No doubt, this will be an unsettling word for some in the Body of Christ. Yet, I can only share what I was shown and pass on the admonition I believe the Lord is giving us. There are some sacred cows based on doctrines of men that need to be left behind if we are to enter into this next phase of Kingdom expansion.
On October 30, I had a dream about the Church. I saw it as a massive complex that had been used for a very long time, but was now closing down. All the tenants were leaving, and had left behind what was no longer needed for the new venture. Bobby and I were among the last group remaining and we were gathering up our things to leave with the others.
As I was walking towards the exit, I suddenly realized I didn’t have my purse with me. It was a nice leather bag with fringe tassels that was very special to me and I needed to find it because it carried all my personal belongings. I began to search various rooms but couldn’t find it and became worried that I wouldn’t find it in time. I finally found it in a storage room on a back shelf. However, I was surprised that when I looked inside, it was virtually empty. I thought for sure it held important personal information and belongings, but realized it wasn’t holding anything significant. Even so, I carried it down the stairs to join my husband.
When I got to the bottom of the stairs someone shoved an old wedding dress in my hands and told me to take it. It looked old and torn, but I thought maybe it had some kind of special meaning to someone, so I headed towards the exit, still looking at the dress in my hands. But then I was stopped again by, what I thought was, Bobby, and he told me not to take it. When I looked up, I saw that it wasn’t Bobby, but an older man wearing a badge. This policeman was wearing a light blue shirt, a cowboy hat and cowboy boots, and touted a large white mustache. He even spoke with a slight drawl. He motioned to a large pile of other wedding dresses just like mine and said “You won’t be needing that.” I could tell he had been around for a while and was simply looking out for me, knowing where I was headed. So, I threw it in the massive pile with all the other wedding dresses and left. Then I woke up.
Before giving the interpretation, I will clarify what the various components and symbols of the dream represent. The massive complex is the Church as we have known it. Bobby and I are leaders in the Church who are helping in making the transition ahead. Having had previous other dreams about purses, I knew my purse represented my personal identity. It is a symbol of what I have “carried” in this season in terms of personal gifting and assignment. The cowboy policeman is a heavenly messenger who has been around for a while and part of the initial pioneering of the Church. He is now overseeing the transition to the next phase of this Kingdom Age. Lastly, I knew by revelation that the wedding dress not only represented covenant, but also our current understanding of what it means for the Bride of Christ to be ready for the Bridegroom’s return (Revelation 19:7-9).
I believe this dream is illustrating the massive shift that the Church is now experiencing. We are not only entering another season, but an entirely new era in Kingdom advancement. Church, as we have known it, is closing down. Much of what we have understood about ministry and our commission is about to radically change. And it’s not about being raptured out, but rather being upgraded to an entirely new wineskin. And to enter into this new era, we need to leave behind outdated mindsets, doctrines, and beliefs that will no longer be relevant in the days ahead. (You can refer to similar dreams I’ve had in the past ten years, both HERE and HERE.)
But these dreams do not indicate a preparation for a soon and coming rapture. In this dream, the wedding dress was not in pristine condition, nor was it “ready.” It was old and torn, suggesting that many doctrines related to our readiness for Christ’s return are old and outdated. And the heavenly messenger motioned to a pile of similar dresses. It was evident that many others had gone before me, trying to take this same relic with them. He told me they would not be needed, nor did they contain any intrinsic value.
But there’s something even more sobering. Because a wedding dress signifies covenant, I believe it indicates that many have made a dangerous covenant with various end-times doctrines – especially the rapture doctrine. This particular interpretation of Scripture has immobilized a segment of the present-day Church. Thinking we are about to be rescued from the ever-increasing darkness, many have avoided engagement in the public square and distanced themselves from getting involved. Holding to a belief that things are going to get worse to pave the way for an Anti-Christ figure to appear, many are missing what our future is supposed to look like. For those who have been bound to this doctrine, the admonition is to let it go. It must be left behind. Yes, Jesus is coming again, but He never intended for us to figure out exactly when.
