Through all my years of prophetic dreaming, I’ve never received a dream that suggested anything about Jesus’ return or any specific event preceding it. What I HAVE been consistently shown is that the Church is going to go through some massive overhauls and major changes. I’ve never had clarity concerning how or where this would fit into any timeline.  All I’ve known in my spirit is that the power and presence of the Lord is going to be experienced in unprecedented ways before His final return.

Then, last week I had a dream that was unlike any other. The Lord revealed His heart and His intention for the Body of Christ in these “last days” before the wedding of the Lamb…

In the dream I was in a large church. It was clear that the Holy Spirit had been ministering to people throughout the entire congregation. I saw people gathered in groups and huddles around the room, praying together and in deep fellowship. There was a blanket of God’s presence permeating the atmosphere as the people were ministering, one to another. I even saw one group spontaneously go to the platform and start laying hands on one another for healing. There was no focus on a speaker or special minister. I couldn’t even see a podium or any indication of a preacher that had incited this. This was a work of the Holy Spirit among the people, not led by any man.  

I was so struck by this demonstration of Spirit-led ministry, I wanted to take some pictures. But when I tried to take a picture, the lens would get fuzzy. I was frustrated that I couldn’t get this on camera to share. It was at this point I noticed that people had begun to move back to their seats as if preparing for something else. I also noticed that someone had started to turn off the stage lights. At first, I thought someone was trying to disrupt what was happening. But as I looked closer, I saw the leader of the House backstage giving the direction to turn off the stage lights. Evidently, things were being prepared for some kind of “finale.”  It seemed that everyone had been expecting this. There was now a fresh anticipation as people fixed their attention on a grand procession that was soon to start.

I was now positioned near the stage as if I was helping to prepare for what was to come. I distinctly knew there was an entire company backstage that had been strategically planning for this event. It was to be a grand entrance and procession with many attendants. I knew there was also a bride that had been planning and preparing for this event – for a long time. I now recognized that everything I had seen prior to this was simply the prelude for this grand event that was about to take place. THIS was the real highlight. I even knew the bride’s name, and it meant “darling,” or “dear one.”

But, just as everything seemed to be set for this grand entrance, the bride did something unexpected, apart from the planned procession. With great anticipation and longing, she came before the watching throng and began to lead them in spontaneous worship. Her heart was filled with joy and deep affection for this joining of hearts and lives. Though the anticipation of the wedding was great, the desire to share this profound love with the world couldn’t hold her back from expressing it and sharing it with those who came. She wanted everyone to know the depth of this union and that its reward was available to any and all who desired it.

The company backstage waited while the bride led the throngs in worship. Her love for the bridegroom was tangible and the spirit with which she communicated was contagious. Compared to the previous experiences that had just taken place, this newfound oneness in the Spirit brought an exponential weight of heaven’s glory. The joy she expressed was palpable as all were caught up into glorious adoration of the One that had captured their hearts so completely.

As I continued to watch and take in this unexpected eruption of worship, I suddenly remembered her gown as she had passed by. I had helped in the adjustments for her final fitting. I could clearly picture it in my mind because of an unusual detail. Down the side of her dress was a row of metal clasps – the kind you would see on heavy boots. I somehow knew that she had just come from battle and that this feature, often associated with military garb, had been a carefully designed part of her garment. I saw that the lower 2 or 3 clasps were open and I thought maybe they should be closed. But as I started to close them, my attention was directed to her walk, and I realized that the lower clasps had been specifically opened to give the bride even greater freedom of movement. It was this freedom and joy that she exhibited that lingered in my spirit when the dream ended.

I knew upon waking that I had been given a preview of what is to come. Each part of the dream illustrated a profound insight and revelation into God’s purposes for the Bride of Christ in the days ahead.

Even as the world around us is falling apart and darkness seems to prevail, there will be an increase in the presence and working power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is taking the spotlight off of celebrity ministers and giving the platform to His people. He is doing a sovereign work in the collective. The Holy Spirit is taking center stage and ministering deeply among those who are pure of heart and hungry for His presence. This is a time when the works and ministry of Jesus will be exponential as God’s people are empowered to minister, one to another. Healing and deliverance will be ministered as never before, and a love for the Body will become tangible and life-giving. This will not be a time of viewing from online or critiquing through social media, but a time of face-to-face ministry and in-person fellowship. And in this time of deep ministry among the Body, the anticipation of the Lord’s return will be treasured.

