Though this latest dream carries a unique message to the musicians associated with IHOPKC, I believe there is a larger message for all of us. I pray that we will view any gift from the Lord as a sacred treasure to steward, and not simply a commodity to be marketed…
I dreamt that I was in Mike Bickle’s office at IHOPKC, watching a transition take place. The office itself was huge with massive bookshelves on the walls behind Mike’s desk. It was clear this space had been built and designed specifically for him. But, it had been determined that he needed to make room for a new leader and go to a smaller office in the back. Though neither wanted this, it became a necessity, and they quickly began to dismantle the custom bookshelves to make room for the new leader.
As they began to take down the shelves, Mike motioned to a specially-designed wooden T-bar that held up the bookshelves. It was heavy and even had hinges, definitely custom made (it actually looked like a wooden yoke for oxen). But, as they focused on saving this custom piece, the shelves began to fall. Suddenly, I recognized on an upper shelf, my own violin in its case, sitting open as a trophy piece. I knew it’s value and had no idea it had been placed there. Evidently, there were several other instruments that had been placed there as show pieces.
In their haste to save this custom support piece, my violin started to fall off the shelf. I only caught it at the last second and was shocked that they could be so careless. This instrument meant the world to me and it hadn’t even been secured, nor did they even seem to notice. They continued on their work with the shelves while I carefully examined my instrument to make sure it was OK. I was in tears realizing how easily I could have lost it.
I’ve been a worship leader my whole life, but I was originally trained as a violinist. And my violin is a very personal expression of my worship to the Lord. I felt the pain in this dream of a gift being used as a trophy piece more than a treasure to protect. It was clearly more important to save the custom bookshelves of this man, than it was to protect the gifts of those who served him. And though I have never personally served in this house, I felt the Lord’s heart for those musicians who have been a part of this ministry who have struggled with their role.
In the current chaos of change, the Lord wants you to know that you are greatly valued. Your gifts are from Him and He longs to guard and protect them as sacred treasures. Do not allow anyone to prostitute your gifts for someone else’s reputation or fame. The Lord delights in your offerings to Him and desires to give you a secure place to minister before Him. Though He sees your willingness to serve without recognition, the treasure He has given you is a pearl of great price. YOU are a pearl of great price. He desires to surround you with His love as a shield and will direct you to places of His choosing where there is safety and blessing. Trust Him with your gift and follow His voice without hesitation.
The bigger lesson for all of us is this: Obedience is of greater value than sacrifice.
May we recognize the difference and give our hearts to that which truly lasts.
I encourage you to leave a prayer below in the comments for IHOPKC. Pray especially for the musicians who have given themselves to prayer and worship with beautiful hearts and faithful service. Pray that the Lord would watch over each one and direct their steps.
22 Responses
Holy God, I ask that you minister to the musician’s spirit and protect them from disappointment and confusion. Help them to know they are treasured by you and they were not to blame for any of this. Holy Spirit breathe peace into these worshippers and stir up any gifts that are hindered because of any wrongdoing by their leaders. I speak LIFE into each of them as they worship and minister to others thru their talents and gifts.
Powerful revealing message from God… God bless you ! Wanda I just want to share that I love your open heart, your good to strive for the same !!
Lord, we stand in agreement for healing in the souls of the musicians who have hurt and/or disillusioned by all that has been happening. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Wanda, Thank you so much for this! I had asked the Lord for a “confirmation without doubt” – in other words, something that could not be manipulated by me or anyone else. There no way you know what I am currently walking through. This so confirms what I heard the Lord speaking to my spirit.
Daddy, you see these that you have chosen, who have faithfully served you. Their earthly vessels are being tested, scratched, and I pray that now they be WASHED by your pouring out of love for them. I rebuke the enemy that seeks to taint their gifts from you with pain and confusion, and instead pray that they would STAND and worship you from their deepest heart, in the secret place. Heal and restore the souls of those that are near the fire of battle, and bring them out with more powerful worship than when they went in. You, our GOD, are worthy of ALL OUR PRAISE. I raise my weapon of praise to set free my brothers and sisters, that they may do the same for others. To our GOD be the GLORY!!! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!! YAHWEH!!!!
