The news has recently broken about the prophet, Shawn Bolz, falsifying words of knowledge in his ministry throughout the years. Many within the prophetic community are shocked (see this podcast by The Minor Prophets). I, personally, received two detailed “words” from Shawn several years ago and one of them was especially packed because he mentioned the passing of my mother and seeing her in a vision. This rocked me at that time and I remember being fascinated by his words as he gave further specific details about my family and ministry.

When I heard of his deception, I traced my Facebook history during that time and all of the information he shared was readily available on my profile. (I was just beginning to gain traction on Facebook at that time in my role with Intercessors for America – prayer was a central theme in his “word” to me.) And even though I still believe SOME of what he shared WAS a true prophetic word, the mixing of flesh and spirit seems likely. Sadly, several spiritual fathers (and mothers) have known about his fraud for years – and have not spoken publicly about it. Though warning others within their own circles to stay clear of his ministry, they chose not to rebuke him openly.

But Shawn isn’t the only one who’s antics have been known for a while. Todd Bentley popped back up in the news last week after Rick Joyner invited him to the platform to minister. There has been an outcry from those who have firsthand testimony and experience with Todd’s depraved lifestyle and ministry and have called for Rick to take account. Unfortunately, Rick takes a different stand. In his message this past Sunday at Morningstar, Rick clearly states that his priority is to show mercy and love – not “judgment.” He truly believes that because Todd has such a powerful gift of healing and evangelism, it’s worth it to have him continue to minister (“if just a few people get healed!”) Even though I have appreciated Rick’s prophetic ministry in past years, his discretion as a spiritual father is greatly lacking. I was truly appalled to hear his misuse of scripture to justify giving credence to this man who has wounded so many.

It was only within a few minutes of praying in the spirit over this that I felt the burden of the Lord. Some of these spiritual fathers truly believe their actions are noble. Having spent years pouring their lives into these sons, they can’t bare the thought of exposing them. Believing that they can still be “restored,” they allow these sons to continue in their rebellion. But being akin to Eli the priest (1 Samuel 2), their personal discomfort with confrontation has opened the door to a far greater concern.

In my spirit I hear, “They have MISPLACED MERCY and MINISTRY for RIGHTEOUSNESS and HOLINESS!” For all the scriptures they may cite for extending mercy over judgment and restoring sons, they are totally missing the mark. Not only is their inaction demonstrating complicity to these sins, it is giving the enemy an opportunity for even greater damage within the household of faith.

Morningstar has been a blessing to many through the years, as have Rick’s books. Bethel has been a pioneering ministry in the prophetic movement and Bill’s wisdom and fatherly counsel has blessed literally millions, including myself. And yet… If these spiritual fathers continue to remain neutral in these issues, THEY MAY LOSE THE VERY INHERITANCE THEY HAVE FOUGHT FOR. That which they have labored for – and stood for – in all their years of ministry may be tarnished because of their misplaced compassion.

Just as Eli the priest was challenged in his inaction, so is the Lord issuing a call. This is not a threat, but an urgent appeal to do what is right. I feel this strongly in my spirit and call for these spiritual fathers to walk in the fear of the Lord concerning this issue. It’s one thing to “cover” someone who is walking in true repentance and making amends for their mistakes. It’s another to cover up someone’s blatant rebellion and disregard for God’s standard. Do not misplace your loyalties and end up forfeiting your reward.

Pay attention to who is making the outcry. My spiritual ears are hearing the cries of the younger sons calling for truth (Blaise Foret, JonMark David Baker, and Jake Kail to name a few). FATHERS – LISTEN TO YOUR OTHER SONS! These are sons who have stood on your shoulders and been building on the truths YOU have taught! They have honored you and championed your ministries in the past. But now they are calling for righteousness and truth to be the standard in the family of God. LISTEN TO THE VERY GENERATION YOU HAVE BEEN CONTENDING FOR. Open your heart and ears to those who are pursuing righteousness, and willing to risk their reputation and ministry for what is right in the eyes of God.

Who else is going to be exposed in the days ahead? Who else will be found to be operating in deception and fraud, manipulating the ministries of Holy Spirit? It’s time to cut the soul ties and destroy the idols. We have been praying for a resurgence of the fear of the Lord to the Church. This is how it starts. These exposures cannot be wasted on debates, gossip, and defending false gods. It’s time to lay down our ministries and ask for true Mercy.

Therefore the Lord, the God of Israel, declares: "I promised that members of your family would minister before Me forever. ’ But now the Lord declares: ‘Far be it from Me! Those who honor Me I will honor, but those who despise Me will be disdained."

