I had the following dream on September 11 (2024). It is an alert to the nation’s intercessors to recognize a demonic agenda that underlies many of the battles we have been facing. This is not just a war over our personal rights, our freedoms, or our sovereignty as a nation. Our spiritual adversary seeks something much more than just taking over our lives and ruling through fear and manipulation. The enemies of God want to eradicate anything pure, holy, and good. They want to replace the one true God with gods of their own making and totally annihilate the very fingerprint of The Creator.
In this dream I was part of an operation to stop enemy forces from taking hostages. We had been working under cover to infiltrate and stop the takeover. We were in the final stages of the operation and had success in protecting the assets. But as I was watching what I thought to be the close of the mission, something shifted. There was another operation happening at the same time that I wasn’t aware of. It wasn’t just the assets we thought we were covering that were being impacted. Even as we were making an escape, friendly agents began shooting pellets from their weapons to mark people. They weren’t regular bullets to kill, but some kind of ammunition to mark others and set them aside.
I then noticed that many of the agents were women and they were conferring together their latest orders from headquarters. They were specifically told to guard themselves – to guard their DNA as this was the actual target. Their enemies wanted to alter it, once and for all. And if enemy forces succeeded in their plans, it would give them the advantage in the larger war.
I knew that these female agents were given a special ammunition with which to safeguard others and protect them from this enemy attack. And upon learning of the true target, they realized that their mission was now much larger than they knew and had to prepare.
Having this dream on 9/11 seems to suggest the significance of this alert. I believe the critical message is to be aware of a dark and covert operation taking place that is targeting our very existence as human beings made in the image of God. Even as we war against godless ideologies and secular influences, there is a much more sinister plot unfolding. By understanding the devil’s true agenda, we will better know how to interpret the current warfare, pray strategically, and take appropriate actions to stop this depraved agenda.
Our DNA is sacred ground. It is what marks us as human beings and sets us apart from any other created thing. In “How your DNA Points to the Existence and Intricacy of God”, it states, “Your DNA is yours and yours alone. Your DNA is like a blueprint of your soul, which is another sacred thing that is not like anyone else’s in the world. Your DNA traces your history and your future, because it determines who you came from and who you will create. It is a miracle of life. God is in the microscopic details, in the meeting of egg and sperm in the particular way that could only have led to you. DNA is a kind of holy ground.”
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:14-16 NIV).
Our DNA is physical proof that there is a Creator who uniquely marked each and every human being with His fingerprint. And this is what the devil wants to destroy. The rising warfare over transgenderism and the physical alterations of the body to change one’s sex, is but one attempt to accomplish this goal. As women’s sports are being threatened by transgender inclusion, it is becoming clear it’s not about diversity, but destroying the very essence of being a woman. The ultimate goal behind this agenda is to so alter and eradicate the female DNA, the reproduction of human beings is forever changed. Though that may sound shocking, we must start connecting the dots and seeing where this agenda is leading.

For those who have seen and acknowledged the witchcraft at work in high places, the image of Baphomet is becoming more and more prominent. This false deity is represented as both male and female – a mutation and manipulation of God’s design. The entire system of this cult is fueled by their twisted plans to alter God’s creation and become their own gods. From the very beginning, Lucifer has determined to sit on the throne of God and make himself “like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:12-14). By upending God’s design of male and female through perversion, sacrilege, and desecration, dark forces are determined to spit in God’s face. This isn’t just a spiritual battle, but a physical one, as they hope to manifest their plans in the natural. Science is now proving how they plan to make this demonic pipedream become reality.
The news recently reported that the entire board of the DNA collecting agency, 23andMe, suddenly resigned. Many believe that reports will soon emerge as to the true intent of this agency in not only collecting the DNA from millions of clients seeking ancestral connections, but in selling that DNA to the highest bidder. Not only can DNA be manipulated and altered, it can be weaponized. By studying one’s DNA, it is possible to determine an individual’s unique weakness or vulnerability and create poisons and bioweapons to target those weaknesses. RFK Jr has recently been reporting evidence of the C-19 shot being specifically formulated to target specific ethnic groups based on their DNA. Though shocking, the increased data seems to confirm this possibility. Perhaps a few years ago this idea would have seemed too far-fetched. It’s a perfect conspiracy theory. And yet, it is staring us in the face. These realities are already being documented and we are seeing the first fruits of their plan.
This prophetic dream not only calls us to guard our DNA, it highlights the role of women in this warfare. In the dream, it was the women who were given some type of “ammunition” with which to immobilize the enemy. Could this represent a unique quality of the female DNA that has the power to stop the enemy’s plans? Is this pointing to God’s specific design of women and their role in procreation? Because it wasn’t exactly clear in the dream what this represented, it will require us to seek the Lord for further understanding. Regardless of the finer details, the message is clear and we must heed the warning.
As this nation debates who will be put in charge of our country in this next election, we must consider and recognize the enemy’s plans. If we are to choose wisely and take a stand for truth, we must understand the connection between God’s purposes and how science, medicine, and politics are either aligned with Him, or against Him. There is a collaboration of darkened minds set on forever altering God’s design and erasing humankind from the face of the earth. We are not just taking a stand for righteous laws and godly rule, but for our very existence. We must pray and take action accordingly.
