The voice of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth and strips the forests bare, and in His temple all cry, "Glory!"

In this day of needed justice and purification of the Body and the Bride, many are trying to find their voice. Many are seeking to give voice to the wrongdoings of others, the abuses and control, the secret sins of hidden places, and long forgotten failures of the past in the House of God. Many are trying to find the courage to speak and to bring light to that which has stained our witness and poisoned our well.

But as each one seeks to find their voice, there is only One Voice that can break the curse and set us free. It is this One Voice from which all others must speak. It is this One Voice that must be heard amidst all others in order for the glory of the Lord to be revealed. It is this One Voice that will set things in order and transform all that has been contaminated by unrighteous deeds and fleshly ambition.

Listen for the Voice that shatters lies and crushes Leviathan’s grip. Listen for the Voice that melts the hardness of hearts and brings the fire of heaven to burn up the chaff and dross of men. It is the voice of the Lord that speaks into the wilderness and shakes everything that can be shaken. In the shaking of His voice, that which is pure and holy will endure and come forth as gold in the midst of the fire. Listen for the Voice which reflects glory and brings true peace to men’s hearts concerning that which is lasting and eternal.

Voices are rising up and stirring the waters. The source from which they speak will be seen, for change will surely come and righteousness will again spring up from those whose waters run pure and whose streams are clean. Yes, many are speaking and giving voice to these many troubles in the House of the Lord. Pray for these who are conduits of this One Voice, for theirs will carry power and a holy fire to burn up the hay and stubble to separate the pure from the profane.

But watch for the voices that seek to deflect and defend. The voices of flesh are many and will cause doubts and unrest. Even so, the voice of the Lord is speaking in this hour. For those with ears to hear it, yield your voice to His and allow Him to speak through you. Know that when He speaks, mountains will tremble and oaks will fall. But even in the shaking and the falling, the glory of the Lord will break forth as the waters cover the sea. 

Do not be concerned with finding your own voice. Speak from His, and all else will fall into place.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


14 Responses

  1. Hi Wanda, I just subscribed. You don’t know me so I understand if you don’t have time to read this. I am 68, I’ve known Yeshua for 45 years, and I love teaching the Scripture and learning about the first century. (That is me in a nutshell 🙂 I wonder if you would be so kind as to read this dream and let me know if it resonates with you. I want to put it out to my subscribers but feel I need confirmation. I dream almost every night in vivid color. But only “once in a blue moon” does a dream seem to come directly from Him with an immediate interpretation. That happened January 1, 2025. (FYI, I don’t watch video game, horror movies, R movies, etc., so, the images of the dream were not familiar to me. Here is the dream:
    I was in the middle of a field surrounded by buildings all around. The buildings were far away, perhaps a mile away. They were different heights and gray. I heard gunshots that became bombs when they hit the buildings. Each building exploded as the shots were fired. The small guns were so powerful, you could shoot from a far distance away and still get on target easily. You could explode an entire building with just one gentle pull of the trigger. Someone (I didn’t see them) was showing me how to use the gun. I shot it, and a huge building exploded. I was amazed by the utter power and unbelievably destruction. So, I stopped and the dream was over.

    When I awoke, I thought, “AI.” The message – “As much as lies within you, don’t touch it.” The one application I have so far is: there are videos that people share with words and stories. The voices are monotonous and artificial. They are often good, spiritual, Christian stories and testimonies, but we must stay away from the sound of these voices. Something in the tone of the voices will desensitize us even if the info is good. We have to cherish and preserve our sensitivity to His voice in these last days.

    I don’t have a lot of information about AI or even social media. But I’ve noticed that the images even Christians use for their podcasts and ministries are inhuman with demonic undertones that are not easily recognizable. I don’t want to look at them. Some Christians say they will use the technology for good. I, though, think we should stay away as far as I am able to discern. The sounds and images are inhuman, insidious, desensitizing, and highly destructive requiring only little effort to “shoot”. Thank you for your time if you made it this far!

    1. This is Beth Ann. I apologize. I did not realize this would be posted. I thought it would be private. I guess I have to learn!

