I had a short dream early this morning (Monday, November 4) that indicates we may be “grounded” for a time and our prayers for the nation must continue by faith, and not necessarily by sight.

In the dream I was in my house and heard the loud sound of an airplane overhead. I looked out my window and saw a massive airplane coming down for an emergency landing directly over my house. The wings were huge and it was so low to the ground I was worried the wings would clip my house. It was so unexpected, I tried to record it on my phone but it wouldn’t work. It all happened so fast. (End of dream)

In dreams, flying usually represents prayer and intercession. And where I’ve often seen ships in my dreams representing this nation, airplanes have usually represented the Church. I believe this short dream suggests a soon and coming time when we may be “grounded,” but for the purpose of more strategic prayer in our own communities. Our prayers are going to shift to what’s directly in front of us instead of what’s happening elsewhere in the nation.

Many rumors are circulating about a possible grid shutdown or even martial law as a result of the election. The fact that I couldn’t use my phone in the dream stood out. I am not predicting this – only sharing what I saw in my dream and a possible interpretation. If something does happen to our communications grid, then our source of intel is going to drastically change. I believe the Lord is urging us to continue to pray, but not with our natural understanding or according to the national news. If and when something happens, we must pray by the power of the Spirit to accurately perceive and declare God’s intentions.

“Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18 ESV)

Given the unknowns, the Lord wants to remind us that we are seated with Him in heavenly places, far above all principalities and powers. As we continue to pray by the Spirit, our prayers will reverberate in the heavens and our oneness and unity will be exponential in effect. Just as we live by faith, we can pray by faith. Our prayers, in accordance with the will of the Father, have great power in the Spirit to accomplish everything He purposes. Regardless of what happens in the natural, our spiritual authority is unchanging and we will see the victory of our Lord and the needed breakthrough for this nation.

(Stay tuned to my YouTube or Rumble channels for further details…) 

I would like to suggest praying Psalms 33 and 34 as starting points in the next few days.
If you have a particular scripture passage that would help fuel our collective prayers at this time, feel free to share below….And share with others!

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


34 Responses

  1. Our Father has had me praying out loud Psalms 109 – 112 the last few weeks. Continuing to do so until further notice. Blessings and Shalom over all. Bold confidence beloveds.

    1. Thank you for this reading! It was right! And I’ll be reading this along with Wanda’s suggestion of Psalms 33-34. We will have no fear! PTL

  2. I am filled with joyful anticipation of what the Lord is about to do. Perseverance in prayer with rejoicing in the face of the enemy and his foolishness, for God is showing His Glory. Laugh with Him in the dark. We are His light!!!

  3. 11/04/2024 5785
    Confirmation ! To speak in the Spirit as our Original language in our every! I touch and agree,
    In Jesus name amen may those who have been lazy in this place, He is saying BEGIN again,.amen thank you again ⛓️‍💥 I heard this also this morning He caused me to hear amen.

  4. Reading your dream, makes me think about my dream I had on Saturday Nov 2 2024. In the dream I felt a demonic presence. I then told the people “it’s satan “. Immediately a man appeared and I knew it was satan. I then touch him as if ready to fight but when I did it was like touching needles. I then said to Satan “ I can’t beat you and I’m not going to try because Jesus already defeated you at the cross. The blood of Jesus did it. I then started singing a song and all the people who were around and there was many started repeating after me. Satan was there just observing but didn’t touch us. We kept praising God and focusing on the finished works of the cross. Then I noticed some people started leaving I guess for the night. I then said, we need to continue to pray all night. If you can’t do all night, it’s okay 1 can chase 1000 2 10000. And I woke up. I believe this is instruction for what is ahead. Prayer and Praise will bring us to victory

  5. Yes! I lost use of my phone the day I ordered your book on-line. I felt like the Lord told me this was coming. No carrier could help me. I finally had to have my phone reset and it is working now. I did lose all my photos however. Please people, take this seriously and back up your phones and pray. It’s terrible to be unable to communicate and we need to be prepared as much as possible. Nancy Cron

    1. Nancy, my name is Joni. I am a widow & live alone. How do I reset my phone so I will NOT LOSE MY PICTURES?? I HAVE BEEN PRAYING, PRAYING🙏& PRAYING🙏🛐 I FIGHTING ALOT OF PAIN ….
      THANK U & BLESS U🙏

      1. Dear Joni, my sister on another continent 💞. I am single and live alone, however, not really🙏 Jesus is with us and in Spirit I am also now with you from Germany.
        May our God of All Comfort, Comfort your 💗 and Body Deeply🙏

      2. Hi Joni. This is K.Williams. You don’t want to reset your phone because then you will lose everything. But you need to be sure that your info on your phone is ‘backed up’. If you arent sure how to do this, call your provider–AT&T, Verizon, or whomever you have. If your phone is backed up then everything is saved and can be loaded back onto your phone. Blessings to you Joni.

