So, I will show My greatness and My holiness and make Myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
Ezekiel 38:23 ESV
The exposures of sexual sin and moral compromise in the camp are but a symptom of a much larger problem. Deviant behaviors and ungodly practices are but the overflow of the heart and mind. In bringing these fruitless deeds to the light, the very thing the Lord is uncovering is a lack of holiness and purity within His House.
Popularity and platform are not the markers of God’s favor and blessing. Good theology and impressive teaching are not the indicators of a righteous life. The Pharisees claimed right standing with God because of their adherence to the law. Their public demonstrations of religious activity were empty and shallow performances, fueled by hearts that were hardened to the Spirit. Their minds were closed to correction because they were blinded by their own self-righteous grandeur.
Those who are being brought to the light for further examination are not being forced by man, but drawn out by the Spirit of God. It is He, alone, who is directing these examinations of the heart. Though the sins of the flesh should be held to account, it is the sins of the heart that God is exposing. Pride, greed, fleshly ambition, vanity and vice, are all underlying issues that are being rooted out.
Even as controversies continue and evidence is debated, let’s keep our priorities straight. In God’s House there should not even be the appearance of evil. Those with pure and humble hearts will respond accordingly and the Lord will Himself exalt them. Those whose hearts are compromised and given to the flesh will be humbled. This is a sacred work of the Lord that must be thorough and complete if we are to become His pure and spotless Bride.
And lest we think this examination is only for those with national platforms, it is the people of God who are being tested and weighed. This is a time to examine our own hearts to make sure we are sold out to Christ, free from any need for reputation, and crucified to self. May we allow the Refiner’s fire to burn without hindrance. It is the only means by which His manifest glory can surely come.
9 Responses
Halo sister Wanda.
Your comment and prophetic admonition is very clear: “we have missed the Mark Of Holiness”.
Thank you for your motherly warning not to fall pray to the momentary, seemingly, pleasure of the ” lust of the
flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life”. Some time ago, about two months, I had a dream where I voiced out”
“Cry out for the fullness of the Spirit”, to those who were in the same large hall with me.
And then two days ago, while in a prayer call with some brother and sisters I heard these words: “Zion Is Awakening.”
And now I am reminded of the Spirit saying these words of Paul in 1 Cor 7:29 ” the time is short: it remaineth, that both
they that have wives be as though they had none”. And those that weep as though they weep not; and those that rejoice
as though they rejoice not; and they that buy, as though they possessed not,” Now, that will be hard for most of us. But by His Grace,
we will lay on the Alter all that’s mortal and temporary; even as Moses and many others saw behind the vail of the flesh, that
city whose maker and builder is none other than Jehovah. Shalom. Br. David
All you say is so true. but (Don’t you Love the “but”) I keep thinking that as a body we are guilty of becoming like groupies and making heros of people in “leadership.” Media pumps them up and other leaders use them as headliners at their conferences and chats. I watch ministries USE immature men, more than women, especially those gifted in word of knowledge and with charismatic personalities. We literally set them up to fail, and all too often they do fall. Much to their and our chagrin. And the Enemy laughs.
The Lord cares for EACH of us. Even tho leaders, the gifted ones and the larger groups of believers are all important, have their place, the Lord has His eye on where we are within ourselves. He truly does care for His flock and His standards in leadership, high. Thank You Holy Spirit for being there with and for us, oh gentle and strong of heart, in Him.
Very true. It’s easy to be blind because of our own self righteousness which is something none of us is exempt from Tragically those in elevated or power positions can insulate themselves from correction
I listened to this sobering word from the Spirit of Truth you shared on Sunday, 12/8 and again this evening. Yes, the Refner’s Fire is necessary for individuals first and collectively for the Glorious Church Yeshua is coming for. I feel the urgency of the season; the Body of Christ has much work to do alongside our High Priest and King. May we each examine ourselves more fully. Thank you so much for this much-needed message today. One of the hymns I have always loved is “Holy, Holy, Holy.” I have not heard that hymn sung in corporate worship lately.
I agree this is a time for Holy Spirit visitation to each of us. I believe that we as women need to pay attention as The Lord requires Holiness. Have we been infected by the worldly virus? Fashion? “Me too” being a victim and avoiding responsibility for our actions? Picking out scriptures to boost our opinions. Blaming? I think many of us have logs in our eyes and need to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear what He has to say to each of us, Interesting when the woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus expecting the penalty…. Jesus did not call her a victim…. did not condemn her but said go and sin no more…..may we live soberly and have each of our actions scrutinized by the Holy Spirit. Yes Holiness reflected and may it start with me. Praying for all of us
The best timing – my son died in 2012 and my husband had issues helping him with a flat tire. Our daughter’s sort of boyfriend had problems with his car. I’m her protector but I felt like her Dad should use his time to meet him. I waited and I snapped bc he was not trying and the flash came back about my son. I need to pray and read more. A father is the protector so why as a wife do I need to push his hand? My thoughts are confused- did I do Gods will at all
There is no perfect wife, mom, dad, husband. But God is perfect and knows we needed forgiveness for all sins, even between spouses. I pray the God of all encouragement and endurance fill you with His love to work in harmony with Him and each other to give glory to God. Plead the blood of Jesus over what you feel convicted of, apologize, and ask God to work this situation out for good.
Wanda, first time encountering your teaching. The final section finds me, first forty years cost me a wife and four daughters. The last forty nine have been cleaning out all the “junk” in my heart and life and beginning to serve the Lord in truth. These last days are being spent in a manner worthy of the Gift He has given me. Learning each day to cast out the error and embrace the Truth, and finding the freedom that each day brings. Thank you for your encouragement. Sam.