When we consider faith for healing, it is easy to isolate our “I believe” statements to just the healing part. I can absolutely believe that God is able to heal me, and desires to do so. But the Lord reminded me the other day, the kind of faith that results in “…your faith has made you well…” is the kind of faith that encompasses every part of our lives – not just our healing. It’s the kind of faith that believes in His goodness and power in every detail of our journey.

As I began to consider those areas where I am not as strong in my faith, I immediately thought, “I believe, Lord! Help my unbelief!”

Then He interrupted my thoughts:
“Are you living from your current state – or from My finished state?”


If I’m really crucified with Christ, I’m dead to doubt and mistrust. If it’s only Christ who lives in me, then there’s no room for unbelief. If I truly embrace the righteousness of God that has been imparted to me, I don’t have to work FOR anything. He’s already finished it.

Then I remembered a powerful vision I had last year of Christ Jesus literally standing up on the inside of me, filling every part of my being. He was so large on the inside, there was no room for my flesh to even exist. Instead of me looking at Him across the room and asking for help, He revealed Himself on the inside. It was a fresh revelation of “Christ within” and the power of His resurrection that was already available.

Christ never intended for us to work for anything. He already accomplished everything that’s needed on the cross. The only work required is to simply embrace what He has done and begin to live FROM Him, instead of FOR Him.

It’s not even our faith that makes us well. It’s HIS.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


18 Responses

  1. Thank you, Miss Wanda. Jesus, help us to understand and embrace your finished work on the cross. Help us to understand that all our sufficiency comes from you.

  2. This was a good blog. Can you share some practical “hows” to make this a reality in our lives?
    I am overcoming a major health challenge and find myself struggling to live “in the finished work if the cross” when symptoms are so loud.
    Thank you to anyone who has made this crossover and can help.

    1. Dear Merry,
      I Recommend you highly the Book:
      God as He longs for you to See Him
      from Chip Ingram. Just last week, while thinking one early morning about God’s Goodness, suddenly the thought ‘crossed’ my mind, that Believing in His Goodness is part of the Faith that can make us Whole!
      Some years ago I experienced such strong midlife symptoms so that it became a major health crises.
      It was God’s Goodness reaching my heart through the prayers for me for healing after a church service, that made me cry so much, but after that, I experienced I was made Whole 🙏

      1. (from Administrative Assistant)
        Thank you for building up the body of Christ with your suggestions for Merry. It’s always great to see commenters that reach out to other commenters with encouragement! Blessings!

    2. (from Administrative Assistant)
      Merry, please review all that Wanda has to offer on her entire website. She has more than 12 years of articles, videos, free resources and bookstore items that will provide many keys to living in the finished work of the cross! At the top of the homepage you will see the tabs for Blog, Videos, Resources and Bookstore. On any page you can search for a specific topic or find a Topical Study on the Resource Page that is already set up to address common themes. Praying you will take some time to see all that’s there.

    3. At times, when I am asking for healing, God will ask me : “What are you doing toward your healing process?” God does expect me to participate seeking help from sources available to me.

  3. Wanda thanks for this post on faith! Living FROM Christ in us (FINISHED WORK), rather than living for Christ – self dependent instead of Crucified with Christ, makes ALL the difference! Blessing to You & Yours.
    Prince George, BC , Canada. Love your posts & wisdom!

  4. Wow, Wanda, I so needed this word this morning. What an enormous visual that you have so wonderfully shared. Again thank you!

  5. This word reminds me of Watchman Nees’ book “Sit, Walk, Stand.” It is a commentary on the Book of Ephesians. The first 3 chapters of the Book are about learning to “sit” in what Christ has accomplished. From this, as I am discipling others, I am now teaching that you cannot walk until you know how to sit.

  6. Please pray for me Keith MARCELLUS JONES, that I live FROM him(Jesus Christ).

    God’s grace be multiplied to you all praying for me.Thank you!

  7. Wow! I found this to be a profound teaching Wanda! May the eyes of your understanding continue to be opened wider and wider! Thank you Lord for the revelation and insight You are sharing through Your daughter, and My sister in Christ.

  8. Wanda the revelation that the Lord has given you regarding healing is remarkable. Much of what you are teaching is confirmation of what was taught by a minister who lived during the Asuza Street era by the name of Dr. Charles S. Price. He was a part of many healing services and witnessed some incredible miracles. But because he struggled with not being able to understand why some were healed and some were not, he wrote a book entitled, “The Real Faith”. I highly recommend it to everyone. Here’s just a couple of quotes from the book that I’m sure you’ll appreciate:
    “Our chief difficulty is that we seek healing instead of the Healer.” (page 76) Speaking of those who come to his services: “There are those who come looking for healing, but not for the HEALER!” (page 118) And another quote from page 122 (these page numbers are of course from my copy of the book):
    “We are so cluttered up with attending to the external details, and so weary in our unceasing toil, that we fail to hear the voice of Jesus say, “Come unto Me and rest! Lay down, thou weary soul, lay down, Thy head upon My breast!” It is then that we discover it is not our faith in Him, but HIS FAITH operating in us.” And there are many truths that the Lord revealed to Dr. Price that I believe he has revealed to you also that can be found in his book. I hope I haven’t over stepped in mentioning this book without your prior permission.

  9. Thank you for Sharing this powerful truth from the Lord! Are you living from my current state or from my finished state? I had this revelation last night God already sees our victory because of his timing. We just have to believe. I saw this statement God uses past tense while referring to a future event being outside of time.

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