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


14 Responses

  1. Thank you for your stance for truth! The main problem is the complete absence of the Fear of the LORD! Unfortunately, most pastors and churches are under the curse of bribery. Deut 16:19 Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the just. How are they bribed, by becoming art of the Babylonian church system 501C3? Luke 10:22 Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not? If Abraham and Jesus paid taxes, why doesn’t the church? Because the government said they don’t have to. The same government says it’s ok to murder babies, for minors to mutilate their genitalia, and for perverts to engage with other people’s children in graphic sex. Despite what 2 Cor 6:14 prohibits us from doing; Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. Look up a list of 501C3 corporations, Gerog Soros Open Border Foundation, Southern Poverty Law Center, Church of Satan, Scientology, BLM, and Planned Parenthood! For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? This is the Masonic trestle board, a mixture of black and white chessboard where pieces are moved against their will by outside forces. If not tithing is stealing form God, then not paying taxes is also theft. God bless you.

  2. We cannot please both man and God. Some I once respected, I now cannot even listen to their programming. Not because of any ‘gossip’ that I’ve heard, but from a deep Holy Spirit warning that says ‘No, turn the broadcast off.’ It has served me well as I know His desire for me is one on one relationship. It is the same for all of His children if we will but LISTEN to Holy Spirit. Father wants us IN the WORD of God, reading, digesting Truth and growing stronger IN the Word of Truth. Too many have made ‘idols’ of certain teachers or professed leaders in the world of religion. People are perishing due to their lack of knowledge of the WORD of GOD and an Intimate Relationship with our Lord God. Many are saying “Lord, Lord, did I not ….” and HE is responding, depart from me. I pray many will lay down their pride and REPENT! Beginning with the ‘spiritual fathers’ that have been elevated to places of idolatry. Please Lord, may it begin from the top down.

  3. Hmmm Rick refused to extend an olive branch to Paul C because he didn’t apologize to him and how deeply he was hurt by him

  4. It is encouraging to see that Church leaders are waking up such as Wanda and others here..
    May our Lord continue to strengthen and give courage to many more to do the same…I believe this is necessary for revival in thousands of local churches across our land..Thank you Wanda and others for standing up in these last days🌎✝️🌍🙏❤️

  5. Thank you Wanda, I have stumbled on to Shawn’s YouTube videos and within a few minutes did not feel that he was anointed. This article clarified the spiritual discernment I was given.

  6. Thank you SO much. Holy Spirit discernment is so life giving. I am relieved to hear that Joyce Meyer has taken a stand. I, too, have written an email to Daystar asking them to seek truth and stated that all ministries come to an end, but family (Christian families) are forever. I stopped supporting them but continue to pray for them. I’ve seen too many “bubbles” develop in ministries that become almost inbred. I’m thankful God pops bubbles because He loves us.

  7. THANK YOU! I am so thankful I stumbled upon this message! I felt sick listening as so much is happening around the world, and it is no different in Australia where I live. As intercessor and prophet I don’t always have the ear of those in “power” meaning, those who hold the microphone on the pulpit but you gave such hope and have tremendous insight. I’d love to talk more if possible

  8. Sister Wanda, thank you so much for this conversation. You are so Spirit-led, with wisdom and discernment and revelation knowledge, so relevant for our church “problems” today, and so common sense, as well. I appreciate you so much and thank you for caring enough to continue to share with us. I pray our LORD continues to guide you and use you for such a time as this in the Spirit of Truth and Walking in Love with Holy Spirit!!!! Praise the LORD!!

  9. I am an intercessor from Germany! Last year from August to November I prayed with 2 intercessory prayer groups for the USA!
    I am also involved in the prophetic and followed up all the exposures!
    I am so grateful for your clear standard, I was asking myself, why is none of the influential leaders taking a clear stand, especially concerning Shawn Bolz!
    May the Lord keep on using you, to bring Light and Clarity!

    In Christs Love, Jutta Wichmann

  10. Thank you!!! So much weakness! So much neglect toward victim’s pain. Despising the poor and abused helpless. Those who don’t make money or reputation for the celebrity pastors.
    Thank God He will not allow a flickering wick to go out! Thank God He cares for the poor in spirit. I am so greatful for God’s tender care for the fallen sparrows….

  11. Regarding the thief on the cross, how shall we answer him? As Christ or Man? What did Christ mean in saying, “I desire Mercy and not sacrifice” ? And what of David? David continued his “ministry”, until the end, in spite of horrific failures. Lord have Mercy. Of all sinners, I am chief.

    1. The main difference is that both of the men you cite acknowledged their sin and made amends. Two current cases (specifically with Shawn Bolz and Todd Bentley) deal with consistent and ongoing practices that directly contradict the Word of God. It’s not just a one-time failure, but a lifestyle of deception. (The veracity of these claims have been confirmed to me through multiples witnesses who are directly involved in both of these men’s lives.) Even so – you’re right – we all need mercy!

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