I dreamt I was in an apartment building in an older section of town with lots of people milling around. Still in my bathrobe, I had gone outside to the back deck to see what was happening. Through a wooden fence I could see a crowd starting to gather next door.

I then saw Sean Feucht on the deck and he came up to me asking if I was going to “join them.” I saw behind him a lunch meeting about to start. Apparently he had asked me this question before but I had never given him an answer. I then looked back through the gated fence to see what was happening.

The crowd was growing and I saw a bunch of secret service men begin to swarm the area and start directing people to the side. One came through the gate and began to steer me away. I quickly went back inside where others had gathered. I told them that secret service men were here – which meant that President Trump was probably close behind. He was making an appearance here.

I went upstairs to look out a window and watch. When I got to the window I saw a pastor’s wife I used to know who has since passed on (I knew her name meant “wisdom”). She was looking out intently with some others who had gathered in a line behind her. They wanted to watch the yard below where Trump would be. I noticed the window was really old with peeling paint and a rickety wooden screen. The pastor’s wife went to raise the window so we could hear better. Her arm lacked some strength so I helped her open it.

All I could see from where I stood was the yard behind where Trump was. I was about to move to get a better look when I saw several children playing in the yard below. As I looked closer I noticed the yard was actually old artificial green turf.  As they were playing, the turf started to tear apart. As I continued to watch, the turf began to tear more and more, and I could see dark dirt beneath it. Then I realized that it wasn’t just dark dirt, but actually a sinkhole. I watched in horror as the turf broke apart and all 3 children fell through. I began to cry out about the children as no one seemed to notice. Everyone was so fixated on President Trump, they didn’t see that the children had fallen through the cracks and into a bottomless pit. I woke up shaking and calling out for someone to go rescue the children! 

There’s no doubt that the primary message of this dream is an alert to prayer and intercession on behalf of the children. With many eyes on President Trump and his place in the upcoming election, the Lord is calling us to be watchful in prayer and take a fresh look at what is truly important. Children are falling through the cracks and we must take action if we are to save them from the deadly agendas of the enemy.

This is a call to the Body of Christ: “All hands on deck!” Sean Feucht has been doing statewide worship tours this past year calling the nation to prayer. His invitation in the dream indicates an appeal for increased and strategic prayer from the Body of Christ at this critical time before the election. Regardless of President Trump’s “soon arrival,” we are being called upon to respond to the cries of future generations.

In going upstairs for a better look, it reminds us to gain a higher perspective. The name of the pastor’s wife is calling attention to the wisdom that is needed to discern rightly. I believe the others gathered with her were a part of the cloud of witnesses who have gone on before and are watching along with us. The spiritual warfare we are confronting is generations old and we are a part of prophetic history being fulfilled (Hebrews 11:39-40). Even so, they are limited in what they can do (the pastor’s wife couldn’t lift the window) and need our participation to see God’s purposes fulfilled.

The window I saw was old and the screen was rusty. Reminding me of houses built in a previous generation, it represents an old perspective and outdated filters that are causing many to miss the current spiritual realities in play. We will be unable to perceive the works of darkness if we persist in looking through the lens of the past. Wisdom wants us to see with fresh eyes in order to determine what’s true and what’s priority. It was when the screen was lifted that the children were seen in their true condition.

The green turf represents both money and an artificial cover that are blinding us to underlying agendas that are deadly. Whether it’s child trafficking, abortion, or indoctrination of godless narratives, our spiritual adversary seeks to kill and destroy future generations. The fact that the turf was old indicates just how long these demonic agendas have been fooling the populace and camouflaging their true intent. We are being called to speak up and speak out on behalf of our children so that the plans underlying much of the demonic political propaganda can be exposed and overturned (Proverbs 1:10-12).

The fact that I was in my bathrobe indicates that many are still just waking up to the harsh realities of the hour. Much of the larger Christian community has been out of touch and out of date with the unseen spiritual battles at hand. Thinking we can erect imaginary fences to avoid interaction with “politics,” many believers are now waking up to find these spiritual battles crashing through our gates and staring us in the face. There’s no time to waste. It is critical to get positioned in prayer.

But this prayer alert is not just for the intercessors and watchmen. It is for the Body of Christ. It is for those who have heard the call to pray – and have yet to respond. It is only by responding to heaven’s call and taking our positions in prayer that we will see what heaven sees – and respond rightly. Our children are at stake. THIS is heaven’s priority in this upcoming election. It’s not about a man – or a woman – or any political party. It’s about the children. 

Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square; on top of the wall she cries out, at the city gate she makes her speech: “How long will you who are simple love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge?"

Real-Time Alerts


Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


15 Responses

    PATTY MEYENBURG a/k/a Colorado Patty

  2. My dear sister Wanda, I too have long time grieved over our children. As a woman whose mother considered abortion before it was legal but allowed me to be born out of fear of a back alley botched abortion. I’m so grateful for life and have been aware of the insidious attacks of media, music, and especially deceptive children’s films with satanic symbolism. But it has only been in the last year and a half that t he Lord has taken my focus off of the gifts he had been using me in and called me to intercession. I feel so unqualified, but he has shown me that my old concepts of what an intercessor is was not biblical. Yes, some may pray for hours, and I have. But generally I keep in a spirit of prayer ready at all times, as the spirit prompts, to pray as long as he desires and enables and shows me.
    Have you ever noticed when you greet a child or young person in church they usually look around wondering if you’ve made a mistake to talk and greet them. The adults stay with the adults and the children and teens with their groups. They need this! I’m diligently praying for you and all of us who have finally awakened. Lord bless!