“He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20)
I believe we have many years left before Jesus physically returns. The Lord has been saying He is “coming soon” for thousands of years. This admonition isn’t signaling a particular timeline, but a spiritual reality that we must always be ready for. Especially preceding a time of harvest, the Spirit of God will release this same message, oftentimes to those with an evangelistic call, to prepare that generation for the winning of souls. It is a reminder that our time here is only temporary and that we need to be planning and preparing for our eternal destination.
“Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.” (1 John 2:18 ESV)
Scripture also refers to the anti-Christ spirit which was already at work in the early Church. John stated there would be many anti-Christs, not just one. Those who have promoted the idea of one anti-Christ figure have usually interpreted books such as Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation to support this idea. But these books are highly symbolic and subjective, creating countless versions of end times scenarios that the Church at large has never agreed upon. Instead of predicting a coming “Anti-Christ” figure that will signal the end of the world, Scripture simply states we should be on guard against the anti-Christ spirit which shows up in every generation. We must be ready at all times to discern rightly the spirit of the age and those we follow.
Lastly, this massive change is not only about the corporate Body. It is about our individual roles and assignments that are also about to change. I have had other dreams where my purse represented my personal identity. In this dream, I thought I needed everything I was “carrying” in order to go to the next destination. However, even though the vessel was still unique and valuable (leather purse with tassels), it did not contain what I thought I needed. The Lord is saying that what many pioneers have carried in this current season of ministry may not be needed for the next. This is not a demotion, but an upgrade by creative design. Grace has lifted from familiar ministry tools and assignments because something better is on the horizon. We can be filled with expectation for how He will fill us afresh and give us exactly what we need to be fruitful and productive in our ministries to come.
“For behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” (Luke 17:21)
When Jesus came to the earth He announced that the Kingdom of God is here! Thus, we have been walking in the Kingdom Age for over 2,000 years. But there is a massive shift coming. This next phase is going to usher in a powerful move of the Spirit that will cover the entire earth. It will be a time of great harvest of souls and miraculous manifestations of Kingdom power and authority. He invites us to leave behind those mindsets and beliefs that are no longer needed and prepare for a fresh outpouring of glory. Building on what has gone before, we are entering an era of His manifest presence and power that has never been seen before. Prepare to receive the upgrades!
26 Responses
YES, this confirms! I am amazed at what is coming from MANY prophetic voices, is also showing up in local Ekklesias. We are all on the same Holy Spirit channel. So thankful for this dream!
Yep I been sensing that for a long time. I never was raised with the rapture out and avoiding everything mentality. I often Christ comes again.
So good Wanda! The Word that was given to me back in the 80’s spoke of a bright, joy filled season after “the great change” which I didn’t understand at the time what that change was speaking of and have questioned the Lord about that recently because of so much expectation of a soon coming Anti Christ & False Prophet. I am waiting on Him to continue to open up His Truth at this time. Thank you as this definitely helped! Lord Bless!
WOW! Another confirmation of the word SHIFT. Holy Spirit gave me a message about a coming SHIFT I wrote appx 2 yrs ago. While I knew it would apply to some of us individually, I also felt that it ais a message to a specific church. I think a door is about to open to share it. ALL PRAISE TO JESUS!
Praise YHVH, I am so eager and joyful to be alive right now. I feel SO special to be experiencing this glory and new life. My spirit is bouncing inside me with joy over what is coming. Thank you Wanda for sharing. I yearn for the harvest, and the glory, and the healing coming.
Thank God for the upgrade and major overhaul God is doing in the “black church”!
We’ve needed it for such a long time.
God get rid of masons pastoring denominational black churches!
Prophet Bob Jones had words for the ’40’s and early ’50’s.
Dan Mohler who led Todd White to the Lord had something from God pertaining to about 75 years from now….
Yes I believe huge miracles and outpourings are coming!
It has also said that, Bob Jones was seeing beyond our current earth age and into the Millennial Reign of Christ. Jesus said to be ready ‘at all times’ for His return (Matt 25:13, 36, 44).