How do we respond?
- Acknowledge the kind of warfare we are facing and get better informed about the issues.
- Watch and interpret rightly the ideologies and agendas that are being promoted.
- Declare that the blood of Jesus is stronger than any weapon. Declare the covenant of God to watch over our inheritance and secure our future.
- Watch for any plans to legalize ungodly practices and take a stand against them. Declare that God’s plans and purposes will prevail.
- Discern rightly the intent of politicians who might allow the enemy access. Pray they would walk in the Fear of the Lord.
SCRIPTURES TO PRAY, declaring the power of Jesus’ blood and God’s covenant promise to His people: Exodus 19:5; Psalms 91, 121, 139; 63:9-11; 103:17-19; Isaiah 54:17; Romans 8:31-39; Colossians 1:13-14; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Hebrews 9:11-22; 12:24-29
12 Responses
The fact that we have wickedness in high places cannot be overemphasized! Let us all be vigilant in our watchmen duties. Shalom and blessings to all.
China has altered the genes of a panda to make an “attack” panda
A friend was informed all her personal inflation that had been hacked was listed on social media for anyone use ??
We decree Jesus’ name is above baphomet, Jesus’ name is above 23 and me.
Hi Wanda,
Although I have followed you for quite a while, this is the first time that I have commented on one of your posts. The reason I am doing so now is that this particular post reminded me of one that I published back in 2018 as part of my discipleship series, “The Workout Room.” Of course, back then we had no idea that the government planned to alter our genetic makeup as a result of covid and the vaccines but there was still sufficient evidence that our God-given images were in the process of being manipulated and destroyed by the media–something which I tried to tackle in my post “Spiritual Warfare: Image Manipulation and the Media.” Admittedly, it’s a rather lengthy post and I am sure the statistics on the various media outlets are somewhat dated now, but I think the principles presented support the warnings you shared in your post. Here is a link to it, if you’re interested… https://histruthmyvoice.org/spiritual-warfare-image-manipulation-and-the-media/.
Thanks for your ministry and continued blessings on it,
Judy Roberts
This is so right on!! Our DNA is what they are after because they hate God and love evil and will do WHATEVER it takes to destroy mankind. Thank you, Wanda for sharing truths and your prophetic dreams, and teaching us to be on guard, so that we will not become victims to their evil schemes!!
I worked at a hospital during the pandemic, and they mandated we get the Covid vax. I submitted a religious exemption, as my belief at that time was that it changes your DNA. I believed this after learning that technology for the C-19 vax was originally made for cancer treatment. I had never vaccinated my children, who are in their 30s now, so my religious exemption should have been accepted. But they denied it and terminated me. My PCP pressured me 5 times to get the covid vax but I told her that I think it alters your DNA and she laughed at me. The 5th time I told her that it’s about my God-given immune system and that I believe that God will protect me. She eventually no longer allowed me into her clinic after being my PCP for several years. My husband was on the phone one day during all this with our family physician from another state. We have remained friends with him for many years. I asked him if he was going to take the covid vax and his response was “Hell no, it changes your DNA!” That helped me to understand that my thinking was not ridiculous as my PCP had laughed about.
Thank you, Pastor Wanda. My name is Haewon Hong. I live in South Korea. I am running a small business in the private educational area in Seoul. I am so happy to hear what’s going on globally right now from you. I have never seen a pastor like you. You are so brave and balanced. In fact, most church leaders tend to avoid mentioning this subtle but critical issue about the “venom.” I feel I need to give my testimonies about this to make people know “stories behind the scenes.” As a guide, I am a person who has been spiritually sensitive from my early childhood. I believe this will support your messages in a certain aspect. I started to post my stories in Korean Christian community last November.
1. In 2004, God opened a door for my husband and me to go to America to study TESOL in Oklahoma city. While staying there for one year and 8 months, I experienced a series of spiritual things. I had never experienced this kind of things before. First, a whirl wind of darkness coming down from the atmosphere almost took my soul/spirit out of my body into the air. Second, a strange, big object(I think it was a UFO) was hovering over my house for 1 week around 12 p.m, sending frequencies to my brain. So I had to fight against them with prayer due to severe headache. At that time, I didn’t believe the existence of UFOs and aliens at all. Third, a tremendous tornado approached toward my university, trying to sweep/absorb all the buildings away. People including me were busy running away from it. At that moment, a big-sized light came down from the sky and somebody guided me inside. I went up in the light high into the sky. I stayed in the light peacefully with somebody for some time. After the turmoil, the light came to the ground again and let me out. Fourth, in an urgent situation related to my graduation, the Holy Spirit shouted me which route I should take before I woke up. It was “Kilpatric turnpipe.”
not around 12 p.m. but at midnight
The spiritual experiences were all from in the state of trance while sleeping.
When the election cycle is over, regardless of who wins. If there isn’t some big “exposure” of this secret Cabal, what will everyone on these platforms freak out about…
In the USA, a l t e r e d DNA can be patented ……!
Why has my comment been removed? I should be informed if it is being fact-checked.