Heavenly Father, we come this weekend as believers of Christ in this nation, to lift up our president, Donald J. Trump, and the inauguration of his presidency. As many evil forces have risen up against this confirmation, we lift our voices to stand in agreement with heaven’s purposes in this hour. Because of our collective vote and voice, we know we have heaven’s authorization to overturn any right the enemy may claim to disrupt this change of administration and rule.

We declare that this transition of power will succeed without delay or disruption and that every plot and scheme of the enemy would fail. May Your enemies be blinded in their steps and immobilized in their plans. May every plan to circumvent and hinder this inauguration and subsequent rule be stopped and rendered useless and without power. Because of our collective faith and trust in You, we thank You for the increased fear of the Lord that has fallen upon this land and the enemies of our God. Thank You for causing the opposition to tremble and shrink back due to the presence of Your mighty hand that is bringing true justice and righteousness back to this nation.

We bless the angelic armies that have been stationed around President Trump’s administration and all the ground forces assigned to his detail. May they know they are backed by a heavenly host that far outnumbers any enemy threat. Even as they fulfill their duties to serve and protect, may they be awakened to Your presence and activity. May the power of Your Holy Spirit be tangible to all who have been assigned to administrate this process. We declare that none will be harmed, injured, or thwarted in their assignments, but rather strengthened and empowered from on high to perform their duties with speed and effectiveness.

Over those cities and jurisdictions where the enemy has laid claim, we declare that any plans of wickedness or destruction would be quickly exposed and extinguished. We declare safety and protection for all our citizens and freedom from enemy threats and attacks. Empower Your people to stand firm in faith and resolute in bringing righteous administration back to the land. Empower governing leaders to walk in the fear of the Lord, to do what is right, and rule without hesitation. May every demonic assignment and scheme become dust and ashes in the presence of a holy God.  

We declare that President Trump will rule in the midst of his enemies, not backing down or wavering due to threats or intimidation. May his ears become deaf to the assaults from his enemies and may those who seek his life answer to You for their wicked ways. Thank You for placing a shield about him and his family, preventing any attacks or assaults to touch them. May President Trump know that it is Your hand and Your sovereign purpose that is keeping him and sustaining him in his divine commission. We declare that he would show no fear towards evil, but overcome it with a zeal and passion for Your laws which bring life and liberty to all. We thank You that his heart is in Your hands and that You will direct it according to Your will and purpose.

Bless and empower all who have been elected and called forth to align with Your will in bringing truth and justice to this nation. Thank You for answering our prayers and going before us to deliver this nation from evil. May this inauguration be marked by Your presence and demonstrate the will of a holy God. May this nation be blessed once again to shine forth Your light and demonstrate that our hope and trust is anchored in You, alone.

Scriptural references: Joshua 2:9; Proverbs 10:29-32, 21:1; Ps 38:12-15, 64:6-9, 89:14, 91:11-12, 97:1-6, 110:1-2, 133, Isaiah 8:12-13, 41:10-11, Romans 13:1-3; Eph 6:13  

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


33 Responses

  1. Thank you Wanda.. This prayer is truly Holy Spirit inspired. May our Lord bless you! His will be done on this earth as it is in heaven.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful prayer for the inauguration of President Trump. I stand in agreement for heaven’s purposes to overturn any delay, disruption, or hindrance to this transition of administration. God bless you. God bless America!

  3. I prayed this prayer as soon as I received this morning, and have spent about an hour forwarding to friends and family in my community. I hope it goes “viral” everywhere!
    We can never go wrong by praying the scriptures! Thank you, Sister Wanda, for your obedience and getting this out to the Ekklesia around the world! I never want to miss your posts. They are too important!

  4. Thank you Wanda; for this strong prayer. I too am copying and sending it to others to pray. GOD so, so bless and keep you. AMEN

  5. Your guiding prayer for the inauguration was prayed immediately upon its arrival. I will continue to lift up our president and his counselors for they truly need to seek God and have the spirit of wisdom to lead our nation. May God be forever praised!

  6. God is intervening – the inaugural ceremony has been moved indoors. They are saying this is due to weather related issues. I believe God has disrupted any and all outside attacks – praise God

  7. We declare alignment with your heart God. We TRUST YOU.
    We believe You
    We earnestly remember all the things you have done to show love, favor, grace and protection to your children throughout all time.
    We surrender to you Adonai, Master, Owner, we die to our self, and pick up your cross, your plan, your timing, WE PRAISE AND GIVE YOU ALL THE HONOR AND GLORY DUE YOUR NAME!
    YOU’RE EL ELYON: The Most High God!
    We keep our heart, hope, eyes on you!
    We keep our ears, discerning, listening for your inspiration and reading your words.
    WE stand on your Rock, and behold, we watch your HAND!

  8. Agreeing totally !👍 with this prayer of Wanda!
    May we all stand together , this one prayer agreement . To :..,having done All .;..,To Stand. And trust , Obey, and Rely on the Lords ..Leading and Guidance in this whole 4 years ( plus) …moving as,….one body of Believers .. for Your causes of Truth , Righteousness .. and Holiness.. for ourselves and children and For all Your Glorious Promise’s ; Those Who Love You;.. and are called according to Your Promises!
    For Your Glory!… and Our Good !
    Amen..X’s …INFINITY ☝️
    May ,..GOD Bless AMERICA ,..and the Whole 🌍 World ☝️🙏🇺🇸

  9. Thank you, Wanda, from the UK. Over the last 5 years my husband and I have followed your very inspiring and helpful online ministry. I first wrote to you in November 2020 after the Holy Spirit had inspired me to write a prophetic poem called Royal Justice, which you kindly shared on your Facebook page at the time. This is the link to a recording of that poem on a video made by my husband Roger.
    The Lord is indeed faithful and just. Our daughter lives in Virginia and has visited your church where she was received very warmly. Thank you for your faithful prayers and words over the last 5 years. We stand with the USA with our love and prayers.

      1. Thank you, Wanda. We are so thankful to know you and your ministry and church, even by online connection, and look forward to meeting you in person when we next travel to Fredericksburg. We bless you for the season ahead. The King of Glory is coming!

  10. Thank you Wanda for this powerful prayer for our President Trump and his family. I spoke and declared this in the mighty name of Christ Jesus! 🙌
    God bless you, your family, and your ministry!

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