Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18 ESV
This is not an easy word to share, as there are many still trying to process recent headlines of exposure among well-known Christian leaders. But without recognizing the spirit at work in the hidden recesses of the heart, these cycles of compromise will only continue. It is time for this strongman to be acknowledged and dealt with…
Ministry bubbles are bursting and a toxic smell is emerging that is shocking many on the outside. Ministries once thought to be healthy and thriving are now carrying a stench. Appearances have been deceiving. Ministry leaders who were once thought to be leading voices in the Body of Christ are being exposed for spiritual malpractice and clergy abuse. Past sins and indiscretions are coming out and inside ministry practices are revealing more of a business enterprise than a spiritual family. We are seeing a growing number of spiritual emperors in the Church with no clothes. It is disheartening and also grievous.
For those wondering how we got here, life on the inside of one of these toxic bubbles is an illusion. Those on the inside don’t always recognize the spiritual poison that has been building because the burn is slow and the leaders are blind to their own ambitions. Control is camouflaged as special authority that has been earned and granted to only a few spiritually elite. Following the rules is considered the proof of one’s loyalty and self sacrifice is deemed the evidence of one’s spirituality. And yet, it is all a mirage. It is all a counterfeit spirituality that carries no life and bears no lasting fruit because it is based on deception and self-serving lies. And it’s usually the same seed that takes root at the start. It is Pride that always goes before destruction.
The unhealthy leaders who feed these toxic spiritual eco-systems have usually become puffed up by their own revelations and convinced of their own greatness. And the deception always starts small. They actually think they’re being visionary and ground-breaking. But left untended, the seeds of self-importance grow into strongholds of spiritual pride and religious arrogance. Eventually, they become untouchable and immune to any serious godly counsel or advice. And though not all large ministries or ministers succumb to this, the present realities are showing a troubling trend.
The apostle Paul spoke of the “surpassing greatness of revelation” that had been given him in his early years of ministry (2 Corinthians 12:7). Knowing how pride could quickly become his downfall, he admits that the Lord needed to humble him. Thankfully, Paul yielded to the Lord’s discipline. But many leaders do not.
It is this seed of perceived spiritual superiority that seems to be a common trait in many fallen leaders. They often start out with an authentic supernatural encounter or life-changing revelation which attracts a crowd. Then they become spiritual gurus to admiring followers who are blinded by their popularity and charisma. Before long, the vision becomes a business and the revelations become law for those who join. That which was birthed by the Spirit is now maintained by the flesh, and it starts to rot from the inside out.
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2
Unfortunately, the damage caused by this toxicity goes deep. Not only are the families of these compromised leaders forever changed; the followers are often marked for life. And the most painful part is that it takes place among “family.” The bonding that takes place in these ministry bubbles happens through years of shared experiences. But instead of growing and maturing through the fellowship of the Spirit, the ties are forged through man-centered values and self-serving obligations that only benefit the masters of the house.
It is these uncomfortable realities that we are now faced with as the Body of Christ. But dealing with the sins of the past is one thing. Dealing with the heart is another. Until the heart is truly changed and this pride is rooted out, accountability will only be skin deep. And it is this change of heart that we must pursue.
But He gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
James 4:6
The antidote for these toxic mindsets is heart-born and heartfelt humility. It is only the humble in heart that willingly confess their sin. It is only when we humble ourselves before the throne of grace that true freedom can come. Whether it be victims courageously sharing their stories, whistle blowers bravely exposing the lies, or leaders finally confessing their faults, humility can yet be demonstrated through our collective voices. We must not allow satan any more footholds in either our personal lives, or in our collective witness to the world.
We may not always know about immoral behavior behind closed doors or the secret thoughts of another’s heart. But we can pray for a discerning heart to detect any spirit of pride that is seeking a foothold and take it captive from the start. We can pray that a proper fear of the Lord would guard our hearts and minds from selfish ambition and any self-serving agendas. And we can pray that those who are being exposed and disciplined by the Lord would willingly yield to the process and embrace the cross. But even if they don’t, their houses of sand will surely fall, and the humble will be exalted.
