I am looking for those willing to become conduits of My fire and combustible change agents in this nation. For though I look to place leadership in the halls of government who can rightly wield the sword of justice, I can only do so when My House has been prepared to fuel the burning glory that is to come.

The warfare you have endured and the hardships you have faced will serve My purposes if you allow them. For in weathering the storms and standing fast you have gained authority from on high to overturn the plans that have been set against you. You have not shrunk from the challenge nor run in fear.  And the reward of this perseverance will be an outpouring of My goodness and glory that will burn like fire.

Get My House in order and allow Me to do the work needed to prepare My vessels as conduits of My transforming glory. The changes that are needed and the justice to come will not be empowered by the  governments of men but a people of God made ready. Even now I am working within My House to cleanse and purify hearts and minds. I am removing and reordering. I am rearranging the table and setting in place those who sit at the head. Where some have been set according to favoritism and status, I am now setting according to covenant relationship and those who have proven faithful.

The fires of purification have already been lit and are beginning to spread. Those whose hearts are pure will welcome the fire and fan its flame. Run to those who allow the burning for they will be carriers of this fire that will spread from House to House. Learn to recognize and welcome the heavenly messengers I send with these coals of fire and acknowledge their working. For they will ignite your heart with fresh zeal and commission the work to be done. Yield to their activity and surrender to the call.

“Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: ‘Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.’ And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.’” (Isaiah 6:6-8) 

Do not be surprised at the burning of My glory. For even as it empowers and purifies, it also stings. It cuts to the heart and unsettles the flesh. It will not be comfortable and yet will bring comfort. It will not be easy, but will make the burden light. Know that this burning is not unto destruction, but unto supernatural power and provision for the miraculous. 

The enemy’s fires will never produce the outcome they desire. The pain they hope to inflict will be as nothing when the fullness My glory appears. For the fires of My presence will utterly consume their plans and melt every stronghold they have built. My goodness will overshadow every affliction and joy will overtake oppression.

The burning that is upon you is unto glory and all that is good. Listen for My voice in the midst of the sting, for I will surely announce My presence – for those with ears to hear.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


14 Responses

  1. Thank you Lord for using Wanda as a vessel to bring forth this word of righteousness and truth in this time of Your spectacular holiness and glory. I Am Ready! LET’S DO THIS!!

  2. You help my ears to listen to His truth, being reminded that the enemy is a thief who has stolen our “language” of love to try and deceive us. Thank you for speaking Truth in true love.

  3. Thank you. As we yield to Holy Spirit, the fire will consume all that is not Him. His Shalom will replace all soul pain and we will not fear man.

  4. May God enlighten our minds and hearts to see and understand the smokescreen offered by the Democratic Party. May evangelical Christians throughout the US hear the still small voice of Holy Spirit in making their choice for President of our country.

  5. So many are fasting and repenting for this Nation daily- for our many sins that have hurt this nation and
    especially the children (If my People will humble themselves and pray, etc.)-some states and ministries have done
    this already, I’m believing many are coming together to fast and pray– hoping more will do this, and make a
    mighty army- even by yourself- it is unto God -so He is putting it altogether. I also take Communion every day
    also-for the body of Christ (an awesome way to draw close to Him).

  6. Thank Wanda for your faithfulness to the Lord and us. For your transparency and dedication to your call and your love for the sheep.
    This message has has shed so much light about what is happening to me right in the present time. The Holy Spirit has spoken to me through your message. Again, thank you.

  7. This Word is like the North Star to me, direction for the time at hand. I will keep as a reminder, fast and pray to walk worthy of the calling. Thank you!

  8. Wanda,
    I am always uplifted after reading your blogs or watching your videos. You keep me centered after I listen to some excellent prophets. You see the whole picture. You add the clarity I need after listening to others. Whenever I read several blogs or watch several prophets I come to you. You give me peace. God has gifted you to make sense of it all. Thank you so much.

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