“Many of us feel like we’re in some kind of twilight zone of uncertainty. Major things are shifting in the spirit. Nothing is ‘normal’ anymore and the enemies of God are working hard at unsettling us. And yet, I believe it is the Lord who is inviting us into unfamiliar places for a much greater purpose. He wants us to see Him in ways we’ve never seen Him before…This is not the time to play it safe. Stop looking back at what ‘once was’ and consider what heaven is about to reveal. Let go of the familiar and dare to pursue the greater things ahead.” (“This is Not the Time to Play it Safe,” March 26, 2021)

This word from over a year ago was not just an observation, but an invitation; an invitation to embrace this journey with anticipation, not dread. An invitation to consider the possibilities ahead and not look back. An invitation to the pioneers and risk-takers to venture into the storm, believing the destination would be well worth the cost of the journey.

We are already in unfamiliar territory. As a nation and as believers in Christ, we’ve never been this way before. All that we once knew to be “normal” seems to have slipped from our fingers, blown away by unexpected winds of change and opposition. Everything in our daily lives has been disrupted by powers beyond our control. And yet, we must see that the One who is carrying us along through these turbulent currents of change is not our enemy, but our Friend.

He rode on a cherub and flew; He came swiftly on the wings of the wind. He made darkness His covering, His canopy around Him, thick clouds dark with water. (Psalm 18:10-11 ESV)

In His infinite wisdom and foresight, it is God Himself who is blowing these winds of adversity and directing the storms of uncertainty. It is His hand of providence that is directing the affairs of men and leading us through the unfamiliar towards an outcome that is beyond our natural comprehension. Though our adversaries may believe they are responsible for the increasing clouds of chaos and confusion, it is the Creator of those clouds who has clothed Himself in the midst of them. “Clouds and thick darkness are all around Him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.” (Psalm 97:2 ESV) It is HE who speaks to the elements and commands the realms unseen. It is HE who is Master of all and servant to none. He wears the storms as the mantle of a Champion. His eyes are fixed on the destination ahead and nothing can stop His advance to victory.

Even more important, He invites us to ride on the storm clouds with Him and join Him in the charge through this unfamiliar territory. We are not merely observers of His workings, but seated beside Him. With pleasure in His eyes, He hands us the reins to ride on these storms and take lead to the finish. He reminds us He has given us charge over His enemies! They are beneath us, not over us, and He is using their darkness against them! The momentum they believe they’ve attained has only served to fuel these storms for His greater plan. For those who look with eyes of the spirit, He has turned their storms into the very vehicles that are propelling us to victory! Our willingness to press in to the unfamiliar defies those who seek to blow us off course and unseat us from our position in the spirit. It is our determination to pass through the storms that will bring us to a destination we never expected.

In spite of the winds and the opposition that seeks to take us out, there is a truth the enemy has forgotten. We were made for the storm. He who spoke them into existence and blows them at will, has imparted that same Spirit to those He calls His own. It is we, the storm-riders, who carry the wind of His Spirit, driving all others into submission and calling the chaos into order for His divine purpose. He has given us charge to ride the storm to the finish and receive His promise. Do not despise the storm. Harness it, and ride it to the end to receive the Champion’s reward!


Watch my latest video where I process the voices we listen to and how to establish a firm foundation of faith:

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


6 Responses

  1. What an awesome word! What a great word!! So powerful!!
    I want to be a “rider of the storm” and encourage others to be!!
    Thank you, dear heart!!

  2. Thank you, that was a timely word on a day when I was being attacked by the enemy. I enjoy your ministry very much. You always seem to have a word that goes with what the Lord has been dealing with me about. God bless you.

  3. Thank you Wanda for the wisdom and counsel you bring to all of us. I want to share a link to a song our Intercessory Worship team wrote in April, Ride the Storm. It was on Resurrection Day, I sensed the Holy Spirit ask me during Sunday service, why are you fearful? You can’t stop what is coming. You can face the storm with Me or you can ride the storm. https://youtu.be/b-Ldd4P0Qgs
    Blessings to you in Jesus.

  4. Good Word Wanda !!! A quick summary: “How to make lemonade out of lemons . . . Get involved… don’t hold back. . . .embrace the change. . . .”be ready with the hope that lies within you”.

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