But then, as the lights go out and the stage is set, there will be an unexpected turn of events. The Bride of Christ, His “dear one,” will step up and lead one final and glorious demonstration of Perfect Love to the world. Out of a longing for all to know the power of this covenantal promise, the Bride will invite the world to know Him and join in a song of worship that is born of the Spirit and not of the flesh.

The very thing that will grant His Bride the authority to do this is the very warfare she has come through. Being uniquely fitted for the intense battles with the adversary, this Bride will come through the warfare victorious, without stain or blemish. Overcoming every scheme of the enemy, she will have gained the freedom to move without restriction, as led by the Spirit and not dictated by the systems of men. The attire that was needed for battle will be part of Her wedding garments as testament to Her fortitude, perseverance, and faith-filled love for the Bridegroom.

This is what the Father intends. Before His Son’s final entrance, it is the Father’s delight for the world to see the beauty of the Bride.

To reveal the glory of Her transformation before all who have shamed and persecuted her. To settle, once and for all, the intention of the Bridegroom to present His Bride, not just to the Father, but to the very world that needs her. In defeating her enemies, the Bride will exhibit a Love and Power that can no longer be denied. The oneness of Spirit she brings will cover the entire earth and become an open door for all who desire entrance.

This is the Father’s delight, the glory of the Son, and a supernatural working of the Spirit. A glorious and overcoming Bride given authority over nations to usher in the harvest.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


30 Responses

  1. So beautiful and hopeful. The shaking and revelations and cleansing regarding the church in this hour are preparing for this. We’re seeing it even in our local congregation in a small church. There are tremendously good things coming on the other side of this. Thanks Wanda for sharing this!

  2. Wonderful dream – I feel so far from being that Bride! Desiring to persevere, bearing fruit, and becoming the Bride you described to the very end! Thank you for sharing and giving me a vision and dream for prayer.

    1. Those who hunger and thirst for the Lord, WILL BE SATISFIED. Our beloved Lord puts this desire in our hearts to draw us ever closer to His heart and purposes!

  3. What an awesome and amazing dream! I’m doing a glory dance!!!! Thank You Jesus for giving Your Daughter this dream to share with Your Bride!!! ♥️❤️‍🔥♥️❤️‍🔥♥️❤️‍🔥

  4. Beautiful, beautiful picture! This so resonates with my spirit of what the beginning of the end will look like. Even the detail of the bottom few open clasps on the Bride’s dress so ease of movement can occur, is testimony of the Father’s heart for His Son’s Bride. The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me recently of Father’s sovereignty, that He will do things out of His own will and power, without permission or cooperation of His sons and daughters.

    Thanks Wanda for sharing this dream – it blessed & moved me. Dream on!

  5. The Lord is so good to us! Thank you for this vision/dream you have given to us, your Bride. Hardships come in many ways to shake us. It looks different in the West than to those believers in Iran, or Ethiopia. We aren’t prepared for that kind of persecution. It may be coming here. I see that is the only way the Bride who is made up of many different denominational groups will come together as one. I had a two separate dreams in the same season about 10 years ago. I live just outside Charlotte, NC. The first dream I was with a small group of people just having fellowship in my home. There was a knock on the door. As I opened a man said, “It’s time.” When I looked past him I could see in the distance that Charlotte was on fire. Burning as in rioters had set everything on fire. I knew in my spirit that this was my angel, even though he looked like an ordinary man. I knew I could trust him. He led all of us out into a maze. I then woke up. The next dream was within a few months of this first dream. In it, I was running in my pajamas to the Charlotte Panthers Stadium where people were gathering from all over the world to worship the Lord. No main band or leader…just all to lift our hearts to worship Jesus as one. The greeter at the entrance said I could go home and change because I still had time before it was starting. I woke up knowing this was to come…no denominational differences. All who love Jesus…the Remnant…coming as one to worship. As I said, neither of these have occurred yet. I believe both represent what will be at the “End Times.” First, the rioting, burning of cities, warfare all around, but not fearing…trusting in we will get direction through it. Second, the whole Bride coming together to just worship…but we had some time before it begins.

  6. Beautiful. The beauty of His plan leaves me without words. His love knows no bounds. What an honor to be chosen as His bride!

