You ask for a breakthrough, but God may give you instructions. You ask for your healing, but Jesus may ask you a question. You want a miracle, but heaven will dig deeper to get to your heart. The means to your miracle may not be what you think. 

Scripture is full of examples of people imploring God for miracles. And yet, the way they received their miracle was rarely what they expected. Consider these examples that reveal how God’s priority is something much deeper than just a miracle:

  • Naaman expected the prophet to wave his hand and declare him healed. Instead, he was told, “Go dip in the Jordan seven times and you will be clean.” Initially complaining, he finally relented and once he followed the instruction, came out of the waters healed. (2 Kings 5:8-14)  
    Naaman was after his healing, but GOD WAS AFTER NAAMAN’S PRIDE.
  • Abraham expected his wife to get pregnant while still physically able. God purposely waited until it was impossible – and then planted the seed. (Genesis 21:1-7) 
    Abraham was seeking an heir, but GOD WAS SEEKING ABRAHAM’S TRUST.
  • Moses presumed upon previous experience to get water out of a rock. But God’s instruction changed and Moses paid the price for not listening. (Numbers 20:7-11) 
    Moses was after miraculous provision, but GOD WAS AFTER MOSES’ OBEDIENCE.
  • Two blind men cried out for mercy to receive their sight and Jesus asked them a question. Upon their declaration of faith they were healed. (Matthew 9:27-31) 
    The blind men wanted to see, but JESUS WANTED THEIR CONFESSION.
  • The invalid in Bethesda expected his healing to come by entering the waters at the pool. But Jesus told him to “Get up, pick up your mat, and walk.” When he did, the man was healed. (John 5:2-9) 
    The lame man wanted to walk again, but JESUS WANTED HIM TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.
  • When the ten lepers came to Jesus for healing, He told them, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” As they were going, they were instantly healed. (Luke 17:14)
    The lepers wanted to be clean, but JESUS WANTED THEM FREE FROM CONDEMNATION.
  • Friends brought Jesus a blind man, wanting a simple touch to heal him. Jesus took the man outside the village, spit on his eyes, and prayed two times before the man was healed. (Mark 8:22-26)
    The friends wanted to heal the blind, but JESUS WANTED TO MINISTER TO THE MAN.
  • When Bartimaeus the blind beggar cried out for mercy, Jesus asked him what he wanted. When he requested his sight, Jesus healed him. (Mark 10:46-54)
    Bartimaeus wanted his sight, but JESUS WANTED HIS FAITH.
  • Knowing that Lazarus was dying, his sisters sent for Jesus to come and heal him. Jesus waited until Lazarus was dead and then rose him up from the grave. (John 11:1-44)
    The sisters wanted divine intervention, but JESUS FORESHADOWED HIS OWN RESURRECTION.

Throughout the majority of miracles recorded in Scripture, God’s responses were rarely instantaneous. Rather, He always dug deeper to ask probing questions and challenge peoples’ faith. Why? Because He is not satisfied in being our Miracle Maker. He wants to be Lord. He longs for us to seek Him on a continual basis and not merely presume upon His power.

Decreeing and declaring God’s promises has its place, but it should never replace a sensitivity to His voice and a willingness to change course on the journey. In many of these examples, God was not focused on their breakthrough, but was looking to establish their faith, deepen their love, and build them up as mighty warriors for His purpose. The miracles simply followed as the result of their obedience. 

When we allow Him to walk us to our miracle we are shown His true nature and a depth of fellowship that is otherwise inaccessible. He may not give us our breakthrough on a silver platter, but He will refine our hearts as pure gold. He will use our need as a means to a greater end. Because in seeking our miracle, we will end up finding Him. And that’s the breakthrough HE’S looking for.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


15 Responses

  1. Such a good word and reminder…thank you Wanda! Ah, the examples are spot on to our every day in 2024.
    We live in such a shallow, superficial world. Social media has fostered this because we can present however we want on social media…nobody asks questions or sees us. If somebody does ask, we can simply ignore or band-aid with more shallow words. One of many reasons, I do not do any social media except text.
    BUT our GOD is after the real us…the under the skin us…the inner man of the heart us! Rather than asking ‘how come this prayer is not being answered?’, a better question would be ‘what are you after in me Father? Please show me because what You are after in me is more valuable to You and me than what I’m after.’
    YES! SO GOOD!!!

    1. Thank you so much for this comment. I’ve been praying for more than a decade for my healing from MS. I am now a wheelchair user with a permanent catheter. I’ve accepted it all. What is stopping my healing? Let’s readjust the question. I still don’t know what I can do or think, but I believe the better posture.

  2. Thank you for this teaching. I am scheduled for cataract operation. I am praying for miracle but listening to this video, I need to trust the Lord in his leading with peace in my heart. It is scary since I have never had an operation except delivering my children. I do want to be obedient always.

  3. Thank you for this teaching. I am scheduled to have cataract operation. Always praying for miracle. Now i need to trust the Lord with peace in my heart to lead me. It is scary because I never had an operation of any sort except bearing my children.

  4. Such a wonderful, anointed, on-time word from our Lord through your excellent listening ear. I always share by email with a least one person. TOO GOOD NOT TO SHARE AND SO RELEVANT FOR US ALL!!!! Thank you, Wanda Alger. And yes, I love the “shorts” on You Tube. I will be checking your out.

  5. Excellent word especially after the Healing Summit with Tim Sheets on Friday. Why was the woman in the wheelchair not healed?

    1. This is me, a woman in a wheelchair. One of the other women at our church’s gathering that night was in a wheelchair, too. I know it doesn’t need to be instant. But let’s seek God more earnestly? What do I do?

  6. After spending last weekend on Prayer Mountain in Moravian Falls, this is the very truth that God spoke to me about healing the digestive issues I have been believing Him to heal. On my last morning there at Angel Cabin the Lord asked mento go outside with Him. He led mento the edge of a small culvert where a stream was flowing. Ibhad been there the day before, but never saw what Henpointed out to me. There was an area where many tree roots spanned across the culvert, twisting and turning and into the ground on the other side. (I have a photo). He pointed out the roots and said, “This is what offense, anger, bitterness, control, fear, unbelief all look like inside you. . .in your spirit, your emotions, and manifesting in your physical body as sickness. If anything of substance needs to flow thru, it cannot.”
    I had been asking to be a conduit of His love and peace to others. Then He asked, “Do.you trust Me?” ”
    “YES Lord I do!”
    He told me that He would walk me thru each of those roots as He pulls them from my life, and not only would physical healing manifest, but even greater, and more importantly, spiritual healing. Life changing!!

  7. I needed this word. I’ve recently been diagnosed with mold toxicity. I’ve been very sick for many years. I’ve stood on the Word for healing. I went to the healing summit at Tim’s church. No manifestation but trying to hear God’s voice for what my next step should be, whether to stand in faith for a move of God or move forward with doing research in detoxification, remediating my house etc. I know God is the God of the impossible. I really want to do the right thing, just not sure what that is yet. Thank you Wanda for the biblical examples.

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