And He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He marveled because of their unbelief.

Many in the mainstream Church have become stuck in unbelief, unable and unwilling to hear some painfully hard truths. For some in the Body of Christ, the Trump prophecies have become a stumbling block and offense. Prophetic words about his role in this national crisis have become a log in their eyes, preventing them from seeing the much larger war being waged both in the heavenlies, as well as on the ground.

The fact is, this is not merely about getting a rightfully elected President back in office. This is about a global conflict that far surpasses any election cycle. Where the Plandemic may have woken many to the depopulation plan of the globalists, there are many who are still blind to the counterfeit agendas we’ve been fed for generations. And even though it is right to pray for revival and spiritual awakening in this hour, we cannot expect any lasting effect if we do not acknowledge the evil that’s right in front of us.


Every area of our culture has been infiltrated by enemy insurgents with a clear mission to dominate and control us. For those willing to take a look, it shouldn’t be hard to see the fruit of these works of darkness:

Medicine: With almost two years’ worth of hard data to prove its effect, Covid has finally been exposed as a planned bio-weapon, prepared years in advance, aimed at our destruction and demise. Not only have world health organizations fed us lies for years, but big Pharma has also proven to be complicit in many horrendous crimes against humanity.

Education: Parents have finally woken up to the indoctrination plans for our children. Curriculums are being exposed and textbooks are being unveiled in counties across this nation for their debased and liberal ideologies aimed at demoralizing the next generation and removing God from our collective conscience.

Business: Not only are entire financial systems being exposed as fuel lines for the greedy elite, big tech companies and conglomerates are being unmasked for their plans of economic domination and the absolute destruction of local businesses and private enterprise.

Entertainment: Hollywood is no longer hiding its demonic agenda, but openly promoting satanic practices and rituals on screen. The plan to desensitize this next generation to the dark arts has been well under way for the last twenty years and people have finally had enough.

Family: Through the promotion of transgenderism and the literal castration of our children, we are finally seeing the ultimate goal of the woke ideology. Removing parental rights and legalizing childhood sterilization has only served to awaken the Mama and Papa bears who say NO MORE.

Government: The mountain of evidence concerning election fraud is overwhelming. The fact that even the most obvious cases of voter manipulation have not been proven in court only serves to strengthen the case for the deeply embedded subversion at every level of our legal system.

Media: All the major mainstream outlets are going bankrupt. The mockingbird prophets have been identified and now displaced by citizen journalists across many new social media platforms that welcome free speech. We the People have found our voice and are pioneering our own media outlets to spread the truth to all who will listen.

Religion: The Church has been severely tested these last two years and has been found wanting. Congregations have been shuttered and pastors have stepped down because of apathy and compromise. In communities across the nation, Christians are searching for leaders who will take a stand and champion righteous rule in the midst of wicked rulers.


It should be fairly clear to anyone who takes an honest look that our nation has been hijacked. The Covid lie and election fraud are but the tip of the iceberg – and the treason is global.

But, though many have awoken to the Luciferian agenda aimed at enslaving us, there are still many others who have either refused to open their eyes or are too frustrated and tired to listen. Though loved ones have tried to rouse these sleepers to consciousness with verifiable facts and figures, they have simply turned over and gone back to sleep. They have decided there’s no point. It’s either too late, too overwhelming, or too hard. Whether fed by fear or sheer apathy, an entire segment of our population still refuses to believe.

And on the Sabbath He began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things? What is the wisdom given to Him? How are such mighty works done by His hands? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” And they took offense at Him. And Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor, except in His hometown and among His relatives and in His own household.’” And He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. An He marveled because of their unbelief.


Jesus faced a similar challenge of waking up sleepers in His own hometown. The spirit of unbelief He encountered was staggering. The message He brought was offensive to what was familiar. The questions they raised had little to do with the truths He brought. Rather, it was their own customs and mindsets of the past that blinded them to these new claims of authority over demons and freedom from oppressors. They were actually offended that He dared challenge the status quo. Even Jesus, the Prophet, could do “no mighty work” because of their unbelief.  

Obviously, their lack of faith did not change His ultimate authority or ability to overcome the darkness. It merely limited their ability to receive the truth for themselves. This is what familiar ideologies and belief systems to do us – they blind us. Those ideas and practices that have become “family” to us cripple our ability to perceive – and receive – something new.

And He went about among the villages teaching. And He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.


We can take heart from Jesus’ example. Even as He recognized the spirit of unbelief at work, His mission was not deterred. Jesus wasn’t going to waste any more time on those who weren’t willing. He was looking for those who were. Immediately following His disappointment in Nazareth, He commissioned His followers to keep going. Using the authority He had given them, they were to continue spreading His message with demonstrations of power. Where words might fall on deaf ears, Kingdom demonstrations could break the spell.