  3. Wow. I had a similar dream just last night. I was looking out a window and was knocking on it, calling to a bunch of children to come inside. They were running around in the yard with a bunch of dogs of all sizes. I woke up at 4am and remembered reading just the day before about the “fourth watch” which is 3am -5am, and if you wake up during those hours you should pray, and especially if you’ve been given a dream. So, I prayed in the spirit and with my understanding and went back to sleep. I dreamed again about a dog, a large dog that died. That’s all I remember.
    But I’ve had a lot of dreams about getting ready for the Lord’s return and the state of the church; not being ready, asleep, and a dream that I heard the Lord say that it was the end of the “seeker friendly” church, 4 years ago today, as a matter of fact. I didn’t know what that meant at the time.

    PSALM 71 :18:
    ” NOW WHEN I AM OLD AND GRAY-HEADED, O GOD, ; FORSAKE ME NOT; until I have showed thy strength unto this generation and thy power to every one that is to come (children and grandchildren!)

    1. I spent a lot of time growing up with my great grandparents and grandparents. Special times. My grandmother told me that her grandmother was an old Methodist whose favorite hymn was bringing in the sheeves. New believers. We must do the same.
      The youngsters spend so much time on computers and cell phones. Anything can pop up on those screens!
      So many children seem so scattered and restless. Never at peace.

  5. Wanda, this is a dream & word for NOW! Thanks for the courage to share with the world. My own journey into the geo-political arena began in earnest around 2015 when the Lord began revealing to me the plight of the world’s children. My heart broke to understand there was SO much evil being perpetrated against them. Truly the most vulnerable and innocent among us! The Lord quickly began connecting the dots for me as He led me to find different topics to research. So much of what I learned caused me grief, tears, intercession, anger, and motivation to become involved as Holy Spirit led. Yes, Ekklesia, God can and WILL use anger as a catalyst to motivate us. I continually reminded myself the fight was not directed at ppl, but the god of this world and his systems! I believe this war is turning and soon all will be revealed. GOD WINS!!! Hallelujah‼️

  6. I wanted to share this but, couldn’t. It needs to be shared. Thank you for being a watchman and reminding us of our responsibility to warn a dead and dying world. Our children (unborn and born) are in danger. 🙏

  7. THe UN has targeted hundreds of thousands of children in the Gaza area for “polio vaccines”. What are they really doing?

    1. My thoughts exactly when I read that. God has revealed through His prophet Julie Green that the UN is evil and part of the establishment. God is exposing them all

  8. When the first polio vaccines were given out in the 1950s, the SV-40 vaccine , it is alleged, gave over 250,000,000 people, worldwide, CANCER. I recently heard one neurosurgeon say that SOFT TISSUE CANCER is the number one money maker in the medical community.

    1. My husband has had all the Covid boosters. He was quarantined in our master bedroom with Covid March 2023. Did the inoculations work?
      A world ruler I won’t mention is demanding all sorts of innoculations for Africa. That is causing birth defects and
      Miscarriages. I read this yesterday. His ultimate goal is to limit the number of people on the earth. You probably know his name.

  9. I had a similar dream recently (I am in Australia):
    “I was watching while hundreds of school children, between about 8 to 14 years of age and standing in regimented fashion, were lined up to board buses – supposedly bound for some kind of excursion or camp. While the parents were watching the children get on board, I felt this sense of urgency rise up – realising that they would never see their children again. The children were being taken under false pretenses and were being kidnapped. Before any of the buses could leave, I rushed towards them, shouting to the parents that the children were being kidnapped. I hoped that raising the alarm was enough to wake the parents out of their complacency, and to resume rightful control over their children, rather than blindly trusting organisations that were evil and meant them harm. As I ran through the crowds shouting, many parents became active and rushed the buses so they couldn’t leave.”

  10. My husband and I are trying to organize a group to go to “A Million Women: A Call to the Mall.” My husband is a pediatrician and sees such dark forces at work on his patients and their families. God is lining up many ministries to bring attention and prayer for children. So let’s all do something about this and start praying!!!!

  11. Wanda,
    Consider the age of the window and peeling paint…old. The section of town…old. The turf…old. You point this out. Is it possible this is also a literal clue? Old parts and unnoticed parts of cities, rural towns…could fit. The “secret service” coming in and Trump following. The children are located, playing and in danger in this “old” yard. Is this dream partly about location, and where to look? Places that seem forgotten and unseen. Where law enforcement is absent or defunded?

    The name of the pastor’s wife means wisdom…knowing the difference between what is right and what is wrong. What is happening to the children is wrong. She wants the window open. The issue addressed.

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