first person with my name and personal pronouns. Our future is exciting and God’s call of confidence and the work he has been doing in us all these years adds energy to the journey. I also loved the comparison of Jezebel and the daughters of God – Hallelujah! Love ya Sister! =)
Beautifully written and so powerful. I so identify with this article, and it resonates deep within my warrior spirit.
It encourages me to keep on fighting with my sisters in Christ waging war in the unseen realm where many victories are being won.
Thank you for sharing this powerful revelation message the Lord has imparted to you.
God bless you richly,
Yes, Lord. Send me!
Well, we agree on this prophecy, I have been saying for a number of years that the final battle is between the Bride of Christ and the Babylonian harlot: Jezebel and Mermaid. The Bride of Christ is neither male nor female, we know that, but the battle against women is a sign of the battle against the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit has ordained it that women should defeat these demonic entities with female attributes. The seed of the woman, a woman shall crush Satan’s head and destroy Jezebel along the way.
Prophet Gloria Moore
I am so inspired by this word!