And He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!"

Are these devastating hurricanes truly natural or manipulated by men for evil purposes? Worse yet, are they being demonically driven in order to hinder and stop God’s purposes in this nation?

When Jesus dealt with the storm on the Sea of Galilee in Mark 4, He didn’t just speak to the winds – He rebuked them. His rebuke was the same rebuke He spoke just 2 chapters earlier to the demonized man with the unclean spirit. He was speaking not just to sickness, but to the demons causing the sickness. He knew the true source of the problem and rebuked the demonic presence fueling it.

At the time of this unexpected storm on the sea, Jesus was headed to deliver a man possessed by a legion of demons who had taken control of a territory (Mark 5). A major breakthrough in that region was about to occur because a demonic host was about to be expelled. Is it any wonder that the enemy would try and stop this breakthrough by stirring up a storm to deter Jesus’s mission?

Is it any wonder that these hurricanes are devastating specific regions that are not only key in an upcoming election, but contain valuable resources the enemy seeks to control? Could the devil actually cause storms to stop God’s redemptive purposes? Of course he could. But regardless of anyone’s conclusion about such “conspiracies”, we need to follow Jesus’s example. His immediate instruction to the disciples following His command was to exercise their faith. He expected them to do as He did and not allow fear or doubt to neuter their authority.

We don’t need to get hung up on whether or not the hurricanes are natural. All we need to know is that Jesus gave us authority over the works of darkness. He empowered us to defeat any scheme of the enemy that seeks to steal, kill, or destroy. Let’s agree together that these winds and waves must cease and desist, in Jesus’ name. Let’s believe that we carry the same authority as the Prince of Peace and command the storms to be still. The Lord is about to finish a major work of deliverance in this nation and He needs us to rise in faith and render these storms null and void.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


18 Responses

  1. Wanda, I was so happy to hear this word from the Lord through you. We have all authority that Jesus has and can use it to bring glory to Him.
    I will be taking authority over these hurricanes and everything the enemy is doing to stop this election from happening.
    We have the authority and the power in Jesus’ name.

  2. Totally in agreement Wanda! Jesus models what we should do and speak. He rebuked the winds and waves and they obeyed! The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us! Glory to God!

  3. I just did this in our prayer group on Monday. I rebuked the hurricane and commanded it to turn back, be gone, in Jesus’ Name! Thank you for confirmation!

  4. What happens if it does hit as expected? Would that mean that it was Gods will? How can we be so convinced we “know” better than God?

    Just curious…

  5. YES!!! I have been impressed for the last few days to rebuke the storm and speak to the waves- HUSH BE STILL! I emerged from a time of prayer this morning, rebuking this hurricane, opened my email and saw “Wanda’s Weekly Newsletter 10/09/2024: REBUKE THE WINDS!” I was so incredibly encouraged. I believe you are spot on- it’s time for the church to step up to a new level of purity and power. Thank you Wanda!

    P.S. I wondered about the name “Milton”. It’s interesting that John Milton was apparently a Revolutionary War hero from North Carolina, and the first Secretary of State in Georgia. His grandson was the Governor of Florida during the Civil War. His Great-Grandson was Jeff Milton who was the first officer appointed to the U.S. Immigration Service Border Patrol in 1924.

    1. Oh wow- John Milton was also the name of the 17th Century poet who penned “Paradise Lost”. From “Milton emphasizes the corruption to which humans are vulnerable if they are not spiritually aware of the manipulative power of evil around them.” Prophetic hurricane name?

  6. First Watch intercessors were to (yesterday the 8th) to pray exactly as you have called for! Jesus is King and we are His servants with His directive authority to enforce the Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven!!!!

  7. I live in SW Florida just 90 minutes of where Milton came onshore. For several days prior to its arrival, I had been praying and rebuking this storm. Anyone who would listen when I discussed it (it was a Cat 5 by then), I told them to do the same. Do NOT say, “I hope we luck out.” Today, the day after landfall, we all know that it was a Cat 3 when it hit. My home and neighborhood (which is 4 miles east of the Gulf of Mexico) had minimal damage – mainly yard debris and intermittent power outages. He does hear our cries/prayers/petitions!

  8. The climate people who think that the earth is getting too warm, are sending up jets that spray mist that tries to block the sun. Apparently that stuff is killing trees and crops and it contains heavy metals including aluminum which contributes to Alzheimer’s. I watched a video of this from my friend Kay Farmer showing this and I have seen this “crop dusting” myself. These folks are using Air Force planes. I would appreciate confirmation of this in case I am misinformed in any way. I want to be sure I am not spreading misinformation!

  9. There have been accusations of ‘cloud seeding’ at government level – nothing new there – but what is new, is that the purpose is supposedly not to provide extra rain, but to provoke very severe storms and possibly many more than in the natural.

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