You ask Me what I’m doing. You ask Me why the painful process. You wonder what has changed? I’ll tell you. Though the prince of darkness has sought to change the rules, I have not changed! My standard has not changed. The plumbline of My Father’s house has not changed. That which was created and formed from the foundation of the throne has not changed.
I am HOLY and I am SPIRIT! This cannot be altered. It cannot be compromised. It is only in My holiness that you can access My grace. It is only through My Spirit that you can have true power. Without My holiness and without My Spirit, you have nothing!
The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. (Job 33:4)
And yet, there are peddlers of My Word that have sold you out! They have heralded righteous works that are void of My Spirit. They have marketed a message without holiness. They have compromised My standard and tried to alter the plumbline. They have told you that knowledge and kindness is enough. They have told you that reaching souls is enough. But, without a full immersion of My Spirit, these souls will never live. The power of the cross can only be accessed with a surrendered life that is fueled by My Spirit. There is no Kingdom power to transform the earth when you have denied My holiness and rejected My Spirit.
I am HOLY and I am SPIRIT! I will not be made in the image of man nor allow those bound to the flesh to strip Me of WHO I AM and who YOU are meant to be! And yet, some have traded this treasure for inferior imitations. I am calling out these peddlers of cheap grace! They have taught that my grace overlooks man’s weakness and dismisses man’s sin. They have preached a salvation of fleshly works and lured the masses to their productions. They have polluted My gospel by putting appearances before consecration and packaging before purity. I will not have a Bride that has been dressed for a platform instead of prepared for the bridal chamber!
You have been told that Jesus is enough without need for things of the Spirit. But it was My SPIRIT that raised Him from the dead. And it was My HOLINESS that qualified Him to defy death. It is only through a laid-down life that one can walk in the power of the cross. It is only by My Spirit that you can live and move and even have your being. The Father of lies has been selling you snake oil! He has lured the masses to a gospel without power and a message without meaning.
I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you. But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him. (1 John 2:26-27)
I am bringing into the light those who have preached without My Spirit and proclaimed a hollow truth. No longer will I allow the plumbline to be altered. No longer will I allow My holiness to be sidelined and My Spirit to be ignored. It is time for My Spirit called Holy to break upon the scene! All must know the essence of My being which is HOLY and SPIRIT.
Even as I reset these core foundations, I have placed in your midst purified champions that are anointed and true. They have been hidden from the cameras and shielded from the lights, and their time of advancing the gospel of My Kingdom is here. Heaven has been backing these servant leaders and My presence goes before them.
How will you know them? You will know them by virtue of their HOLINESS and their SPIRIT. That which the enemy has sought to eliminate is resident within many who have been prepared for this very hour. It is because of their sanctified lives and time spent before the throne that these men and women are rising up to displace the spurious messengers of lesser gods. Look past the platforms of man and associations with big names. Look past the productions and publications and look for My heart.
NOW IS THE TIME OF MY HOLINESS and MY SPIRIT! The enemy of your soul knows this and has been working for decades to render my holiness irrelevant and my Spirit incompetent. Do not listen! I have been preparing the true army of God for this very time! The longings of your heart and the cries of your prayers have caused all of heaven to draw closer for this time of GREAT REVELATION and TRANSFORMATION of a higher order.
When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground. (Psalm 104:30)
Do not be dismayed at those who are found to be wanting. Do not be distraught at the changes of the guard to come. It is a necessary doing for Kingdom business to commence. That which My Spirit has been preparing is now close at hand. A Highway of Holiness will usher it in.
27 Responses
Truth! Thank you, Wanda.
Praise the Lord!
Wanda, I just love you! Thank you again and again.
Yes! Yesterday, in an intense discussion with someone about truth, I brought up the idea of the “plumbline” of Scripture. Your emphasis on that resonates with me so deeply!
I love you Wanda but Paul clearly makes the case that Holiness is NOT something we can attain by ‘trying harder’ or making a determination to do so. Holiness comes FROM Grace and not the other way around. (Why else are we told that even our best works are as menstrual rags?)
God never gave the law to make man holy. It was to reveal man’s sin and his inability to be righteous in and of his own efforts (Rom. 3:20).
The law is holy and righteous but it cannot make us holy and righteous.
“I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died.”
— Romans 7:9 NKJV
“sin revived and I died” — The devil knows that he cannot directly tempt a mature believer to commit sin, so he tries to use the law to bring evil desires into the life of that believer. When the law is introduced, sin is stirred up and revived.
The devil’s tactic is to appear as a religious spirit telling you to keep the law. He tells you that the reason there is no revival is that the law is not being preached, that the people who are preaching grace are people promoting the license to sin.
But that cannot be further from the truth. The more the devil is able to make you think you are being more spiritual by keeping the law, the more he has you right where he wants you—under the law and not under grace. Because the law is the strength of sin.
The law demands righteousness or good works from sinfully bankrupt man, but it does not lift a finger to help him. The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ (John 1:17 KJV). Grace came personally to provide righteousness as a gift to the most undeserving. And today, our righteousness is found in the beautiful person of Jesus Christ.