I believe what’s needed to overturn the unbelief that has blinded many to the truth, is to press in for demonstrations of Kingdom authority and power. More than simply speaking the truth, we need to demonstrate it in ways that can only be attributed to God. People need to see Him at work in tangible ways. They need to personally encounter the power of His Spirit. And we need to pray for the visible validation of all these works of darkness to settle the issues once and for all.

Just as Jesus sent out His disciples to preach and demonstrate the Kingdom, so is He urging us to press in for those “greater things” (John 14:12). Rather than feeling defeated by the sleepers among us, we must look for those who are hungry for truth. We can trust His Spirit to lead us to those who are open and ready to hear the truths that can set them free.

The power of faith is tangible, and it can bring heaven to earth. Let’s break through the unbelief in our land by operating in the opposite spirit. Faith overcoming the world is not just a biblical concept – it’s a reality that wields great power in the spirit. Let’s use it to move some mountains and take down some giants. Maybe the felling of these beasts will be loud enough to finally wake up the sleepers.

And my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


30 Responses

  1. The Truth can be hard to take, especially when all we thought we knew is now The Lie!
    My heart is in Prayer for voices like yours to lift us up and teach us the Truth… Which is Gods word, his
    Love letters need to be heard.
    Thank you

  2. That word was totally awesome. I love watching your videos on Rumble and reading your words from the Lord. So happy to have a true woman of God that speaks the Word of God and lives by it.
    Thank you so much.

  3. Thank You, WANDA…You have brought the Truth to light…..We needed to hear this message….The knowledge of THE TRUTH will set each of us FREE—if we will only accept it and move according to the Divine guidance of ALMIGHTY GOD.

  4. Great insight, Wanda…

    only one thing that i disagree with: you wrote “They were actually offended that He dared challenge the status quo. Even Jesus, the Prophet, could do “no mighty work” because of their unbelief.”

    Shouldn’t that read, “Even Jesus, The Lord”? or “Even Jesus, The Messiah”?

    Kind Regards,
    candy bowen

  5. Great word Wanda. I agree with everything you said. Jonathan Cahn’s ‘Return of the gods’ is an excellent overview of all that is happening. God bless you and your ministry.

  6. Awesome information.
    You are doing a great job
    I feel I am informed, (pretty much.)
    I started with Dutch Sheets , then Robin,
    Then you ????Johnny Enlow and Kat Kerr ! I share with anyone who is open.
    My family who thought I was nuts, now is waking up. ????????❤️????

  7. This is the best synopsis I’ve read of the past 3 years. Thank you for your research. It is troubling that an individual can find this information if they do a little digging but won’t. It’s troubling that an individual can listen to what others share but refuse to consider the implications. It’s troubling that most churches never address these concerns. God have mercy and help us. Open ears to hear. Open eyes to see. Remove the veil that covers the heart and mind. Give understanding. IJNA

  8. Wanda I am exhausted trying to wake my family up these past 2 years. These are otherwise intelligent, kind people who are just getting up and going to work every day and don’t want to have anything more to think about. They live for the weekend. Some are just still so hung up on D’s and R’s destroying the Govt. Of course I am absolutely crazy and I am very close to apathy and rolling over to go back to sleep because nothing has appeared to happen and I can’t prove anything I know. I am not living and I need to change that. All this has brought me is depression and doubt. My faith in mankind is nil. If this is going to be fixed it will take a move of God. Mankind will not or cannot fix this.

    1. Praying for you and your family Rita. I highly recommend Wanda’s book – her book is broken up into sections with scripture and prayers to pray. It is a wonderful resource.
      God is your light and Love. Pray and praise him daily – let his love fill you up and replace the darkness.

  9. I loved your video today. It is always a huge blessing when you put out a new one. I watch and share with all of my contacts who will listen. All of my friends love your messages. This is not a criticism, but a question. We know that YouTube management is woke, far left, anti-Christian, and even unpatriotic. Maybe worse than that, we know that their rules and censoring of possible life saving information from being available during the time when thousands of Americans needed truth about Remdesivir and the alternate therapeutics, possibly caused thousands to die alone, because information that could have saved them was censored and prevented from getting into the hands of thousands who needed help. Yet, knowing all of this, most ministers, who are on Telegram, Rumble, and other mediums, refuse to drop You Tube. That’s like Christians continuing to buy Nike products, as though it wouldn’t make a difference if millions of us refused to ever buy another Nike item, knowing the horrible conditions in which they are made. I am not understanding why all Christians don’t drop You Tube. Before Rumble, I get it, but now, why are we helping them get wealthier and staying on top? Christians can surely do better than this. We fuss about the masks, rightfully so, and we complain about shutting down the churches, but the same ones continue still continue to support and help finance an ungodly outlet like You Tube, when the other are now well known and popular enough to meet their needs. We should be better than this.