This is happening all over the map in both small and large ways. My thoughts go back to ‘Hillsong” and all the ‘trauma’ that must have taken place there. I feel in my spirit that there is still pain and individual confusion from that episode also. Disillusionment and pain do not go away over night as I can attest to. God will restore, he loves His children. I ask The Lord to place a canopy of love over all is hurting children and draw them to himself, heal disillusionment, disappointment, heart hurts, disbelief and feelings of abandonment. Restore oh Lord we pray all those who have been affected by these circumstances. We come against the enemy who would attempt to ‘buy’ into this to pull down the kingdom of God. Give us (your children) grace and love to embrace those who are hurting, to stand in the gap as King Jesus comes in.
We thank you Father God for your unfailing love, mercy and grace toward your children, in Jesus Name
Lord, Thank you for this revelation given to Wanda . We ask you, Holy Spirit, to hover over the worshippers and especially, the musicians who have poured out their hearts at IHOPKC. May you receive greater glory from their broken hearts. May new songs arise from this place of pain and suffering. Guard all those who are grieving and suffering right now from spiritual offense. May you truly turn their mourning into dancing and singing and praise. Only you can make beauty from ashes, Lord. Thank you for fruit that remains when all else is burned away, in Jesus name.
Wanda, I also am a professional symphonic violinist, and have functioned in this career since 1973… A 1980 graduate of Juilliard, I have been struggling lately with how to use what I have learned alongside what I have learned as a praying member of our little Anglican church in Knoxville.
Your posts from week to week have been a great encouragement to me! Thank you so much.
My prayer partner & I have been lifting up KCIHOP several times when the Lord brings them into our prayer time. Yesterday we prayed for those pure in heart, who truly wish to worship Him and have no other desire but to lay their hearts before Him. Also for the young ones seeking Him-that they would be protected & covered with His wings. The worshipers always went before the army. We need you to go before us. Take courage-don’t quit!
Dear Lord, I thank you for blessing of this revelation, I bless you and all prophets and who fear you and love you. I always sang since Kindergarten, then got better by singing to myself to anyone, in the bathroom, then following along to CDs, MP3s, and last year, started to play ukulele and guitar via Youtube tutorials. It was painful at first, then moved up from 2 chord songs like Happy Birthday, to nursery songs to 3 chord then 4 chord worship songs, Amazing Grace, Away in a Manger, then You are my Hiding place, Holy of Holies.etc I borrowed instruments from the library, and then bought my own. .Everyone needs worship, to sing is great, play is even more! It’s like being at the beach, then getting in the water, then swimming, then surfing or snorkeling. It is like different levels of glory. Blessings!
Holy Spirit, I thank you for these chosen musicians that have faithfully used their God given gifts and talents to serve You at International House of Prayer, for their service was/is unto You and not unto man, even though man did receive great benefits from their talents…I bless them, “For their continued service is unto You, and not in vain in the Lord.” Para-phased 1 Corinthians 15:58.
Father your word says “Blessed is the pure in heart for they shall see God. Encourage all those whose hearts are pure before you. Show them your tangible Glory and encourage them to never quit Adoring and Worshipping the One True Living God and Father over all of us. Amen
Pray this way because I am about to shut it down.
Pray for leaders to come and commission and impart to the innocent ones to go home and take the intercessory mantle to their regions. Their cities.
The door is closed to ihop. Small letters for a reason.
Either way it will be shut. Don’t worry. Prayer for the nations will now spread throughout. No more mega anything. No more towers of Babel.
Piece by piece ihop tower is being dismantled.
This is a good thing even though at first it will hurt. Then they will realize the nation’s will be blessed when they return home.
In other words, SEND THEM OUT
Father. You have been long suffering with all of us. It’s time for us to allow You to shake us. All of us. If this grieves my heart what is Yours feeling? Help ihop to help Mike and whoever else is involved to ease out of ministry. Cleanse and deliver. Heal their families who have been victims also. 😢This shaking will empty the parking lot and those young people who were close in ministry will need to find healing of their hearts and new direction. As they cry out I know You will answer and heal the souls of our precious young generations. You Father are more than able. And You are a covenant keeper. Keep them Father as Your Son prayed for all You have given Him to be kept. It’s in His name JESUS I ask.
