I’ve had numerous people ask me what I think about the vaccination for COVID. I didn’t have a peace about responding until this past weekend. My husband and I attended a Health and Freedom Conference in Tampa, Florida, hosted by Clay Clark of Thrivetime Shows. He’s a business entrepreneur who’s been called by God to expose the demonic agenda behind the plandemic (and election fraud). He’s been bringing together doctors, scientists, activists, and regular folks who are standing up for truth and making a difference in their fields of influence. These REOPEN AMERICA TOURS are scheduled to take place all around the nation in the coming months (check them out and consider attending one!) It was a power-packed weekend of information based on facts, evidence, and first-hand testimonies. We left encouraged, inspired, and empowered to share what we can with others.

Upon our return, I posted the video below on my YouTube channel, but within 24 hours it was removed for violating its Community Standards. 10,000 people had already viewed it, but it obviously posed a big threat to the dark powers of YouTopia:-). I’ve now posted it here along with the specific LINK I recommend for further research (listed below the video). You can also see a copy of my outline HERE.

Please watch and share this with others. This is not meant to bring any condemnation to those who have already taken the shot for various reasons. It is meant to bring more truth to the spiritual ramifications behind this issue and help everyone understand the END GAME that the devil is playing with us. We MUST be aware of his schemes, and determine to RISE UP IN FAITH. God is our source of healing and He, alone, is the source of all truth. May we have the courage to see and hear what needs to be understood and may we have the boldness to pass it on.

UPDATE! I just created a new CHANNEL ON RUMBLE. Many folks have requested this, so you can VIEW and SHARE this video from my RUMBLE CHANNEL HERE.

CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING LINK to access the many articles, resources, helps, and reports for further research and verification: TIME TO FREE AMERICA WEBPAGE:

You will first see an opportunity to download a FREE e-BOOK by a woman doctor who did her research with amazing accuracy and insight! Great resource! Below the ad is a series of boxes, each with a different issue presented. CLICK ON any box and you will be taken to a page of LINKS and articles to research and verify for yourself.

A short study and prayer guide for those desiring freedom from the spirit of fear!

$3.99 for immediate download

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


50 Responses

    1. The Prophetic Mentoring Weekend will not be livestreamed because it is a paid event. HOWEVER, we will be recording it and making it available as a video series a few weeks later. I’ll notify everyone when it’s ready. Blessings!

  1. Dearest Wanda,
    Yes and amen!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been sharing with folks for over a year about this. Joni Table Talk on Daystar has had several intelligent and since then fired medical people on her show for a long time. Youtube took it all down so she put all her shows on the site
    I would encourage anyone to listen to Del Bigtree, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Pierre Kory (major pulmonary dr-fired), Dr Gold (ran LA E/R fired), etc. You understand.
    These are well worth watching. Especially the 1/2 hr Table Talk-they are EXCELLENT and tell the truth.
    Interesting, out of my closest friends, only one was interested.
    I totally back all you are saying.
    Blessings and praying for you and all concerned.
    Cathy Kable

  2. I am usually not a conspiracy person but these times call for accurate reporting. According to Dr. Brett Weinstein (no God believer), an evolutionary PhD biologist, Ivermectin could have brought Covid to its knees and Dr. Weinstein could not believe that YouTube would allow no scientific discussion. And he found out the vaccine nanoparticles( via Pfizer’s own data) move through the system and accumulate in the ovaries and the bone marrow. Not good. Not as designed. And they are pushing it to young people. That is Evil.

    1. Some recommendations. Try not to use an android device, they are pure google software which I have found chooses not to play patriot vids sometimes. Do use firefox as a browser instead of chrome. Do use duckduckgo as a search engine instead of google. Then, in your settings for duckduckgo, turn off safe search, and in the settings settings for firefox, turn off the setting that blocks ‘deceptive content’. It doesn’t block anything dangerous, it only blocks some conservative sites. I have never been presented with any nudity in my search results by turning off these settings or any other dangerous sites. They’ve just decided that some opinions are dangerous is all.
      Keep the settings page of duckduckgo open at the privacy tab and clear your history a lot. (tick the box in there so you clear cookies and cache regularly, but don’t clear site settings or current logins).

        1. Dear Wanda,
          Time to Free America is not currently available outside the US.
          I’m in the UK
          ALSO, I clicked on the link for the pdf of your notes, and it wouldn’t open!
          Have you thought of using RUMBLE?
          God bless and keep you. Love what you do

      1. Hi Tammy, it’s a few weeks later… I got to the website that you mentioned alright. I’m using duckduckgo search engine. but sometimes external bad people do attack a website that shares truth, causing it to not play. maybe that happened. ? Nevertheless, restarting your device and not using google chrome at all will help. Also clearing your cache, clearing your cookies often, will help.

