To all who follow my blog, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Due to a sudden surge of Covid and other related illnesses in our congregation, we’re having to cancel our upcoming Prophetic Mentoring Weekend that was to start this Thursday, August 19. This was a really difficult decision to make, but we knew we had no other option. (If you registered for this event, we are truly sorry for this unexpected decision. You should have received an email earlier today with more details about refund options.)
I, myself, got hit over the weekend and have been focusing on recovery (I am taking ivermectin along with extra doses of Vitamins C, D, and zinc.) I am praying for speedy healing and restoration! Please pray for our middle son, Nathan, who is also sick and has a highly compromised immune system. He has been dealing with Lyme’s disease for the past three years and is concerned how his body is going to handle this. His doctor is prescribing the same thing I am taking, so we are hoping for the best. Pray for his peace of mind, especially, as he has been given to panic attacks in past years.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support, encouragement, and inspiring comments:-). Once I feel better, I do have some things to share from the Lord concerning the global situation. In the meantime, it’s evident the devil is on a rampage with this virus. Let’s stand strong against his schemes and declare the blood of Jesus over all!
136 Responses
Zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D3, lots of water… I hold you up in prayer.
Prayers you, your family and congregation 🙏
I declare the Blood of Jesus over you and your family. The enemy is getting nervous and attacking those carrying the glory. But God has warned to not touched His anointed. Psalm 105:15
He also promised in the same Psalm that He brought out His people with rejoicing. Vs 43
God is turning this around and you will rejoice with health and prosperity, in Jesus name.
Praying for you, your family. and your congregation. Peace and healing over everyone!
Praying for complete and quick recovery 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
Praying for you and your son’s quick recovery! God is with you and God is for you!!
Yes, thank you. Will be praying with and for you.
I plead the blood of Jesus over you, your son , and everyone else affected. May the peace of the Lord be with you. Praying fir speedy recovery. In Jesus name. “AMEN” 🙏✝️😇
I’m so sorry to hear you and your son have contracted this virus. I will join my prayers with all the others that you will both be well very soon!
Wanda, I just prayed for you, your family and your entire congregation. I had a severe case of Covid and handled it the same way… minus the ivermectin. You may want to ask your doctor about a pure fish oil that acts as a natural anti inflammatory and blood thinner. Just a thought. May the Lord bless you and yours.
Monoclonal infusion does work given to out patients. You’ll have to ask your doctor to arrange for it. Your son should be eligible with his Lyme disease. Also just read about IV of 10000 units of Vit. C. That’s if you are in the hospital. They will say it isn’t on their protocol. You will have to insist. Also Vit D 3 10000 IV and zinc. We are fighting a feroscious enemy. Raise up Your standard against this, Lord Jesus. I have been blessed by your blog.
You mentioned in your video address that COVID is curable with stuff they’ve been using for years. Why don’t you just take the cure then? Shouldn’t have to cancel the weekend. Also, have you tried laying hands or speaking in tongues? That helped when I got rabies. Fixed me right up.
Praying for you, your son and congregants’ full healing and full recovery!
Praying for all of you!!
Praying for your family and friends.
May the Mighty hand of Jesus cover you, your son and your entire family. The enemy is so furious with the remnant that remains faithful to the cause of Christ. The enemy roars, but Jesus reigns! Can’t wait to hear what God is sharing with you. Remain strong dear sister in Christ.
In Him,
I am so sorry that you and your family are sick. Praying for speedy healing and for the calming Spirit of the Lord on your son and also for peace of mind for you Wanda.
Isaiah 57:19
Ask doctor for the IV infusion of antibodies. My cousin is a pastor and has it currently as well. He said that IV infusion was a total game changer.
Prayers for you, family, and friends. Health and peace!!
Pray for you, your son, family & congregation. 🙏🏼
Dear Wanda…praying for complete healing for you and your son. Pray that this recovery will be quick and you will feel the strong, tangible presence of God showering you with His love, peace, and comfort. We declare your minds will be at peace knowing God is healing and restoring your bodies fully. We declare and decree there will not be any lingering effects …. your bodies will be made perfectly new in the name and blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you Father fir healing Wanda, her son, and all members of their church. Put a hedge if protection around Wanda’s husband and other family members In Jesus name we pray. AMEN
My prayers are with you, your son, & church body for a quick healing. You are a blessing & I greatly appreciate all you are doing.
Wanda, I remember your last post where the rainbow was in your back yard almost like a heavenly manifestation! I think God gives us these signs to remind that his covenant is strong! My 19 yr old daughter too has 2 auto immune issues and she just got over COVID. She refused to take nothing for it though we got her the protocol medicines just in case! Infuriating but God keeps forcing me to remember He is in control not medicines!! I pray for a full and speedy recovery for all of you!!🙏🏻😊
Praying for healing for you and your son!
Praying for swift recovery for Nathan and yourself Wanda . . Blessings!
Peter and Janet Hill
Praying for you and your family. Claiming complete and swift healing for you, your son and anyone else effected. God bless. Will continue to pray. Blessings.
We pray for you and your family🙏❤️
My husband and I are praying for you, your family and your congregation. My husband had Covid earlier this year and he followed this medical protocol and it worked; along with prayer. We continue to take it monthly. I took it while caring for him and even with health issues, did not become ill. God has blessed us with medications that fight this virus!
Thank you for all you do to provide us with God inspired inspiration, information and instruction. I enjoy your videos, books, and messages; they are so helpful in growing my life with my Savior. May God bless you and heal you and restore you completely, in Jesus’ name.
Lisa Ricketson Griffin
I am praying for you all….also take Hydrocloraquin. we took both when we had it and have zero lasting effects. I come against covid and curse it from the root. I speak health, healing and recovery over you all.