The Lord reminded me this morning that if I want to hear His voice clearly during such a heightened time of activity, it will only come when I quiet and still my soul. “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15)
For those who engage online, keep up with headlines, or try to follow the latest stories of intrigue or concern, it’s easy to forget what a quiet soul feels like. We have been programmed to react to anything that seems out of line. We have been conditioned to defend ourselves or challenge any threat. Or we feel the need to get lost in needless information that bears no personal fruit. In such a state of chaos, many have forgotten how to stop and rest. Perhaps this is a generalization, but can anyone else relate?
All I know is that it takes work to rest. It doesn’t just happen. We have to be intentional. We have to stop on purpose and begin to listen. We have to switch the off button and turn away from the maddening crowd. When we do, the fruit of that quietness is an inner strength that is tangible. I can even feel it physically. When we take the time to quiet ourselves and make room for Peace, it regulates our nervous system and resets our perspective. It feeds our soul and fills us with renewed strength for what’s ahead.
In this last weekend before Christmas, be sure to take some time to quiet your soul. Don’t let the rush rob you of your strength. The Prince of Peace is not just His title, but His promise. For those who pursue it.
6 Responses
A reply from a fellow violinist:
The “Jesus” prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living. God, have mercy on me a sinner,” is extremely helpful when repeated as a mantra for any length of time for healing, rest, and Holy Spirit’s presence in a person’s life.
Thank you, Wanda, especially for all of your teachings on Freemasonry! They will be helpful going forward for teaching and instruction to any who will listen and take note!
Yes, it does take intention to sink into His peace. I find when I go into the Secret Place, my mind is usually running 100mph with things! I get so worked up, excited about something, not in a bad way, but just excited about a good thing that will happen or has happened, something I enjoy…. I have to really focus on what He wants for me in the Secret Place. And it is beautiful, because He cares about what I’m excited about, but there is more to what He wants for me than that one thing. It’s a blessing & He has more for me! More than I can imagine! And it is all good! Blessings Wanda!
As a Messianic believer, I have officially entered into the Shabbat, and yet I am still wrestling to be still. Be still. Rest in Me. I will give you rest. Shabbat shalom to all.
Thank you Wanda. Ir’s exactly what I needed to hear and do! Have a blessed and peaceful Christmas
Thank you, Wanda. God’s blessings. Have a Merry Christmas you and your family.
Merry Christmas Wanda and Bobby from West Virginia. I bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.