Are we headed into “dark days” and “troubling times?” Are we going to see an Antichrist arise that takes us into a Great Tribulation? Or are we headed into days of Holy Spirit manifestations with the Church rising up in power and authority? Our beliefs about the “last days” greatly affect how we interpret current events. It’s time we dig a little deeper to examine the popular End Times narratives to see which way we’re headed.
I recently re-read the book, VICTORIOUS ESCHATOLOGY, by Harold Eberle and Martin Trench. We have had Harold Eberle to our church and have been blessed by his amazing teaching gift and prophetic perspective. In this book he and Trench challenge the popular “pre-tribulation rapture” doctrine by examining Scripture, the Church fathers, and history itself. They present compelling evidence that suggests everything that was prophesied in Matthew 24 (as well as much of Daniel and Revelation) has already come to pass. They provide a totally different narrative than what many popular books and movies have told us concerning the days we live in.
In a nutshell they believe: 1) In Matthew 24, Jesus was prophesying very specifically to that generation about the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70 – not some future end-times event. 2) The signs He spoke of pointed to the earth-shaking shift from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, of which the Temple’s demise would confirm. 3) The disciples were the ones living in the “last days” of this old system and witnessed, firsthand, the advent of the new. 4) Instead of waiting for an Antichrist to appear and a Great Tribulation to occur, the government of His Kingdom is expanding with power and authority as He places all His enemies underneath our feet, preparing us for His physical return.
For some, this view of the “End Times” will be a huge stretch. And yet, I personally believe we need to acknowledge how powerful our endtimes filters have become in rightly interpreting the times. I have often said, it is not time for the Chuirch to leave but to lead. Unfortunately, with half of the Body of Christ waiting to be raptured out of our troubles, we are not united in our cause. Until we reexamine our beliefs about our future, we will be weak and ineffective in engaging in the public square and fulfilling our commission.
At a time when the enemy desperately wants us to be fearful of impending destruction, it’s critical that we know our true destiny. I realize that this may be a “sacred cow” for some and that we may not all agree on our conclusions. But, I would hope we could all agree of the power of the resurrected Christ within us to face our Goliaths and overcome our enemies, instead of hiding away, secretly hoping for calvary’s rescue.
I believe we have entered a Kingdom Age where the knowledge of His glory is going to eventually cover the entire earth. Instead of getting ready to be “taken out” we are being prepared to “go in!” I pray we can all go in together.
But He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time onward until His enemies be made a footstool for His feet. (Hebrews 10:12 ESV)
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25 Responses
I agree with regarding the so called rapture. So where/ when does the Wedding Supper of the Lamb fit into your end times eschatology. Not sure how to frame my question, but hope you will understand. Blessings. Thank you so much for your teaching and prophetic insights.
Thank you very much, Wanda! I am so pleased you chose to write about this! I agree with you 100% on this. I recently finished reading Victorious Eschatalogy, along with quite a few other partial preterist books, and I am so encouraged because it seems to make so much sense based on the Bible and Jesus’ own words.I appreciate you and your ministry!
Hi Wanda or whom ever reads these emails:
Recently I purchased under (John Kratz, which is me) your “on sale” series of Dream Interpretation. I down loaded the first module, went out of town and latter came back to the secured area, couldn’t seem to get in or understand where I coud get help, So I am asking kindly for me to receive the modules 2, 3 and 4 of that series which i paid for. Please respone at your leasure, I realize we are on holiday and do not want to overburden you with process/logistics issues. Any help you could give me to receive the balance of the material would be much appreciated. Enjoy your fresh spirit on “end times” and agree 100%, thank you.
You are not interpreting Harold Eberlestheological position correctly. He never says there is no hell he says that scripture does not support someone living eternally in that state.
“he says that scripture does not support someone living eternally in that state” – this is dangerous false doctrine that opposes the Biblical teaching of eternal punishment that JESUS taught!!
I so appreciate your thoughts on end time theology. I first heard this when attending a church in my early 20’s. My pastor was influenced by the late Ern Baxter who had a kingdom theology and that Jesus was returning for a glorious bride. I do not think the rapture is soon and a mistake for Christians to be so hung up on it instead of being about His business. Every generation has thought we were in the very last days. There is much for the church to accomplish before Jesus comes back.
Wanda, I know Harold personally so I won’t comment on him. Love him and his wife though. I will say this though. I’m 68 years old now and have seen it all from a church perspective. Ministers in my family and ex minister myself. I’m worried about the division in the body. We are either the remnant digging in for battle, remnant still drinking from the creek, rapture seekers just to get out of here, or oblivious believers just going to church with no bothers or expectations. The Church is scattered like sheep with no shepherds.
I disagree that the majority are rapture seekers only. The Gideon remnant never put down the fearful who went home. Point is, the whole nation benefited from the 300 going to battle. Victory for all no matter where they were on the believer spectrum. The church gets divided when our pride says we are right and you are wrong. Guess what? Jesus is coming no matter what. Pre post or mid. Just be ready. Be the remnant, I am, and if my fight and my prayers are for the kingdom then we all win and share in the same victory.
Thanks for sharings, Charles. I totally agree about the division. Sad but true. I’m glad to hear you don’t think the majority are rapture seekers. I’ve actually never considered a percentage:-). Love your approach in simply being ready and being the remnant! Amen!
BTW, thankful for your ministry and I encourage you to press on. We are with you and I applaud you for allowing us to comment. Very rare.
This was excellent! I was raised on dispensational theology but have questioned it for most of my adult life for the reasons you stated. This was eye opening for me and answered many questions. I even ordered the book! Thank you for such good teaching and for providing this clarity.