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Luke 14:11
13 Responses
I recently watched a ministry leader speak about an internal conflict that had emerged in the business. I forgot all about what this individual was saying because I was thinking, “Where is the humility? Shouldn’t this kind of conflict cause grief and dismay?” It was like listening to a spiritual clanging symbol. Those in the spotlight need our prayer, whether ministers or politicians. They’ve lost touch with their core misssion and values.
Re: Dec.3
I am not a Ministry Leader
I’m going to take this in another direction.
I am God’s Whistleblower- in November 21
I shared a message with my church including 2 prayers to say. It was a hard message to say and I’m sorry to say they leaned toward the 2nd group instead of both groups.
Don’t take this wrong both groups are Major.
In 2022 I shared a revised message with the 2 prayers (revised ) only regarding 1 subject. Save the Babies!
I gave them copies so they could say the revised prayers daily plus review the scriptures.
The following Sunday I woke up with these words ( wake up, wake up ). I must remember to share this at church?
The singer had said “ Wake Up” in a song. The speaker said “ wake up in his message “. At the end of the service the Pastor asked if anyone wanted to share. Here I go.
I asked them if anyone has been saying the prayers . No one raised their hand.
So these words came out of my mouth
Wake Up – Wake Up ! If you want God to Show Up and Show Off say these prayers daily.
God wants to hear from His people.
I no longer attend that church
I say the prayers daily to this day.
Wanda, I hope you are ok with me sharing this.
When I read your post a few of the lines – hit home with me you are spot on. So true .
Thank you ✝️🙏
Thank you wanda
Thank you for speaking necessary, spot-on truth!! My personal response is, ‘LORD, search my heart and see if there be any wicked way in me…’
If I was a ministry leader, I would hope that would be my response both personally and re ‘my’ ministry and among the people who work with me in ‘my’ ministry. So often peeps lose sight of the fact that they did not start the ministry; it’s not theirs…the LORD called them to something on His heart and they said yes in obedience…no matter how large it gets or the following it has, the ministry is His and belongs to Him…He remains ‘The Boss’.
GOD is doing what He said, judgement begins in His house first. And it has! Painful because the world looks on and it becomes another black mark on GOD and The true church because of the lack of integrity. I have family who are looking on and want nothing to do with either. Yes, LORD, search my heart, my life, my words, my attitudes, me inside and out that I would be represent You and The Kingdom with integrity and honor. This is all so grievous to me; I weep 🙁
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Revelation 2, verse 10)
I prayed about what to write and that’s what came.
That is the exact scripture I have received regarding the Church and particularly the leaders. I just wrote it down yesterday in my journal. I have been given the task of addressing some critical issues ( red flags) to our communion’s leaders and the Lord gave me that scripture as a foundation for what He has me sharing with them. Thank you for posting this – it’s a clear confirmation.
Excellent teaching. Thank you ❤️
Hebrews 6 talks about a gate of permission. If you qualify to go through it, the powers held back in the future await you. When we camp in the elementary teachings mentioned in Hebrews 6 and build our empires, pride takes place. To move with God to this gate of permission, the process reveals our sins, and in repentance, we walk closer to our destiny of power exercised in Love. The qualifications are found openly throughout the Word. Just desiring to walk in the beatitudes is a powerful instruction. To lay down our life for our brother is another. But the greatest is Jesus washing the disciple’s feet at the last supper.
Thank you for the revelation! God blesses.
Thank you and amen!
Hi Wanda, thank you for the post. I am amazed at this article. It was 03 Dec 2024 I asked God how the corruption entered into the church, the Lord amazingly said it’s the little foxes that seems so harmless that got in, in the form of little by little and step by step compromises. They are in fact gradually introduced and because it was so small, subtle and gradual, people became immune and tolerate it. So, this is a huge confirmation!
Hello! I like what I’ve read Wanda. Good word! Is there a way I can find out some of the leader’s names that have fallen. I haven’t heard anything about this. My concern is I’m listening to these leaders, not knowing I’m being deceived.
I listen to Andrew Wommack, Jim Richard’s, Charles Stanley. I just lately found a Christian radio station 550 am. I don’t know any of the speakers. Am I being enlightened or deceived. Help if you can, no worries if you can’t. I understand!
Mike Bickle for one.
Also my church, coincidentally, has just been torn apart by our blind and prideful leader and his wife. So sad.