As a collective we’ve been fed news that is false. We’ve been told stories that are fabricated. We’ve been led to believe lies and half truths about our national condition, and yet many still follow the prescribed narrative. But it can change – for those with the courage to break free. Through a parable in the night, an invitation is being given to those who dare rise up in faith and open their eyes to see beyond the natural order.

I dreamt that I was walking along a path in a forest with other “sheep.” The color was rich and full, but the path we were on had a fence to the side that prevented us from seeing much beyond eye level. This was all we had known for so long, few even considered anything else. I began to wonder what was beyond the fence as the forest was so much bigger than our current view. I could only see the trees immediately beside us but knew there was so much more. Somehow, I knew we could fly, so I made a bold move. 

I lifted my wings and soared up to the treetops and started to fly beyond the boundaries given. Though I had sensed it was forbidden, there was really nothing stopping me from going.  It was a lot easier than I imagined and I did a quick loop outside the parameters to see what I could see. As I was flying, I was wondering why it was not allowed, as I saw so much more from this vantage point. I could see the narrow path we had been given below. There was so much ground cover over the path it was impossible to see all that could be seen from these higher realms.  From this place a whole new world was opened up and the possibilities became endless. I knew there was no reason for us to stay contained in the fenced-in paths on the ground. We had been given the potential to fly all along. We just didn’t know it.

Even so, I didn’t know if I was being watched or monitored so decided to come back to the path. As I landed, I had a fresh sense of wonder at the territories beyond. Surely we were meant to explore and discover those, as well.  Was our path merely a lie to keep us from seeing the expanse above? Why were we blindly following a road that limited our perspective and hid our wings? What would happen if we all chose to rise up and soar on the heights? What would we see and what would we find? I instinctively knew there were more of “us” then “them.” And I knew that nothing could stop us – if we did it together.

I woke with anticipation of a soon and coming revolt of the sheep.
For the awakening that has stirred the few – is about to awaken the many. 

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


19 Responses

  1. Yes, we have been living “The Truman Show” our entire lives. If you haven’t seen it, watch it! And let’s break free together!

  2. I began waking up in the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting. I started listening to Tracy Beanz, an independent investigative reporter. She had a tenuous connection to Q at that time, so I began following the posts on the Q message board, doing the research the group was doing. It took a lot of work to separate the truth from the crazy stuff sometimes, but doing so built up my innate detection system of bunk v. truth. I opened my mind to all possibilities except those which conflict with God’s word. With the Holy Spirit to guide, it’s an enjoyable adventure to weed out the truth from the fantastic.

    I began following the news closely, going from a superficial glance at the headlines to a deep dive into history and current events. I read books. When the vax hoax came along, I recognized it as warfare against the human population and joined my voice in protest, uncovering the deception as much as I could, drawing on my professional skills as a researcher. It came to my attention on X that prophets were speaking out on many of these issues, so I sifted through the prophets and landed on the platforms of the more stable ones. I learned much more and received confirmation of much of what I’d learned before.

    I may be one of the most skeptical people you will find, but over the past 8 or so years I have learned that God is about to effect the largest rescue and removal operation in the history of the world — rivaling only the salvation of the Israelites from Egypt and the destruction of their overlords (now dead broke) by an undeniable miracle that ultimately led to the salvation of all mankind. Our journey has been as circuitous and fraught with hazards as were the Israelites, as depicted in the Old Testament. We have achieved both success and failure. It’s time to pick up the shattered gopherwood we call “the church” and build an ark that everyone wants to get into. And bring them in, two by two, a thousand by a thousand, straight into the heart of Jesus.

    1. What a wonderful and wonderfully written comment. I thoroughly related to it as me and eventually my husband 😉 have been on a similar journey for a long time. I absolutely love the image of the shattered gopherwood and the new ark! Everyone on board!

    2. Amen! Thank you for your input and clarity on the topic. We are the church not a building ,it’s time to boldly follow Jesus example and declare The Truth.

  3. Started waking up during the Covid lockdowns etc. Introduced to AND WE KNOW program which was outlet for Q. Haven’t stopped since then, going on with other Patriot outlets that reveal a lot of what Q said in the beginning. I believe the true Ecclesia called out ones) in the Body are the only ones fully awaken for what is to come according to God’s plan. Most of the church are still in rapture mode or believing what their fearful leaders tell them and not questioning or afraid to what is really going on.

  4. I just discovered your website and signed up for the newsletter only to discover that the special deal you were offering ended on Sunday the 18th. Any chance you extended it? Thanks.

