Today is the first day of spring. I woke up as usual for my quiet time and was about to put on some soaking music as part of my morning routine. But this morning was different. For some reason, I needed something else. I browsed YouTube and was immediately drawn to a video of wind sounds – something I’ve never used before. I turned it on and the wind stirred something inside as I continued to wait on the Lord.
I didn’t think about it again until later in the day when I went outside to find there was a high wind warning in effect in our region with wind gusts of up to 60 mph. This continued most of the afternoon as the winds outside howled and thrashed through the trees in the midday sun. It wasn’t until late afternoon that I remembered my unusual early morning experience and the Lord led me to 1 Kings 19:11-13:
“And he said, ‘Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.’ And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.’ And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him.”
1 Kings 19:11-13 ESV
Then the word of the Lord came:
Many have been waiting on Me and searching for My voice. Many have been sequestered in their caves looking for a sign of My presence and power in the midst of enemy warfare. I tell you, this day marks the beginning of a new season for this nation. The winds of change have begun to blow. The prayers of the saints have stirred my heart and I am beginning to blow My breathe across the earth. It is time. The winds of this new season will begin a progression of My Spirit that will bring great change upon the earth. Allow these winds to do their work as they drive away the chaff of the wicked and prepare the way for new growth and new habitation. The old must pass away so that the new can emerge and an army of dry bones can raise to new life.
But as strong as My winds are, you will not find the answers you seek in the wind. You must continue to stand and watch for much will take place in order for you to hear the clarity of My voice. Shakings will take place and fires will burn, but they are not the final word. They are merely demonstrations that will cause men to wonder and hearts to turn. For nothing that man can do, nor anything the enemy can muster, will bring about the outcome I have planned. Even as great shakings occur, know that they are but a part of My divine process. Nothing happens apart from My oversight and rule.
You must continue to stand watch and listen for My voice above the fray. Do not allow the noise on the mountain to distract you from listening for Me. My sheep know MY voice and it will only be when the stillness falls that you will know Me as I truly Am. Wait for the silence and I will speak to the innermost part of men’s hearts. I will answer the questions. I will direct your course. And I will assure You of My purpose for all that has transpired. The enemy has tried you, but has not overcome you. You are not defeated. The enemy’s threats are are merely echoes of a battle he already lost.
Stand and watch. I will not speak as I have before. But My presence will be known. Lean into My still small voice amidst the chaos and you will surely find Me. It is then, that your new commission will begin.
16 Responses
Wow, Praise the Lord! Thank you Wanda for sharing that Awesome word!
Shalom! This is profoundly encouraging to read. Thank you for sharing God’s (timely) word! Blessings 🙏🏼🕊️💟✝️
Wanda, I have injoyed you and your teaching so much, I’ve needed your teaching so much. You are a true answered to prayer
This is an awesome Word of the Lord. It is instructional in many ways. Please publish this again and repeat it for we will need to remember it. Thank you.
Yes, Lord!
This resonates SO DEEPLY! When I read the first word of the first sentence, His witness on me was so strong! YES!
Our hearts rejoice in the word of the Lord! All our being has been crying out for what is coming to fruition. Praise be the name of the Lord! He alone can save the world. He alone is God.
“My sheep know MY voice and it will only be when the stillness falls that you will know Me as I truly Am. Wait for the silence and I will speak to the innermost part of men’s hearts.”
Although I watch and listen for the Father every day, this makes me wonder if He will come at a time when we’re asleep, away from the noise, work, and busyness of our daily lives. For many of us, just a few minutes of quiet, alone-time is all there is in the day before we are interrupted and distracted by the obligations, demands, troubles, clamor and needs of the natural world which demand our attention. Yes, we can pray in our minds and hearts even as we go about our work and daily duties, but that’s not the quiet that I feel the Lord is speaking of.
Father, we invite You into every moment of our lives — in our sleeping and in our waking moments. I ask You to breathe Your Spirit over and into each of us. Fill us to overflowing. Reveal Yourself that we may come to truly know You. That in knowing You, we will run into Your arms in repentance, reverence, awe, and deep love, gratefulness, and servitude. Father, make us completely Yours. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my hearts cry!!! This prayer & Word is exactly what we need!! Is there ANY way U could sent me this Word?? I need to read again & again!! GOD BLESS YOU!!
Great word from the Lord.
This feels right. In my spirit, this word feels solid and clear, and has an authoritative sound/sense that I’m learning to pay attention to.
Wanda, thank you for listening so carefully and sharing faithfully. As you’re faithful to Him, His work is going forth.
This word has blessed me and affirms a knowing in my spirit. Thank you for sharing, Wanda. I appreciate and am grateful for you.
I am so blessed that God led me to one of your messages online! I believe that you are spot on with these topics and the Words that you have given are inspired. I have found some desperately needed clarity 🙏
God richly bless you and your ministry 🌻
Powerful. Thank you
Amen! So many of your posts speak to me.