Yes, that is a bold statement, but consider what is before us. More and more well-known Christian leaders are preaching ideas that directly contradict God’s Word. In trying to be more acceptable to the masses, seemingly good pastors are making choices and promoting agendas that are not only leading their congregations the wrong way, but are opening the door to demonic influence.
“For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has also rejected you from being king.” (1 Samuel 15:23 ESV)
In God’s eyes, rebelling against His word is the same thing as witchcraft (divination). To presume upon His character is wickedness (iniquity) and even idolatry. Thus, to purposely and intentionally defy His laws is to collaborate with dark forces and wicked agendas.
To make this practical, consider the upcoming election and the choice before us. The two different platforms clearly delineate where each party stands concerning God’s laws. Where one party seeks to uphold some basic truths of God’s Word, the other seeks to totally rewrite them. The differences have never been more stark.
One party stands for life in the womb. The other claims the right to end that life. One party defends our God-given biological differences while the other party seeks to upend the creation order and emasculate our children of their identity. One party defends the nuclear family and the role of parents while the other party seeks to strip children away from home and make them servants of the state. In essence, one party is building their platform on everything God hates.
“There are six things the Lord hates – no, seven things He detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.” (Proverbs 6:16-19 NLT)
Not only does God hate the shedding of innocent blood, He hates those who plot against Him through lies and deception. He hates those who divide families for evil gain, and will heap judgment on those who harm His children (Matthew 18:6). To try and circumvent this by promoting a twisted cult of inclusivity or a false ideology of compassion is ignorant at best and demonic at worst.
Perhaps in past years, these truths were not as clear, and any spiritual implications may have seemed too subjective or radical. Unfortunately, the demonic agenda at work in the governmental sphere has never been so center-stage or blatant. What used to be deemed as merely political issues are now spiritual realities with serious and far-reaching consequences for years to come. As imperfect as the particular candidates may be, God’s favor and blessing will rest on those who uphold His Word and seek to maintain a righteous standard.
For those who walk in the fear of the Lord and still believe His laws are sacred and holy, the implications should be in plain view. The choice we make and the vote we cast will not be some subjective political move, but a powerful prophetic act that can either open the windows of heaven or unleash the hordes of hell. Choose you this day whom you will serve.
21 Responses
Please pray for my son. we haven’t seen him in 2 1/2 years. We are trying in every way to contact him. he doesn’t answer. we are not allowed to see his 3 year old son. We mourn this indescribably.
Gudrun, I am praying for restoration and healing in your family. I pray God will quicken your son’s heart to reach out to you. Don’t lose heart, God wants this for you and for your family too. He can make a way when there seems to be no way! Continue to pray and trust in the Lord. HE IS the God of the impossible. I will continue to pray in to this for you.
Heart breaking for you your family, May the Lord sustain during this time, Stand strong, keep reaching out to other to pray for your s
on, Satan come to kill, steal, and destroy the family and everything that the Lord Cherishes,
God bless you Wanda, and God bless America and Israel 🙏
Excellent word. Totally believe in the deception in people who can vote democratic and can’t see what is wrong with their platform. I have this in my family.
I can’t find the links mentioned in this bold, true, critical word.
If you find this video on her YouTube channel, the links are in a pinned comment underneath the video. Hope that helps. 😊
Go down to the bottom and open the blog.
Thank You Prophetess Wanda Alger(and husband) for this SO VERY POWERFUL AND ACCURATE WORD…1 SAMUEL 15:22,23.
Yes yes yes. Bless you Wanda and your husband
Unfortunately, I have had no success conversing with problematic topics such as abortion and Israel with those who are blind.
Hearts are tough and stubborn. The highly educated ones from mostly Ivy League universities are entirely convinced or brainwashed. I believe it will take a move of the Holy Spirit!
I have listened patiently and been kind and generous; however, as soon as I try to share my views, anger immediately comes over them, and they are entirely closed to my thoughts or insight.