  7. The Lord gave me this word Oct23-23 the HolySpirit urged me to release it today on the Elijah Streams group on TruthSocial, after I read your dream and it confirmed why
    The time is near, the lines been drawn, choose this day who you will serve. War is raging in the unseen REALM between evil & good dark v.s light. Who’s your master? Will you let your covering be darkness? Possessed by demons operating in secrets & oppression as a slave! Or will you allow the HolySpirit to flood you with His revelation LIGHT? Walking in freedom as it is written “Now the Lord is the Spirit, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.(emancipation from bondage)” 2Cor3:17 We must choose to be about our Fathers business, abide in Him & He will abide in you. Ask now to be baptized by the fire of the HolyGhost, to be emptied out, to be filled to overflowing & empowered by the 7 fires of the HolySpirit, & that they burn at full capacity within you. To send are petitions of our prayer & supplication forth to our Heavenly Father, that we have received His Spirit He has been pouring out over us & are partnering our faith with it to be taken glory to glory advancing the kingdom of heaven on earth & in our lives.
    Causing revival to break out across the world, exposing & overthrowing the evil with Your light shining out of each gathering of the saints. Cleansing the land with the radiant splendor of Your Son, we cry out as one HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY WHO WAS, WHO IS, & WHO HAS COME TO COLLECT HIS SPOTLESS BRIDE AS HE IS THE DOOR!! HALLELUJAH THANK YOU JESUS!

  8. Shalom from South Africa
    Thank you for this ,I am struggling with a few things and you open some of it up ,
    There is hurt in me as well that I got in church and you gave the answer that the Lord gave for me.
    May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and give you peace.

  9. Thank you Wanda for your continued faithfulness and yieldedness allowing the Holy Spirit to show you God’s movements and guidance.
    In Wake Forest,NC for 17 years the Lotd directed me to “call the Pastors to pray together “ last November He spoke to my heart to change from Christian Clergy, Chaplains & Missionaries (3CM) to the new call for Wake Forest Christian Leaders Prayer Fellowship. Our first new organizational meeting is January 16🙏🤗👍
    John 17 will guide us all as Christian Leaders allowing everyone a voice in unity.
    Rev Ken-Methodist Pastor

  10. Beautiful…the Eternal Gospel, inscribed before the foundations of earth were laid!!
    The whole world must receive this Invitation (John 3:16) and we have been blessed to be the generation who will herald it.

    Shalom & Blessings to you dear sister and thank you for the faithful stewardship of revelation and humility for implementation!
    Jackson, Tennessee

  11. This is such a beautiful and encouraging dream! When you talked about the backstage and procession with many attendants, the word procession stood out to me. At the beginning of November last year, I had a vivid dream where I woke up from sleeping, when I sat up I saw what looked like a toy soldier marching toward our bed, it was illuminated like a light, no colors, just yellow light. I was trying to wake my husband as it was coming, but he was not waking up. (I have been praying for my husband to receive Jesus). I noticed that there was a whole line of these lights coming toward us, all different figures. I know some were shaped like animals, but I can’t remember what else. I was finally successful in waking Tommy, as the figures came toward us each one of them had scriptures written on them. Tommy was sitting up in bed reading each one as they came. He looked up at me as he was reading them and said “I understand now and I could see joy in his face. I am believing in and receiving that dream for him! Praise the LORD, He is doing amazing things!

  12. Wow!!! I am awed at the Lord for giving us such an amazing and confirming dream showing us His heart for His people. Thank you Father for showing us a love beyond anything we have known. May He open the eyes and ears of our understanding to deeper levels.

  13. Thankyou Wanda for sharing your prophetic dream. Oh how I long for my loved ones to know Jesus and the Love of the Father. I have a sense, “it’s just around the corner.” My heart is so full of anticipation of what is to come. I’m like a child in the back seat of the car saying, “are we there yet Pappa?” I have said many times to Christian Friends, that I can’t wait to the time when all of God’s Children come together to worship as one out in the open, no denominations between us for all the world to see.
    “Bring it on Lord, your servant is waiting.”
    God Bless You Wanda, You are a Faithful and Obedient Daughter.

  14. Thank you for an encouraging word. We often get weary from wearing the battle clothes, but they are what is underneath our bridal clothes. You can’t have one without the other. Praise of our Groom and His Father is both our marching song and wedding sonata.

  15. Hi Wanda. Thank you for sharing. I been shown the same about all that you shared here last 2 years or so. This includes the matter on the compromise and corrupt church. God is good

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