  3. I have been asking God about the ones who took it, for a trusted prophet to address if it can be healed by God. We know this with our heads, but need to hear it with our hearts.
    You are the first one I have heard say it can be.
    I have had two of my three adult children take it. This is balm for my soul no matter what happens.
    Thank you.

    1. Hallelujah. I feel so blessed that Holy Spirit led me to your site and church. Thank you for speaking the truth. “Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice; for the LORD will do great things”. Joel 2:21

  4. Speaking of fear. Last week the Lord opened my spiritual eyes to see what fear looks like. I had been asking the Lord to open my eyes to the spiritual realm and I had recently listened to a video about fear. suddenly, I caught out of the corner of my eye on the floor a black spot that raced across the floor a short distance and then simply disappeared. At first I thought it was a bug but quickly realized that it wasn’t. it was about the size of a water bug but it was spiritual in appearance instead of well defined visually. It looked like a small demonic spirit. My first thought was “wow, so that is what fear looks like… that little thing!” I couldn’t help but laugh and think about the verse in Isaiah 14:16.

  5. I agree with everything you have said. Thanks for having the courage to speak the truth. I also am trying to educate my family, but some have already gotten the shot. I hope and pray that God has mercy on them and keeps them well. My husband and I both got the virus last January, so we definitely should not get it. I have read that the side effects are worse if you already were sick with the virus.
    I tried to subscribe to Time to Free America and to get Dr. Northrup’s ebook. However, they want a phone number and an email. I don’t understand why I need to give them my phone number if I gave them my email. I don’t like to give out my phone number. I get unsolicited calls and I don’t want anymore. Thought you should know about this. Why do we need to put in our phone number? Thanks.

    1. Thank you for being WORD BASED!!! So happy the Lord led me to you on Elijahstreams. Your YouTube msg led me to your website. Praise God!!! Keep fighting the good fight of faith! WE WIN! HALLELUJAH!!!💖👍🏻🇺🇲

  6. Thank you Wanda! I saw your video before it was removed. I continue to stand in prayer that the truth will be exposed. Thank you that you are helping to make that possible.

  7. The real virus is fear, and fear is not of God. Fear has been the driving force that has caused people to run without hesitation to take a jab that was rushed, skipped animal testing, uses a brand new technology and does not fit the criteria of being a vaccine. I saw the demonic agenda behind this last summer, as the whole world fell under it’s trance.
    As believers we must be abiding in God’s word daily in order to have discernment. “But solid food is for the mature, who by CONSTANT USE have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:14
    Also, I would say “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness…” (Matt 6:33). When you make the Lord your highest priority, He leads you into truth. He has led me to every good and true resource about all things COVID in the last year. As Wanda said, if you stand in truth, Heaven backs you up! (did I say that right?) Have faith!

  8. I was at the same conference last weekend and wish I run into you and your husband there. That would have made it even more special.

  9. Do you consider President Trump demonic since he as pushed and expedited the vaccine or just mislead?

    1. I don’t understand why he has pushed the vaccines. Though I don’t understand or agree with his tactics, I still trust he has our best interests in mind and probably knows a lot more about this situation than what we do. I think he’s doing the best he can under the intensely crazy circumstances.

      1. It was mentioned that he knew the agenda behind them, so he pushed to have it done in record time causing it Not to be mandatory because it was not FAA approved. This would give people their way out from taking the Jab. If he didn’t do this and allowed ‘them’ to control it, I believe they would have come up with some ‘lame’ reason that is was approved and made it mandatory. (I’ve heard this circulating) I always believed #45 had our best interest in mind and trying to stay ahead of the evil.

        1. I heard that, too. His announcement that there was an effective treatment, as well as the emergency release of the vaccine, labeling it an experimental vaccine, foiled the Left’s plan to make the lockdowns and vaccine mandatory. They can’t mandate an experimental substance.

      2. It was pointed out that Trump pushed the vaccine to save the country. The media/tech had done a great job at keeping people fearful and staying in their homes. Even when Trump got sick with the virus and recovered and talked about alternative treatments. Most people did not go back to living normal. So the vaccine was the only way to financially save America.

  10. I knew it!!! I knew transhumanism wad the agenda for this year. I knew it back in January and February. If you guys were paying attention to the Super Bowl commercials, you would have seen it too! Check them out! I’m sure they’re on YouTube. Thanks for sharing, Ms. Wanda!

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