“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus love and righteousness.” I pray the enemy surrounded, and put in chains as his desires are to rob hope and inspiration from the Lords worship. I pray this plan backfires as worship goes 24/7 higher and higher. I pray your worshippers continue to give you glory through their gift knowing it was so very pleasant to you as David worshipped alone in the fields while watching sheep. That Through his worship God enabled him to kill a lion and a bear and eventually become the King who had the honor of partnering with God for the restoration and reuniting of Israel and Judah. May He use His worshippers to unite nations, tribes and peoples with the God of all creation. May every worshipper and prayer warrior who spent time in IHOP know that not one moment of their worship, prayers, and good works were wasted. You heard their worship, their prayers, and saw their good works. May they know in their heart of hearts that nothing was done in vain. God will remember and will hide the memories of their acts of worship in His heart. The fruit of it is in your heart ready to be displayed to the nations. Let their hopes and dreams be rekindled in the fire of your love. Amen
Beautiful Wanda and so right on. I have loved and cherished the beautiful music that has come out of the worshiping musicians at IHOP for so many years. Praying for them in this transition and difficult time. Many pure hearts have been a part of this ministry. God has honored that and will bless them as they continue to lean into Jesus. Praying for healing for so many. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing the heart of the Lord for His children. I pray that we all would receive the Lord’s heart through mouth to mouth resuscitation! LIFE ABUNDANTLY 👑💟
Papa God~ Thank You for all the prayers of the saints for IHOP-KC, and for granting us with divine wisdom and strategy in how to pray. I thank You for Your Spirit who always leads us into Truth and Righteousness. I ask for You to heal the hearts who’ve been wounded by the exposures of the wickedness that has been perpetrated in a place dedicated to You. Yeshua, help the eyes of their inner man see You in the midst of this shaking and restructuring. Help every student, every laborer, every musician and prayer minister, and every member of the congregation to find their firm footing in You. Help us, all, Lord to put our eyes not on any person but on Only One—our Beloved Bridegroom. We, the Church are guilty of making a ministry and it’s leader the source for our comfort and guidance. Forgive us, Lord, for entertaining religion—in whatever fashion it has appeared. We want You!! We need You!! The message that Mike has shared in the past of the “One Thing” is not lost on us. Jesus, You are that One Thing, & may the souls of all who have been crushed by the iniquity find peace and comfort in the ministry of Your Word and the help of Holy Spirit. Most of all, Lord, let them know that their labor has not been in vain. Sounds of the Songs of Heaven HAVE been released in that place & more shall be, to the glory & honor of Your Name, Jesus!
In reading the dream my eyes were drawn to the description of the phrase ” the T-bar that held up the bookshelves. It was heavy and even had hinges, definitely custom made (it actually looked like a wooden yoke for oxen).” The contrast of what the Lord was saying was instantly clear. The yoking of those whose giftings were being “used” under the IHOP mandate had become more valuable than the vessel with the gift . . . a demonic slave taskmasters mentality had usurped the holiness of the sacrifice being offered by the vessels. This is a repeat of the Shepherding Movement spirit of the 70s – 80s.
Father, we come against, and bind the spirit of religion that mandates performance as a slave master of its participants, devouring true sacrifice at the altar of power, mammon and pride. Father, we release Your healing love to those who were yoked through the deception of dead works of performance and we ask that they be brought into the reward of their hearts true sacrificial desire to bring You glory. Your burden is easy and Your yoke is light . . let them experience Your Light, In Jesus name.
Wanda, you have built yourself a trusted position in the Body of Christ! I have so appreciated you and your incites over many years. Thank you for always pressing in to know God’s heart and share what you’ve discovered. It always witnesses to me. Thank you for taking a stand for what is right along with your mercy and grace. God continue to work through the tough dismantling and then building again at IHOP. It’s worth saving.
IHOPKC singer here and I want to say Thank you all for your prayers and belief this house is worth saving. He is worthy of unceasing adoration. Now more than ever as many leave, are disillusioned, angry, etc we need prayers that those who have shifted their gaze would return it to the One thing. It’s a roller coaster of emotions but we know the Lord built this house and he will continue to build it. Lord lift up singers and musicians in this hour!