A recent interview between Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand in Phoenix, Arizona was truly inspiring. As many continue to talk about people “waking up” to the truth, here is a man who is experiencing the most profound awakening of all. And he’s not only willing to talk about it, he’s boldly declaring the name of Jesus and the life-altering decision to die to self and surrender to his Lord. At the end of the interview, Tucker asked him if he’d be willing to pray for everyone. Russell jumps off his feet and kneels on the floor to pray without hesitation. THIS is the awakening we truly need….



My latest video clip of Russell Brand giving his testimony to Tucker Carlson has garnered a lot of attention. Many believers are rejoicing in Russell’s newfound faith and boldness. And yet, with now over 276,000 views on X, many detractors and critics are throwing stones and calling Russell, and anyone who believes him, stupid, ignorant – and downright foolish. Citing his past failures, his accusers claim there’s no way he can be redeemed and they are mocking his testimony and anyone who identifies with him (I finally had to block any further comments because of all the nasty responses).

“The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.” (1 Corinthians 2:14 ESV)

In many of Russell’s recent videos he has consistently spoken of the cross and what Jesus did for him. He’s not highlighting a cheap grace or easy road to salvation. He readily admits his failures and sins, acknowledging the sacrifice of Jesus, calling others to see the incredible mercy of God.

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18 NIV)

So who are the real fools here? Is it we who, like Russell, dare speak of unseen realities that are hidden to the natural mind? Or is it those who are blind to the truth and keep walking in meaningless circles?

Proverbs 18:2 states that there are fools who take no pleasure in understanding and only want to sound their opinion. Psalms 14:1 declares that anyone who says “There is no God,” is considered a fool. Jesus stated in Matthew 7:26 that anyone who doesn’t listen to His words are like fools, building houses on sand. Thus, many who are sounding their dissent to spiritual truths and realities are only revealing their own foolishness.

And yet, there is another kind of fool. It is the one who dares go against popular opinion and the fear of man and comes to God with a childlike faith. It is the one who lays aside any claim to superior knowledge or worldly wisdom and simply kneels in humility of heart (Psalms 8:2). God delights in taking the weak and the seeming foolish to shame the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). For what appears foolish to men, is actually treasure from the deep with everlasting value.

So, to those of us like Russell who are willing to speak truth in the face of opposition and declare our allegiance in the face of threats, perhaps we are fools. We are foolish enough to believe in the power of the cross and the resurrection to come. We are foolish enough to speak of things the natural mind can’t comprehend and the corrupted mind will reject. We are foolish enough to defy the giants of unbelief, knowing our strength is not in our human skill or abilities, but in a supernatural God that defies all logic and reason.

Maybe being called a fool isn’t a sign of weakness or ignorance, but actually an indication of strength and courage. And maybe we are all being challenged to consider just how convinced we are in the message we preach. To lead the masses out of darkness, we may need to become fools. For me, in the end, I’d rather be a fool for God than a fool in the dark.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


15 Responses

  1. Empty vessels, dry bones, frantic words, hard faces, dead men walking, living a sinful life, filthy…..worldly people living and dying without God.

  2. 💯 Wanda! Amen! The Scripture speaks volumes for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see and a mind and humble heart to discern the true Spirit. Sadly many in the church are blinded- the Lord sees the heart – HE is separating out the wheat from the tares- May we be bundled and wrapped up with Him!

  3. Thank you so much, Wanda, for sharing. I don’t understand some people. I felt real power coming through Russel Brand’s prayer. I thought it was an amazing prayer from someone who is newly saved. Most of us (me included) didn’t had such an in-depth prayer when we first became believers. God will use this man mightily I believe.

  4. Is it possible that Gods plan could include DJT losing a fair election and for Him to work through Kamala in just the same way?

    1. Many of us believe that DJT is being used by God. God chooses imperfect people to show His glory. We know the democrats plan to cheat again like they did in 2020. I believe this time it will be evident if they try.

      1. Is it possible that we could be wrong about God using DJT? What if he lost in 2020? Seems like a lot of confusion and if God work through a fallen man like him why not Kamala?

  5. My loyalty will always be freely given to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and Him Alone.
    Loyalty: Reliable and always true

    1. I follow Russell on X and I saw the photo and his explanation. I don’t have an issue with it. He’s very young in his faith and has always been a radical. Though it’s certainly not conventional or even appropriate by Christian standards – I don’t look at it as disqualifying his conversion or sincerity of faith:-). Blessings!

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