Until these so-called believers get the “fear of the Lord” on them I really can do nothing but pray🙏
AMEN I totally agree
This message is “spot on”! If I were an American citizen, I know what my choice would be, “… as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (from Joshua 24:15, NIV).
How does former President Trump embody any of the qualities referenced in Proverbs? Seems like a double standard. “As long as he’s our bully” we will excuse his behavior. None of these parties accurately reflect the heart of Christ because they can’t. Jesus didn’t seek earthly power and yet Christian’s have become consumed with a quest for earthly power out of fear.
Would you also have turned down pagan King Cyrus’s offer to let you leave captivity and go home – with his money to rebuild the temple of the Lord? What about wild man Jehu who cleaned Jezebel out of Israel? Would you have said no to what God was doing because you though Jehu was an executioner without a judicial process? After God sent the prophet to anoint him as king, he oversaw the summary execution of Ahab and Jezebel’s whole lineage.
What about Winston Churchill who was a womaniser and permanently intoxicated (but still functional in his post)? Would you have preferred to do without his input (with prophetic intercessor Reece Howels leading the Welsh bible college in prayer – the real conduit for God’s salvation from the Nazis)?
Do you want full-blown Marxism, wholesale slaughter – the running total is some 66 million babies, more people trafficking and child mutilation, with children removed from parents who won’t comply with the pronouns – which will surely bring God’s further judgement on the USA? Kamila would deliver all that and much, much more with Obama et al steerage behind the scenes because God gives us free will. Trump is a very new Christian and a work in progress like all of us. No leader is perfect or heroic, but God chooses our leaders, including pagan kings, especially if we allow him to give us His first choice of imperfect human leaders. We none of us is perfect but God still uses us.
I am not a US citizen nor can I bring myself to like Trump very much, but I know who would uphold godly precepts in office and it isn’t Kamala Harris. I would question if Trump is actually a bully or just simply a defender of the US which has become incredibly weak on the world stage since Trump lost office.
Question? My kids at school are friends with a kid who has gay parents. My kid has invited them to trick or treat with us. Any advice? Can we be around them or should we advise my kids to make other friends?
What about the bigger picture? Is Hallow’een for Christians at all? It is far from innocent because of what it invites into people’s lives and homes. And Trick or Treat ?? Surely there are healthier alternatives? What happened to Harvest Festival?
In the UK and Ireland, the death cult has also crept in, but for 5th November there are organised firework displays and meals together with friends. Dads also let off small garden fireworks for the children. A games night for children with some treats, meeting the neighbours’ children and a few fireworks could be an alternative to Trick or Treating.
If parents don’t allow their children to accept Trick or Treat invitations, they could invite the other child to a small family party with games instead. (If children come to my door, I explain I don’t celebrate Hallow’een but give them some fruit instead of sweets which I don’t have at home anyway.)
That feels very legalistic. Christmas has pagan roots (christmas tree/mistletoe). If you have this view towards Halloween I hope the same extends to all holidays. It’s easy to find the evil or bad in anything.
I’m not for having my kids worship the devil but I see no harm in dressing up and visiting houses for candy. It is what you make it.
If all Christian pull out of the public sphere and traditions, how do be salt and light to the lost.
True about the public sphere – but I just don’t embrace the pagan aspects- Halloween death culture, gouls, ghosts and witchcraft – some cities really gi to town on it. I pray against the spells cast against Christians at this time.
Christmas, I avoid all the drinking parties and over indulgence which can be up to 6-8 weeks this side of the pond because we don’t have Thanksgiving.
We are long past trying to fit in with the Babylonian culture to appear cool/ relevant enough to be invited to give our testimony; the separation of the wheat and tares has been in progress for few years- Jesus’s return is imminent, I have to keep reminding myself!! The check-list of events is for His final return – with His people (Thessalonians 1 does not say angels!).
I have young relatives who has a parent who is married to a gay partner. Children can’t help who their parents are, or dictate their parents choices.
My personal recommendation would be to keep taking it to the Lord, casting away fear, and seeking discernment. The Holy Spirit knows whether there’s opportunity here for the gospel, or whether there’s a spiritual entanglement to avoid.