As I see comments on social media regarding the ongoing Daystar story as well as other stories of ministry exposures, there are some concerns about engaging in the online conversations. Because of all the opinion pieces and second-hand commentaries, there is certainly room for a lot of gossip, rumor, and innuendo, which can be problematic. And there’s no way to police all the online chatter. Yes, it’s a big mess. Some are saying we should just pray and not get involved. And to those who have that conviction, give yourselves to prayer as unto the Lord! It’s greatly needed and He will bless you for it. Prayer is always the starting point and our common charge as believers.
At the same time, God is doing a sovereign work in sanctifying His Bride. This is a season of exposure. He’s been telling us for years this would happen. Just as we are seeing crime and corruption rooted out in the high places of our government, so is God shining light into the high and lofty places of the Church. He is uncovering sins and ungodly practices that have been polluting His House and poisoning His people for far too long. Yes, it is messy. Not all the information is accurate, and not all the whistleblowers have all the facts. Yet there is a growing zeal for His House that has been rising in the hearts of many. There is a prophetic charge at work, compelling many voices to speak up and call us back to a righteous standard.
For this, we should rejoice. Instead of castigating those who are shining a light into the darkness, we should pray for them. No, not all are called to this. And there are plenty of wannabe’s who are just looking for clicks and followers. But that shouldn’t disqualify or silence those who have been called by the Lord in this hour to speak up. Those whom the Lord has called will carry weight in their words and have favor from heaven. They will not focus on opinion or hearsay, but will speak to the issues of the heart, calling leaders back to biblical purity and integrity. This is not just about exposing fleshly deeds and sinful acts, but corrupted hearts and compromised minds that claim to walk in truth and are leading many astray.
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others. You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!” (Matthew 23:23-24 ESV)
Jesus did not hesitate to call out the sins of the religious leaders of the day. He didn’t even do it in private, but in the open. He wanted the people to know what to look for in a compromised vessel. They had been taught to only look upon appearances, but Jesus wanted them to look deeper.
What would Matthew 23 sound like today? How would Jesus address some of the religious leaders of today who have preoccupied themselves with appearances and earthly reputation – even worse – violated the innocent and desecrated His House? The fact is, these kinds of sins have been happening for years. Even decades. It’s just that now we all have access to the information through online platforms. Thus, God is using this time in history to bring these things into the light so they can be dealt with. It is requiring everyone to upgrade our discernment in separating the flesh from the spirit, and truth from the lies. Lord, help us!
I believe everyone has a part to play. Some are called to strategic intercession. Others are called to search out the truth and report it. And still others are called to strengthen and support the collective through the process. It will not be without mistakes and much grace needs to be extended throughout. We just need to remember who the real enemy is and determine to work together in defeating our spiritual adversary that is determined to divide and conquer.
The most important thing that will strengthen our unity is prayer. Below, I’ve attached a 9-page PDF of scriptures and prayers pulled from WORDS TO PRAY BY that focus on some of the specific issues being currently addressed. Please print it out and share. Maybe it will help unify our hearts and remind us that even if we make mistakes on our end, His righteous standard still stands and His Word will never fail. If we stick together, we will see the ungodly removed, the righteous rewarded, and the pure in heart vindicated. On that, I hope we can all agree.

Real-Time Alerts


Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


8 Responses

  1. God Bless you Wanda for being that Beacon in a foggy, cloudy existence that we need to be united together, not divided and conquered. The Bible talks all about the Pharisees and what they were like, Jesus called them out. Just as we are to do the same saints!
    Thank you Wanda for your stewardship, mentoring, and again I say a Beacon in the darkness. You are greatly appreciated Wanda! Love from Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦 ❤️

    1. Amen. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…part of the secret place of the Most High
      Ps 91…. Here is where the snare is broken and we can escape our sin habits. Praying for this in many ‘Believers’ lives.

  2. Difficult subject, very foggy like Deborah said (I don’t do social media) so I don’t hear much about it. I know somethings about it and appreciate the candor you bring through your words Wanda. My knee jerk reaction is “Millstones” especially with the kids. However, prayer is what is needed for God’s will to be done as well as the posture of hating the sin while praying for the sinner. I believe your last post that Holy Spirit is purifying the church/bride exposing corruption and that is where my prayers will be targeted.

  3. My husband and I watched The movie Bonhoeffer last night. I highly recommend everyone see it, as it is a clear historical display of what we are dealing with now and what you have expressed in your blog. Thank you for bringing clarity with grace.

  4. Ugliness, selfishness, greed, power, perceived authority, desire to control. All are on full display here! How about a huge dose of repentance, humility, grace and love? What a disgrace!

  5. thank you, Wanda, for bringing up the daystar controversy. What has bothered me all these 40 years I’ve been in the church is the fact that we never talk about what’s really happening with members of the church. The leadership never divulges things that are happening, so we never get to process these things; instead, gossip happens. People need to be able to express their concerns and to see issues being resolved, so let’s open up more and require more transparency in our leaderhips.

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