Heavenly Father is going after His prodigals! He has let them go after the world for their determined time, knowing there would come that divine moment of awakening and return. Knowing the willfulness of His sons and daughters, He has allowed some to go after their flesh to pursue their counterfeit dreams and personal ambitions.

And yet, He has known their time is coming to an end. Knowing their journey would take them to the bottom, He has allowed the painful process to complete its work. Wanting them to be fully convinced of the destructive nature of the flesh, He has given them latitude in their rebellion. Not wanting them to ever return to their wasted wishes and senseless wanderings, He has given them the needed time for the moment of full awakening to Love. Wanting their hearts more than their submission, He has been drawing them back, slowly but surely.

The time of their homecoming is just around the corner! Those who have believed a lie are soon to awaken to the truth! Many prodigals are now coming to the end of themselves and realizing the emptiness of their ways. The Father has been joyfully anticipating this time when those He has held in His heart will soon be held in His embrace! This is His reward – to see those destined for great things, return home to claim their rightful place and goodly inheritance. This is His joy and His crown – to see His prodigals fully redeemed and walking in their true identity.

Not only are prodigals returning to families of origin; rebels are emerging from unexpected places to find their place in the Father’s house. He is about to welcome many who once set themselves against His house, for their awakening to truth will be dramatic and deep. Seeing the dark side of their follies, these prodigals are awakening to a higher Truth and running for divine cover. Once strangers to realms of the Kingdom, these new converts will come with open hearts and inquisitive minds. Many will be surprised to see whom the Father has been working on and waiting for. Some once thought enemies will have a seat at the family table and it will bring the Father great joy.

But, guard your hearts. You who have been faithfully following the Father’s words and serving without compromise, guard your hearts lest you embrace the spirit of the older brother who was filled with jealousy at the return of his derelict sibling. Guard your heart lest you rob your Father of His just reward of restoration and transformation. Even now, religious zealots are pointing fingers at those whom heaven is giving favor and access.  In both the Church and the public square, the spirit of the older brother is poisoning the well with arrows of accusation. Politicians and preachers alike are falling prey to this sin of the heart that resents the Father’s mercy and disdains those He chooses to celebrate. Do not allow the Father’s grace to be infected with jealousy and pride. Rejoice in these whom the Spirit has been drawing for the Father is determined to bring all His prodigals home.

The Father has known the heart of each of His sons and daughters. He alone has known the path they must take in order to find their way home. Trust Him in this and determine to rejoice with the prodigals about to return. Rather than focusing on all they have squandered, fix your eyes on the Father’s amazing grace. What has been lost in the natural will be a faint memory as the goodness of a lavish Father is about to be poured out on His entire household. Prepare, for a great celebration is about to commence!



This is a word for the Church as we are about to cross over a threshold in time. Though many will be shell-shocked by what’s to come, God has prophesied an outpouring of power that will produce new beginnings marked by heaven’s victory…

Below is my latest interview with The Elijah List where I share prophetic insights about President Trump, the prophets, and Moses the Deliverer.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


5 Responses

  1. Thank you Father for the encouraging words of truth coming to Cali from our precious sister Wanda… across the nation You meet us lovingly and faithfully where we are! Glory! Hallelujah!

  2. So well written! I have been praying for many prodigals, and also for Jesus to open the eyes of those captivated by false ideology.

  3. Thanks for that encouraging word sister which has reached all the way to Australia. My wife and I have three prodigals out of four. All homeschooled because we believe that the Father directed us to do that, it has been sad to watch them wander from Him. Each has achieved much success on their chosen path, but none have found happiness. The Father has shown my wife and I that He loves them more than we do, and to just leave them in His loving hands.
    We do that, and have done so many times. But then; we worry too sometimes. It has been so encouraging to hear the promises from many of the prophets that the prodigals will return.Bless you heaps Wanda, and I love your encouraging prophecy. Particularly the last one about Moses, Pharaoh and God’s deliverance of Israel. That was so close to what I have been feeling myself about the situation the world finds itself in. And just like Israel in Egypt, we can only, and are being delivered by the mighty hand of God.

  4. I’m encouraged about this prophetic word about prodigals. My covenant wife left me with two young sons about 19 years ago and is still living to serve the world and herself. She once had a relationship with the Lord but now doesn’t. My prayer is for her repentance to the Lord even if she never chooses to come back home.

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