That which our spiritual adversary has been allowed to do on the earth has brought many hardships and heartaches. It has been a painful process. Yet, it has awakened the masses to demonic schemes and agendas laid out for years.

Lucifer and his hordes have plotted and planned for generations to take out the sons of the earth. Those he controls are addicted to the power they have seized. Thinking they have free reign, these demonically inspired agents have cast off restraint, and cared little about repercussions. Like starving rats drawn to food, they have come into the open where all can now see the source of their madness. Their Fallen Master has convinced them he is able to alter the future, promote their agendas, and even change his own fate. And yet, the Father of Lies is blind.

Reaping the results of his own deception, he has no idea what’s coming. Deceived by his own vanity and pride, he has miscalculated his reach by believing his own lie.

He has no idea of the trap that has been set.

His own Creator has known from the start what Morning Star would do. The One who has watched from the beginning foresaw this collision of expectations and planned for it. Though the road has been long and the cost has been high, the reward will be great.The oppressive regime paying homage to Satan is about to collide with the Spirit of Truth and the Fear of the Lord. The centuries-long plans woven together by the dark lords of the underworld are about to unravel. The web of deception is but a flimsy mirage that is blown away with but one breath of the Living God.

Do not fear the darkness, for He who is King often works in cover of night. While the devils have been preoccupied with their prey, the Captain of the Host has been positioning His armies. Our adversary has been lured to the bait and the snap of the trap will be heard as these creatures are caught and their network of lies dismantled and destroyed.

This illusion of power is about to break. The trap has been set.



Over the weekend, the Lord told me to offer my PDF download, SECURING YOUR CITY WITH THE SCEPTER, FREE. This PDF includes all 12 prayer guides to my book, MOVING FROM SWORD TO SCEPTER. Because of the urgency for prayer these days, I wanted to to EXTEND THIS OFFER TO YOU. This is only good until tomorrow night, November 2, at midnight (Eastern Time USA).

Use the coupon code:
this PDF download FREE

Expires Monday night at 12 midnight, Eastern Time USA.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


20 Responses

  1. Wow! Thank you Wanda for this marvelous prayer guide! I always look forward to your email messages, they bring hope and light. (They also challenge me to dig deeper)

  2. Amen!! I am seeing the bright light of the new heaven and new earth emerging in my spirit and in my life as we watch God deconstructing the Lies of the Deceiver all around us. Praise the Lord! We rise all for His Glory! Very exciting times!! Thank you Wanda!

  3. Thank you so very much for this generous gift….strategic guidelines for prayer for our nations and cities. I am most appreciative and it will be used…not only for my personal use, but to share with others as we press forward to see His kingdom come on this earth as it is in heaven. Blessings to you and all that you do on behalf of the body of Christ.

  4. Wow, I always look forward to your messages and this one is so encouraging! Oppressive regime doing satans work, is so true. Can’t wait for God to take them down!

  5. Excellent post, Wanda! Timely encouragement for the Body of Christ. I sent this out to our pastors and intercessors. Thank you for your steadfastness to hear from the Lord! Blessings, Christine K

  6. Thank you Ms Wanda for your generous free offer. I greatly appreciate it very much and I will try my best to make good use of it.

  7. Hi Wanda, I purchased your study ‘Getting Free from the Religious Spirit….’. May I print out the checkpoints, the related scriptures and the prayers to distribute to my small group as we study this?

  8. Thank you Wanda for your free offer. I downloaded it as soon as I could. I respect your balanced perspectives and teaching.

  9. Thank You for securing Your City. You have been an answer to prayer. needed a mentor and you have helped me with my gifting and you did not even know it.

  10. Dear Wanda, thank you for the free offer..praying with you all for America…love and prayers from the Philippines🙏🕎😘

  11. Thank you, Wanda for your free download on praying for the nation. I use it as a guide during my times of intercession and feel like my prayers have a true foundation of His promises.

  12. Thank you Wanda! We are planning to do some intense intercessory prayer for Salt Lake City and the state of Utah. This will be so valuable.
    In general, I am so impressed with your ability to discern, disseminate and share with your listeners. You are a remarkable teacher and prophet.

  13. Me Wanda I did try to download last week several times when you told us that on you tube but would not accept the code word prayer . I thought I sent a note asking what to do.

  14. Amen! Please, brothers and sisters do not relax, keep vigilant, continue in prayer-without ceasing! Sound the shofar and continue the attack. King Jesus is on the Throne! Forever!

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