If we say it’s tomorrow, we might panic, but equally, if we convince ourselves it’s in the far-off future we go to sleep- like most of those sitting in churches – and fail to prepare ourselves or to bring in the harvest.
I had said the following back in April, which I think I posted somewhere (but forgot to note that.) I apparently got the idea from Johnny Enlow, and thought it was important. A much MUCH condensed version of Wanda’s message.
Rapture Theology = Quitter Mentality
So many in the “church world” are sitting around waiting for God to snatch them away and then to punish the sinful world. All the while, God is waiting for His church to rise up and win the sinners to Jesus Christ!
The Father is not wanting to punish anyone. That was never part of His plan.
Thank you for sharing an encouraging Word. I feel the peace of the Lord on this and a yes in my spirit!
I was raised by afficionados of the Scofield Bible, heavily laced with footnotes about rapture, antichrist, and the rest. I rejected the premillenialism because it seemed to be a patchwork of misapplied scriptures. For the last couple of decades, I’ve wanted the stiff, artificial lecture halls called “churches” to change, so we could have something more suitable for actual convesations with one another. I am an amillenialist, possibly a post-millenialist, if we were forced to be theological about it. The format of the church today seems to be from the 1940s. I’m looking forward to what God does in this big shaking that’s going on.
Spot on! As we return to First Love, Him and Him alone, many of these old mindsets and belief systems will simply be dismantled and fall to the ground. His love for us and His church and the world will become our motivation… not the works. Our hope will be in Him alone, our faith will be in Him alone and His love alone will empower us to be and live out His new creation life that lives within us and to be poured out upon others.
This so confirms what God has been growing me to believe. I have been listening to the prophets since 2020 and my favorite is Johnny Enlow and he believes this also and it gives me so much peace. I am 77 years old, raised in the church with all the rapture/end time teaching since I was little. It only brought fear. I have small grandchildren and I want to live to see them grow up, I want to see justice in the earth and I want to see God’s glory poured out. “And the glory of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea”. He is coming for a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. The church is a mess right now, at least large portions. It is not time. I have followed several prophets and teachers for awhile and several are now saying 4-6 years. It’s been upsetting so to hear you say what you are saying made my spirit leap! Thy Kingdom Come Lord Jesus!
So are we to just forget that Revelation is part of the Bible? I’m confused.
Really good word. Time to send to Kingdom Era thinking and acting. I have been grieved by the stagnant “rapture” mentality for some time. The harvest is ripe. Lets get to it!
KJV read~Matthew 13:24 while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. This I believe is what you are referring to.
Jesus said to leave them alone and there will come a time there will be reaping .
In some countries where rapture or harpazo in the Greek from Thessalonians has been consistently taught (Matt 24:34 1 and 2 Thessalonians), some (not all) people are immobilised because they think they could be helecoptered out at any moment. Though surely the light of Christ will increase even as the world ever decays and darkens (Daniel 12:3).
In countries where rapture has not been taught in the 20th and 21st centuries – and not even the the biblical truth of the return of Christ has not been taught, I believe, firstly Cesar and the popes and other monarchy didn’t want a rival king, therefore Christ’s repeated warnings to be ready for His unexpected return has also been largely ignored.
People expect, just as Jesus said of the days of Noah, people just expected and demand that life continue indefinitely and that they will live out their lives, make plans, retire and die in their beds. But those who ‘do great exploits for God’ (Daniel 11:32) and the early Christians all have had a sense of urgency and through all the epistles, Paul, Peter, John and Jude in the epistles taught that Christ’s return is imminent – as in expected – which is what Christ Himself reiterated about not knowing the day or the hour.
Yes it has been 2000 years since Christ’s return to heaven, but as Apostle Paul said, if anything we are nearer His return than when we first believed (Rom 13:11) not ages away! Daniel 9 and 12, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Joel, Revelation, Zechariah, Ezekiel, all the epistles and Jesus’s own words make it very clear that there will be a definite end point to the world and a a time of unprecedented tribulation, a great harvest and a glorious church for Christ to return for.