  6. For some years now I have felt that DJT was not going to stop what is coming but rather his job is to bring this plane in for a soft landing as opposed to a crash landing. Also that we need to l learn how to communicate by means of the Holy Spirit so that when all other means are broken or corrupted we can still know what to do.

  7. The Lord gave me an open vision in the summer of 2020. It was of a most beautiful tree, its branches covered with green leaves and glorious, pure white flowers, standing solitary and tall on a hill. The beauty of the tree took my breath away. The sky above was lavender in hue. Above the tree, in the sky, was a gold frame. In the frame was the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. I cannot remember whether He had a crown upon his head or not…I believe He did. Somehow I knew the tree represented our Nation, a planting of the Lord. Suddenly, as l gazed upon it , huge thorns broke out from the ground at the base of the tree. With lightning fast speed they quickly encircled the tree, climbing up it, wrapping about it in a spiral motion, crushing it, destroying it. Within moments, its branches were broken, flying off, the flowers were being crushed and their petals destroyed. Horrified, I looked for the lion. At first, I could not see Him. It was as if He had disappeared. Then, suddenly, in hopeless despair, I did see Him. He opened His mouth, as if to roar. But instead of roaring, He blew from His mouth …one magnificent gust of breath. IMMEDIATELY, the thorn branches responded, breaking off, snapping into small and great pieces, falling to the ground as caught in a twister of wind. The tree was damaged; it stood a somewhat tattered remnant of what it been. But it had survived. There was a sense of the need of rebuilding. The vision ended. I believe what God was warning was that there will be a moment coming when it will 100% look like evil is winning, that all righteousness is being destroyed, that He is absent from the picture. But hold steady, do not lose faith, He is still on His throne and at the right moment, one breath from His mouth will do the work we cannot do. Wait on the Lord, do not fear, keep your eyes on Him. This may be the time of that dream.
    Ps. I had never had a vision before and did not know what I had just had, although I was aware it was from the Lord. I was awake, although my eyes were closed and the scene played out, as a movie before me. Well, almost 2 yrs later, an out of state friend suddenly texted me that she had had a vision and the Lord had told her I had had one too, and I was to share mine. At first I thought she was crazy (although I know she’s not!). I couldn’t figure out what she was talking about. I didn’t get visions!!! I was like, what IS she talking about??? Then the Lord brought the above back to my mind. I had been awake, I had simply watched it play out , and I had had a grasp of what it had been saying. If that wasn’t a vision, what is? So, I share it here, because I think it fits. It’s main message was: when things look like they can’t get worse, don’t fear, dont lose faith, wait on Him, look up, the Victory IS His. Wait on it! Be encouraged.

    1. That was a great vision. I am wondering if your vision could be referring to the past four years with our country being destroyed by the Deep State and now the breath of God has breathed over our tattered land and will use Trump to rebuild it (make America great again)–for a season, at least. Didn’t it look like 100% evil was winning the past four years? Once Trump is gone we will have to wait and see how things go. The Bible does not tell us how long the coming outpouring of His Spirit will last. It could be relatively short and then all the judgments roar in full effect and what if… just what if . . . all the pretrib teachings have been wrong? I have decided not to take a strong position one way or another because VERY SMART people have interpreted the End Times in Scripture very differently. If it was so clear in Scripture, then most everyone would agree, right? It’s been hidden for a reason. I do believe that God will be dropping revelation as we go forward and I for one do not want to be stuck in the wrong lane.

  8. The Lord and Holy Spirit gave me Psalm 74 and 75 to pray over the Church and this nation this morning. I pray as Habakkuk did said Lord please remember Your love pity and mercy to us!!! All of Habakkuk chapter 3!!! Pray verses aloud to to the Lord!! Verse 19 The Lord is my Strength my personal Bravery….!!! All is by His Hand and His will all for His Gory and His Son Jesus Christ!!! Holy Spirit help us!!!

  9. It’s sad how many Christians fall into the trap every election cycle of “the world is ending because…”

    Scripture is clear Matthew 24:36. “”No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

    Somehow people have been deceived into thinking something has changed. God is far bigger than anything happening in the States. Wake up

  10. Have had 2 ‘urgent’ dreams in the last few days that speak: 1. of the Ecclesia’s need to come together as a community ‘to rescue and save’ what is coming, and
    2. an unexpected ‘atomic’ event that will look very scary in the natural, but over which the Lord is in control. We, the remnant and intercessors, need to be the community of prayers and be at Peace in Him! This will not be easy, as our souls will tend to alert anxiety that could move into fear.
    Proverbs 3:5 and Joel 3:14/ “Trust in the Lord with all your heart… The time of the Lord is at hand!”
    Pray this is encouraging.

  11. There will be a shift in intercession refocusing on the House of the Lord and condition of His Church. An increased reliance on the Holy Spirit to remove old structures. A preparation of hearts to hear our Father’s heart and intercede for the tearing down of old structures within His people as well as within the church structure as it currently stands. A building up of His people and church in His love. A season of tearing down and of building up. Jeremiah 1:10 and Ecclesiastes 3

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