I appreciate your concern, Lynn, but I disagree with your assessment of his teaching. My husband, a pastor, has done some deeper study into this particular issue and even spoken with Harold about it. Based on conversation and further study with other scholars, we are reexamining some presuppositions we’ve had about hell. Harold’s commitment is in holding fast to what is specifically stated in Scripture – not adding ideas or interpretations from our own understanding or preference.
Wanda, it is not true that he is holding fast to scripture and that he’s not adding his own ideas or interpretations. He clearly teaches annihilation plain in clear in this video. You are treading dangerous ground inviting him to your church and entertaining any of his teachings. This is foundational teaching for the great falling away. Not to mention his “father son” teaching that denies that sin separates us from God and distorts the teaching of the cross and sacrifice of Jesus.
I just listened to this video from Erberle. I heard a man talk about different interpretations of scripture and asked people to make up their own minds. Nothing wrong with that
Understanding this was such a relief for me! I am now free to act on what God has been putting on my heart for awhile now, but without the “facts” (Until my wife bought the book.) I have never believed in the rapture. As for as a merciless everlasting torture in hell, my merciful God is not like that. “Do not fear him who can kill the body. Fear Him who can DESTROY both soul and body in hell.” (Being put out of their unrepentant misery.) That everlasting torture is described in The Divine Comedy of Dante’s Inferno at ridiculous length. It was a comedy making fun of the Catholic church. It was accepted as doctrine.
Wanda, I appreciate that you allow comments from people who disagree with you. Seeing opposition helps me practice discernment, because it clues me into the need for further examination, and for testing statements with Scripture. So helpful!
Also, thank you for continuing to point us to God’s heart–knowing Him, seeking Him, trusting Him. So often, His love comes through the words that you’re speaking and writing. And Your faithfulness to Him is making a difference.
Fabulous teaching on end times! I agree and admit that we have been taught one view of the rapture to get us “out” before it gets too bad. Thank you for inspiring me to dig deeper in this area of Gods Word.
Thank you, Wanda, I am 75 years old and because eschatology was taught in my church with our Scofield Bibles in our laps by brilliant Dallas Theological Seminary graduates in our pulpit, I was drenched in the pre-tribulation rapture teaching. I want to add something and that is that those who widely taught this were opposed to the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. That’s not to say that they were not born again, but when a person denies the workings of the Holy Spirit and is not open to hear the whole counsel of God they are apt to teach out of their intellect. In my opinion the pre-tribulation rapture teaching has caused the church to become complacent and that must change. You addressed this subject very well.
Thank you for the teaching on End Time events!
As a pastor’s daughter, I was always taught pre-trib rapture. I’m open to other positions, however I don’t understand why this teaching stopped at Matthew 24:36. The rest of this chapter talks about what would appear to be a rapture, where some are taken and some are left behind. Why did the teaching not continue and discuss how this philosophy explains this?
Wanda: I appreciate the courage you have shown by declaring a victorious eschatology. My favorite author who introduced me to this view of history more than 30 years ago.. and was the late David Chilton in his landmark book Paradise Restored, followed by a complete commentary on Revelation called, “Days of Vengeance”. Both are game changers.
As far as the rapture concept… I simply rely on what Jesus said 4 times in John 6 about the resurrection… “I will raise them up on the last day”. No matter what language you use… Greek, Aramaic, English… the Last Day is the last day of history, the end. Game, set, match. And, in John 12:48 He states that he will judge them at the Last Day. So, Jesus returns and the resurrection and the judgement all happen on the Last Day. Any other interpretation is not truthful but rather deceptive in order to fit into some doctrine which is not biblical.
Acts 3:21 says that Jesus must remain in Heaven until after God restores everything in creation. (restored to even better than the original creation). We have been lied to for more than 150 years by the rapture teaching that originated as a result of a young girl’s dream and then promoted as doctrine by the faux theologian John Darby.. and later adopted into the study notes of the Scofield bible warping seminaries throughout most of the evangelical world.
We are about to awaken to a whole new view of end times. His Kingdom will increase until it fills the whole earth. False doctrines are about to be revealed for the sham they have been and the damage they have done to the progress of the Gospel.
We are entering the Final World Order. Romans 8:19 – The entire universe is standing on tiptoe,yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters! It is a fact, the kingdoms of this world are becoming the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ. Total victory is at hand.
Hi Wanda, This was the first time I was exposed to this view of end times Theology. I found it fascinating and you had inspired me to look deeper. I really appreciate your teaching and positivity in these crazy times
I never did understand how the “preterist” view of the end times squares with the apostle Paul’s comments…”Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump…”
I liked your view on things.
However, my eyes were enlightened to the new movie on Netflix called “Don’t look up” -a comet going to hit the earth- and the actors represent today’s politicians.
Tom Horn and Perry Stone talk about the comet that is coming in 2029. We really are in end times.
Harold Eberble teaches that sin doesn’t separate us from God. He calls that idea a myth.
Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God;
And your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.
The fact that our sin separates us from God is one of the most basic Christian tenants!
I’ve examined Eberle’s teachings on six separate doctrinal points and he’s in error on every one of them.
Don’t be fooled by this guy!
When someone comes along with unorthodox teachings, RUN! There’s a good reason that certain teachings have been orthodox for centuries.
Eberle will point you to the Church Fathers and all of that to try to prove his point. There’s an excellent video on YouTube that shows that Eberle only partially quotes some of the Church Fathers to make it appear that they believe like he does. When you hear the whole quote in context it actually goes against what Eberle is trying to make them say!
More importantly we don’t need Church Fathers to tell us what doctrine to believe. We have the scriptures for that.
2 Timothy 3:16- All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.