If we lose Christ’s perspective of the expectation of His return, we become complacent and lose all sense of urgency about the state of our souls and reaching the lost. Equally, if we treat the subject of His return as an escape from worldly troubles, we neglect to “ work while it is still day” (John 9:4) as Christ Himself urged us to do. All the epistles describe living in the tension of ‘not yet but in a little while’ just as the the Prophet Elijah’s servant perceived the rain ‘cloud the size of a man’s hand’ – the promised rains in the offing. Though we can’t know if Christ will return pre-, mid- or post- Tribulation, we are instructed to be ready – and that it will take much more than a month or even a year to ready ourselves. Furthermore, if we are focused on Him, He will protect us from anything that comes on the earth (Luke 21:36, Rev 3:10), whether raptured or on earth, He will shield us.
I believe the Bible is the authoritative word of the Lord and I live by it. In conjunction with clear warnings in the written word of God, the Holy Spirit in me and the Lord in my prayer time continually reminds me that He is coming very soon and to be ready! Soon isn’t tomorrow or even next year at this point as Holy Spirit is telling many, but the bible does describe an actual anti-Christ in Daniel and Revelation, a Great Harvest in the End Times (Matt 24:14, Tribulation Saints in Rev 7 and Joel 2:28, 32 outpouring of the Spirit) and one day soon, it will be THE DAY of Christ’s return. This is our blessed hope, but also subject of Christ’s dreadful repeated warnings not to waste our remaining time of preparation as the 5 foolish bridesmaids did in Matt 25.
I meant Matt 24:40-42 for scriptures that suggest a rapture ‘ one taken and one left’; also 1 Thess 4:17 ‘caught up’ with the dead who rise in Christ or harpatzo in the Greek ‘to meet the Lord in the air so that we will always be with the Lord!’ (Amplified Bible).
I have heard some teaching recently that most of Matthew 24 has already been fulfilled including the millennium. Beautiful buildings throughout the world indicate that higher power was available to create these and that history has been distorted. If the rapture and millennium took place sometime after AD70 Then the wedding dress would be old. I have been asking the Lord to show me if there is any truth in this. It does seem to somehow to fit many Scriptures that say I am coming soon.
I certainly feel with Wanda that there will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit bringing salvation to many that will precede Jesus’s coming either in Revelation 19 or at the end of Revelation 20 ushering in the new heaven, new earth.
If you want to comment on this Wanda rather than publicising it, I’m happy for you to contact me
We have never seen the lion lying down with the lamb (Isaiah 11:6) and eating straw not meat, so this has not been fulfilled. Plus if the Lord ruled from Jerusalem (Zechariah 12) it would be heaven on earth and clearly it is not. Therefore all these things have yet to take place. It is noteworthy that every prophesy of Christ’s first coming was fulfilled and in practical, literal ways, nothing was pictorial. We can expect the same with second coming, rapture and final return.
After nearly 70 years of walking with the Lord, albeit with many mistakes, I have become convinced that the reason there are so many doctrines regarding the “end times” is because GOD has not chosen to be clear about it for His own reasons. Personally I listen to the many dreams, visions and doctrinal teachings and even have my favorites but acknowledge that neither myself nor anyone can say with any certainty just how GOD plans to play things out. This however is sure, we are to be ready and found working when that moment comes regardless of how we believe events will occur.
Actually this is what the Lord said to me Mark when I asked him when the rapture would be! Be ready. I am going to stop concerning about times and trying to fit scripture into this or that theory. He knows and we have His spirit within to guide us and He will come when the Father tells Him to. Hallelujah
If you worship a God that never disagrees with you or challenges you, you might be worshipping a glorified version of yourself…
If in a triathelon the bicycling got switched to being prior the swimming segment, the athlete wouldn’t take the bicycle into the water with them–they would leave it behind. It completely makes sense that there are things we’ve carried, things that were necessary for this stretch of the journey, that we’re gonna need to lay aside when the great shift happens.