Is not My word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?

At a time when many claim to speak for Me and many more try to censor Me, this is the hour when MY WORD WILL COME FORTH AS FIRE. Look and listen, for My Word will be set apart from every other word that men speak. Not because it is predictive, politically correct, or promotional. The Word I speak will be set apart because it carries holy FIRE. My righteousness brings fire and My holiness purifies men’s hearts. Listen for My Word, for it will BRING THE FIRE and it will BRING THE HEAT.

No longer will I tolerate the mixture from men who have watered down my Word and edited out My judgments. My Word cannot be controlled, debated, or changed. Those who speak My Word will be set apart from those who mix My Word with human understanding, for My pure ones will burn with passion and ignite hearts once dead.

My Word is being sent forth as a FLAMING SWORD to burn up My enemies and consume those who oppose Me. This fire cannot be quenched by de-platforming My servants or suppressing My voice. I alone am King of the airwaves and Master of the media, and My voice WILL NOT BE MUTED!  I am setting My Word on fire through purified hearts and sanctified voices. As My Word is spoken, it will bring down powers and principalities, and all will feel the heat of My Presence.

Do not play with My fire! Those who attempt to speak My Word with compromised hearts and self-centered egos will find their words burning their own tongues. For My Word cannot be man-handled or manipulated. It is flaming Truth and is sent forth to destroy every lie, deception, and half-truth that masquerades as Me. This Refiner’s fire cannot be tamed.

I am alive, and My Word is alive! In this war of information, it is My Word that will override every other word and nullify all lesser words from the minds of men and the mouths of sorcerers. Watch and see how My Living Word manifests. Know that when the Word on Fire is spoken, enemies melt like wax and altars of both demons and gods fall as ashes.

You cannot alter My intention or change My mind. My Word is coming forth as a consuming fire. It will not be stopped and it will not be hindered. The earth has no choice but to receive it, for the sword is ablaze.  

Therefore, let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


16 Responses

  1. badly needed as He knows. the most prominent and numerous criticism I hear of modern day “prophets” is that not only do many contradict each other but they don’t line up with scripture. He’s coming for a bride that’s pure without spot or wrinkle and the modern community (ekklesia/qahal) has a long way to go

  2. Sobering and wonderful. Thank you! Last thing I want is compromise in my heart, or to water down or change God’s Word when I speak. May there always be that supernatural guard at my mouth!

  3. MY Word is a consuming ???? fire. You cannot contain it, stop it or prevent it from reaching My destination. God is telling us he rules this world. Stop God! Many have tried and many have died. Enough! You are destroying my babies, my little children. You will pay with your demon possessed lives unless you repent now, ask for forgiveness,and confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior. ( This was what I heard )

  4. This confirms what I was meditating on today. Different voices have referred to October fire. Perhaps God was referring to His remnant; that will rise up in authority to push back darkness. The Word of God is the bread we eat that becomes a sword in our mouth Is. 49:2 ????

  5. This is a right on the mark word to be taken very seriously and a strong confirmation of Jeremiah 23:29 Word that has been before me over an over these past months. Watch and see the awesome power in His Word unfold.

  6. I thank God for you Wanda. I began reading your posts on IFA , & have followed you for the last two years. God Bless & Keep You, for your voice and leadership are needed!

  7. Thank you dearest Wanda, this is a wonderful word that you have spoken over us today from the Lord. I believe it is directly from his mouth to our ears so thank you for being the vessel that he has used. may the Lord continue to bless you and keep you make his face to shine upon you and give you peace. Thank you again Wanda love Jackie

  8. I am very careful as to who I listen to. You, Dutch Sheets, Johnny Enlow, Bill Johnson are some of the few. You are all very wise and discerning and I love you guys.

  9. WANDA, a powerful word…..a word of encouragement to GOD’s “sold out” ones….half in and half out WILL NO LONGER WORK, for the LORD has spoken CLEARLY here.

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