The more you are conscious of your righteousness in Christ, the more life is ministered and released to your soul and body.
Even though sin had come in since Adam’s time, the people from Adam to Moses lived long lives because they did not have the consciousness of sin (since the law had not yet been given).
Some people still preach the law today thinking that it will produce holiness. But it is through the knowledge of Christ that we become holy, set apart from the world. Our focus is on Jesus, not on our efforts.
Under the new covenant, Jesus only has one commandment for us and that is to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34). We are to be gracious and grace-minded as Jesus was. Not constantly fault-finding and pointing our fingers at others, but extending grace and the gift of no condemnation just as Jesus did with us.
We are called to reach the world with the glorious gospel of grace. The world needs to know that God is not looking at their sin and mess, but God is calling them to Himself.
The law was designed to bring death. Don’t put yourself under the law today because you are no longer living under the judgment of the law! That is not to say that we disregard holiness. In fact, when you are Christ-conscious, when you don’t put yourself under the law, you are able to behold Jesus in all His beauty, in all His glory and as you behold Him, you are transformed into the same image and you will live a holy life.
“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory…”
— 2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJV
True transformation happens not by your attempts to keep the law but by beholding the glory of the Lord.
Jim – where did you get the idea that I was suggesting one had to work for holiness? On the contrary! It is the fruit of a pure heart that is passionately seeking to please God and not the flesh.
From you! You wrote, “It is only in My holiness that you can access My grace.”
It is the EXACT opposite. ONLY by His grace can we have access to His holiness.”
Love you!
Arrggh. I wish there was an ‘edit’ on comments. I meant to add:
Grace (Chesed in Hebrew – xáris in Greek) is truly UNMERITED – UNDESERVED favor. Maybe I read that wrong but it seems you are saying that GRACE is only accessible if one is Holy. (That would not be unmerited…right?)
Thank you Jim for your thorough and thoughtful comments backed up by scripture. I took it exactly the same way you did but could not have replied with as much elegance.
RE: “it seems you are saying that GRACE is only accessible if one is Holy”.
What was actually said was “It is only in My holiness that you can access My grace.” NOT “It is only in YOUR holiness that you can access My grace.”
My holiness = God’s holiness. The statement is talking about encountering the holiness of God which leads to awareness of sin and the opportunity to repent and be saved by grace. It is not saying you need to be holy first before you can access His grace.
Amen, amen and amen. So be it Father, as YOU have said.
Yes and Amen. 🙌🏻
Wow. Just wow. Spot on with what the Holy Spirit has been speaking. May we enter the Highway of Holiness and press through the narrow place into new levels of His glory in Jesus name.
Thank you!
Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth and your people
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!! Amen!!
There are (2) plum lines Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8
How beautiful. I wish we lived closer. Kansas City is white washed. But God.
Blessed be the Word of the Lord!
Wow! Don’t mess with the Lord irrespective of current circumstances.
Thanks Wanda.
Beautiful, precious, holy, gracefilled words. Thank you.
This word I believe from Our Holy Father’s heart is for sure not on the frequency that the those that are counterfeiters within the Church are on. The wake up call is coming.
Christians have been playing the shell game with the Lord regarding His grace for years now. Moving the shells around expecting God to find His Holiness under the right shell. They sin so grace abounds. Missing the POWER of His grace through Holiness, when we sin. It is His grace and mercy that keeps us breathing while Holy Spirit corrects our messed up thinking. I love this word from the Lord Wanda, and I receive it!
Blessings & Shalom to you Wanda. Thank you for HIS revelation message, SO GOOD!!!
Careful! Lest any one should boast! We cannot earn God’s grace with our behavior. It is not possible. Remember humility for Christ’s gift to us. Humility.
I believe CBDenver’s remark above sorts out the truth within this discussion and recognizes Wanda’s inherent teaching: “What was actually said was “It is only in My holiness that you can access My grace.” NOT “It is only in YOUR holiness that you can access My grace.”
“My holiness = God’s holiness. The statement is talking about encountering the holiness of God which leads to awareness of sin and the opportunity to repent and be saved by grace. It is not saying you need to be holy first before you can access His grace.”
I urge every one who’s commented to read this post several times. It is unquestionably a God Statement and has “stirred the waters” well. It’s not really about Wanda but thank God for her discernment. Many of these comments show we need such discernment.
Thank you Wanda! I pray everyone in the Christian world would stop taking and pray! This word you share is timely and closes to truth that I have heard in a long time. I am not listening to the world but to GOD through my time in HIS word, in prayer and in worship. I want to hear HIM clearly! Blessings!!
This morning as I was leaving to go to work, I smelled a very sweet beautiful smell of incense! I remembered this word and had to re-read. This part of the message is telling me I am smelling Heaven and it is VERY VERY close.
“ I have been preparing the true army of God for this very time! The longings of your heart and the cries of your prayers have caused all of heaven to draw closer for this time of GREAT REVELATION and TRANSFORMATION of a higher order.”
God bless!!