  10. Great word for today! Thanks for the backup links as well. If only the ‘deaf’ would hear truth and stop believing the liars who shout to be heard Over the rest of us. You are a mighty voice whose consistent message encourages all who ARE listening. Thank you!

  11. Hey Wanda,
    Just watched your Video that accompanies this Blog post. You mentioned the rumble video of Juan, Nino and Loy Brunson. I listened to Juan’s take this on Ethan Lucas last Sunday, where he referenced the Nino video with Loy Brunson and could not accessing it unless through Nino’s pay wall. Do you have a direct link you could post here?

    1. Just listened to Elijah Streams with Juan 0 7. He did a nice job of explaining the Brunson case before the SCOTUS. It brought back to mind the Dana Coverstone prophesy in late 2020 about the date 12/12. In summary: ‘Congressmen(women) surrounding a casket in the capitol rotunda. They were all holding their shoes in-hand and then exiting the site, someone of them running out from among them and seen shaking a fist at the white house’. He didn’t say who it was. I think he was ridiculed for that prophetic dream being wrong back then. I thought, 12/12 of which year…maybe this?

  12. Interestingly, just before the ’20 COV scare, an article popped up in late ’18 in our professional mag. about a ‘new’ corona v. variant in horses they’d found; mentioned developing a vaccine. All species have ‘species specific’ corona viruses that affect them. Few need vaccinations against it, because these large viruses the immune system recognizes and easily kicks out. In dogs, puppies receive 1 dose of corona vax at 8 – 12 wks of age (“the puppy shot”), for which no booster is necessary. Even the immature immune system destroys it. Interestingly, cor. v. is most often a GI virus and in puppies the disease presents similarly to Parvo; as a mild case, easily treatable. The above-mentioned horse virus was reported as a respiratory variant of the [typically] innocuous GI virus that rarely affects horses. It was noted as being ‘novel’. Mentioned this to Dr. Judy M. at ReAwaken Am. in PA, and questioned if ‘they’ve’ been using the animal/pet populations as initial testing subjects on ‘things’. She smiled.

  13. Wanda:
    I have always since started to follow your teaching, ministry with website, facebook , telegram. Most direct honest and to my liking truthful and Biblical
    anyone could follow. It really takes a humble person to teach truth and humility to anyone. I believe I am awake and NOT woke to worldly views and politics.
    I really read and love your recent book “Words to Pray By. A wonderful guide to everyday living.

    YES. I think so too. quoted.

    It should be fairly clear to anyone who takes an honest look that our nation has been hijacked. The Covid lie and election fraud are but the tip of the iceberg – and the treason is global.

    A couple scripture verse I remember frequently in dealing with worldly views.
    Galatians 2:
    20. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
    21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
    Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

    A Reprobate Mind We know what a reprobate is; a person that rejects the Light of Christ and chooses to follow the darkness, so that person falls under condemnation and disapproval by God. Sin has a way of callousing our hearts.
    So MANY people live in this fog of reprobate, sometimes even I stand back and say whoa!

    May Grace and Mercy fall upon all who read this and to Wanda Alger & fmaily
    Jesus Come Quickly

  14. Hello again Wanda,
    I notice you’re no longer using previous WordPress site which made it very easy for me to re-blog your content – but I can read on Telegram.
    Your new site seems to be on WP platform so is there any way you could insert sharing buttons to its ‘Press This’ and to ‘Re-blog’?
    Thank you and looking forward to welcome news, meanwhile I’ll get this essential item posted as ‘Highly Recommended Reading’

      1. Richard – I spoke with my tech team, and because this is no longer a WordPress site, we don’t have the option to simply re-blog. There are sharing options, as usual, but I’m afraid it won’t be quite the same. Sorry! Thank you so much for continuing to share my content. I do hope one day to meet my brothers and sisters across the pond!!! Blessings to you!

    1. Yes, Richard – I’ve changed servers and have a new web host. But, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will pass this on to our technical team to see what they can do! Thanks so much – and blessings to you!!

  15. great article I am so grateful to have come across your videos on my youtube feed, such a breath of fresh air, i’ve been waiting for the church to wake up, thought i was losing my mind for a while. thank you for all you do

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