  5. I had this dream just this last week. I was attending a Christian conference and I was a little distracted as I arrived a little late and I was having a hard time quieting my mind to concentrate. During this session people were jumping up and shouting in agreement with what was being said. At first I didn’t catch on to what was happening around me, but then my Spirit started to perk up and I remember thinking that what was being said seemed a little off and yet people were rising up in agreement and continuing to cheer. This continued on and I continued to question what I was hearing and I became more disturbed and confused at the same time with the crowds reaction of confirmation. The session ended and I sat there feeling disturbed inside and asking myself, what just happened? I was then handed a paper to read, but my eyes were drawn to this small rectangular box on the paper with a long word in it. I don’t remember the word , but it was anything enlightening until I realized there were actually several small words that spelled out something different within the long word. What it spelled out was an oh my goodness moment and it confirmed that my Spirit was trying to wake me up and alert me that everything I just heard was a work of total deception and everyone in the room was either dazed and unaware or were completely believing what they heard was truth. I remember springing up out of my seat and running to tell someone and everyone that they were being deceived. At first I was disappointed that I couldn’t remember what was written in the box, but I knew in my Spirit to not concentrate on that or I would miss what the Spirit was revealing to me. I need to have ears to hear and eyes to see in these days and the only way that is possible is to stay connected to God and test everything with Holy Spirit and the Word of Truth. As the Word says in Matthew 24 …..,deception in many forms will come as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

    1. Hi Sue, my sense is the Lord was showing you the believers in your dream were under the influence of spells (ie He was drawing your attention to the ‘spelling’, ie.word curses).

    2. Thank you for sharing. I was given a very similar dream over thirty years ago. Speaks of the church being lulled to sleep. I declare an awakening to the many called out ones and a boldness to speak out.

  6. The enemy has sought to make the sheep nations, incl the USA, into “Obamanations”, by losing on earth that which is bound in heaven & binding on earth (“jamming up”, i hear in Spirit), that which is loosed in heaven. We pray the Lord reverse these curses, in Yeshua’s Almighty Name.

  7. best be scriptual and discerning about leaving the path and “flying”. There is safety in staying on the path with fellow believers. I used to be deceived about wonderful dreams that I was special and could “fly”. One such dream I started praising GOD and I was violently thrust into a rollercoaster ride that was terrifying me with it’s abrupt ninety degree turns as such I found out the power behind my flying was not the LORD but the evil one supplying to my pride. In regards to the upcoming election, the Lord is separating the sheep from the goats. If anyone (and I mean everyone) joins in affinity to a party that kills babies in the womb, removes genitals of children, promotes changing one’s sexuality, grooms adolescents to believe they are a different sex than what they are born, and promote a sexually deviant life style they are “a goat”. As such they will have their portion in the lake of fire. So this election is so much more than Republican versus Democrat.

  8. Church doctrines and the teachings of Jesus about the Kingdom of God are not the same thing. The first give the sheep some protection from wolves and a sense of community, but give them tunnel vision and a fear of the unknown.
    Only the teachings of Jesus combined with the power of the Holy Spirit give true freedom and enable us to explore whilst feeling safe at the same time. I’m flying and that’s how things look from where I am!

  9. As far as the Church goes, good question! Still seems pretty sleepy up in here in New England.

    What turned the tide for me and gave me SO much encouragement? Spending far more time in the Bible, memorizing scripture, looking up words in Strong’s to understand Hebrew meaning, working through the Victory Bible Reading Plan and journaling and discussing each morning for 20 months with my husband, listening to the prophets (focusing in on a handful – including you, Wanda, thank you!), many incredible prophecies and dreams the Lord gave my husband, who had never had any before and a few key visions and dreams He gave me, also for the first time, being on the wall for 4th watch with the USA Watch call almost daily from 5-6 a.m. All of this and more changed our lives and our marriage – never mind getting us through this battle with God’s peace!

    Backstory on waking up to the worldly stuff going on: Began in 1991 with some personal medical complications when my son was born and really blew up during my father’s leukemia journey which ended with death by chemotherapy. Once you start tugging that first string, a lot begins to unravel until pretty soon you realize that you see the whole world differently and when you start asking around you find that very few share your new view or wish to hear about it. It’s called shunning in some groups… None of my family members (believers and non-believers) nor local circle of friends shares my beliefs about what is really going on – mind you, not that any of us have a whole picture – or in God’s rescue plan. But I have faith they soon will and it’s going to be glorious!

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