Have you felt unable to move forward and take the next step? Have disappointments of the past immobilized your faith and caused you to get stuck in your tracks? I believe spirits of Fear and Self Protection are whispering into many ears and leading to a dead end. If this is you, God wants to reintroduce you to His Grace as an untapped source of power and strength.
For the Grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Titus 2:11-13 ESV
Recently, the Lord gave me a revelation about Grace for those longing to shake off the pain of their past and get out of their wilderness. Because of unresolved hurts and traumas, the enemy has caused many to fear discomforts and disappointments even more than to fear the Lord (Matt 10:28-29). And it’s been a trap. If your goal has been to guard and protect yourself from any further unexpected changes, your ability to dream and believe for the impossible has been shut down. In continuing the cycle, you will only chain yourself to your past and shut down any vision for your future. The Lord wants to break those chains and empower you to walk confidently into your next assignment. And He wants Grace to lead the way.
The Grace of the Lord is not compelled by fear nor driven by pressure. God’s Grace is content to stop and wait without fearing what’s next. Grace provides the precise measure of inspiration, motivation, and energy to do only that which is assigned for the current hour. It is a very specific allotment of enablement for an immediate role and assignment. Grace does not compare with others or compete for a greater portion. It is not fixed on the past or preoccupied with the future, but rests secure in the present, embracing each moment for the unique treasure that it holds.
The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
Psalm 16:5
God’s Grace assigns us boundary lines that define our measure of anointing for a particular purpose. These lines surround us with His protection, provision, and power. They act like a charged fence that the enemy cannot cross; a protective blood barrier that keeps us safe. That which we do inside His boundaries of Grace breathes life and bears fruit. It is only when we go outside of God’s grace that we find trouble. It is only when we seek to go beyond God’s grace that we lose our strength and our bearings, opening ourselves up to the enemy’s threats and attacks.
Don’t allow your past or your pain to determine your future. Stop listening to the voices of Fear and Self Protection, and determine to trust again. Don’t worry about what others are doing – or what you’re “not” doing. Listen carefully to the voice of Grace that will bring you joy and breathe peace into your soul. You do not have to strive in your flesh for things to happen, for Grace will establish your steps and open the doors.
Discover the power of God’s Grace in your life and find where His boundary lines have fallen for you. Those lines will eventually be extended, but not because of anything you try to do. It is His Grace alone that will lead you out of the wilderness, empower your walk, and bring you into a new place of promise and promotion.
Now I commit you to God and to the word of His Grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
Acts 20:32
In the short video clip below, I reference this power of Grace, especially when evaluating what we share and what we speak. I believe you will find additional encouragement in stepping into greater Grace!
(Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for all my latest videos!)
7 Responses
Get out of my wilderness? Leave trauma behind? I’m 74. A year ago 2/2/24 I lost EVERYTHING b/c of a natural disaster nit covered by insurance. No Red Cross or Samaritans purse for me. O family to help. I’ve been living in an expensive Extended Stay hotel for a year on my little social security income. No light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t know where to go – what city, what state, what church. I’m in the dark & clueless. And no direction from God except to stay put..
Jeanette my dear Sister,
Where are you?
How can we help?
Wanda, I enjoyed this post! I needed it! I have been, & will continue to wait on Him for direction, His Grace! Thank you Wanda, & BLESSINGS to you & yours for being obedient to the Spirit of God!
You write so beautifully Wanda. I thank God for you. You have spoken deeply to my heart once again as I have been in my wilderness for 8 1/2 years. I’ve trusted Him and His timing but your post today made me wonder if I’m allowing those very things you mentioned to keep me trapped and not moving forward. I love what you said. His grace will provide my boundaries. Also as you said I have been guilty of looking at others and what I’m “not” doing. It got me nothing, but in a funk. I repented and have been trying to keep my eyes on Him knowing that He defines me. Nothing and No One else does. Your encouragement was very timely and I appreciate your sensitivity to the Spirit so very much. God bless you.
Please pray for me, that I walk in this grace message perfectly.
Thank You For your prayers on my behalf.
Keith Marcellus Jones
Hampton, Virginia
THANK you dear Wanda. I so appreciate your openness and your love for the Body of Christ.
I am saving your word on stepping up to speak, as I have been tapped on the shoulder by Holy Spirit in a word the LORD whispered 5 years ago but has within these last few weeks has said, Now. It is time. I am preparing to jump into media as the LORD has put an urgency in my heart. Thank you for this wise counsel and encouragement. If not now, when?
Connie Ness