      1. Thanks for sharing, Beth. I would agree that AI can definitely be a tool of the enemy. I don’t know if I’m ready to discount all of it, yet, but I do see the dangers. It’s a topic worthy of prayer and discernment, for sure. And that may be a message from your dream – God showing you the spiritual authority you have to overturn the devil’s agenda. Just one prayer with His authority on it can demolish strongholds!! 🙂 Blessings!

    2. I have a very modest podcast. AI is huge in podcasting (like most everything else). I decided to do a podcast by reading from my written episodes. My episodes are short because I to my own research, write my episodes, and record and edit myself. And when I am done I feel peace and joy.

      I hate the AI voices embedded in articles online and refuse to listen to them for the reasons you cite, and would add seductive.

      Is using AI true work if it goes beyond automation and tries to create for us? Does AI take away our choices and silo us? Who owns the copyright of the LLMs?

      I am encouraged by the beginning groundswell of eyes being opened to the consequences. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Beth Ann, I’m71. I too have heard the voice of the Lord through the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the heart of God which testifies of God’s truth.

    I’m not a dreamer but I’ve always known its voice, and have always followed what is told, directed, protected, and provided for.
    I’m learning that I can Trust only HIM.
    I’m always leaning in, relying on, trusting Him.
    I just was called out from among a cult; 5th generation & I put two more generations in this occultist group before He set me aside and taught me. I’m a baby in knowledge, but I TRUST HIM, HIS WORD.

    I loved your dream and your interpretation of it. When the deep shaking comes and even through the AI. It’s dangerous because Satan again beguile us as He DID & DOES
    I see it as part of the distraction from HIM, so that the voices that can come in like a tsunami. Take our strength, hope, and trust.
    Thank you,

  3. Beth Ann, I’m71. I too have heard the voice of the Lord through the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the heart of God which testifies of God’s truth.

    I’m not a dreamer but I’ve always known HIS voice, and have always followed what is told, directed, protected, and provided for, and warned.
    I’m learning that I can Trust only HIM.
    I’m always leaning in, relying on, trusting Him.
    I just was called out from among a cult; 5th generation & I put two more generations in this occultist group before He set me aside and taught me. I’m a baby in knowledge, but I TRUST HIM, HIS WORD.

    I loved your dream and your interpretation of it. When the deep shaking comes and even through the AI. It’s dangerous because Satan again beguile us as He DID & DOES
    I see it as part of the distraction from HIM, so that the voices that can come in like a tsunami. Take our strength, hope, and trust.
    Thank you,

  4. Amen and amen to this word from Sister Wanda and all those who responded today! I appreciate you all, as it is not easy today to find anyone from the church community to talk about all of these matters. Everyone is too busy, too distracted, or too sick. I am 74 and praying for my inalienable rights to be restored. It has been a tough, long journey, but Jesus always wins!

  5. I happen to understand LLMs or Large Language Models and I am very concerned at how they are being pushed and the amount of money being poured into them. I have a PhD in Artificial Intelligence.

    The vital thing to understand is that LLMs are not intelligent. They know nothing and they understand nothing. You can think of it as a giant statistical pattern matching machine. All it does is produce the next ‘token’ (word, punctuation, prefix, prefix etc) according to the pattern of what has gone before, then the next, then the next and so on. It is a bit more complex than choosing the one with the highest probability because that results in boring, predictable text.

    This is why these LLMs get things wrong – remember Apple’s LLM getting news summaries wrong?

    Essentially it is a huge deception – especially the way it is being pushed.

    Another thing to be aware of is that you don’t know what these things have been trained on. Given what it sometimes spews out, it has not been trained only on wholesome stuff. In fact, I know that it has been trained of stuff that I think we would agree is not wholesome, but which is at the root, demonic. I believe this is part of the design. People will be fed the nonsense it has been fed on and that will make the lies stronger.

    I work in the area of autism and am completely against the neurodiversity movement. To my logical and scientific autistic brain, it is contradictory nonsense. Instead, I have created my own framework which can be used to describe the autism of any autistic individual (see, if interested). Just some simple experiments confirmed my predictions based on understanding of how LLMs work that this technology would be completely useless to us because it would just spew out neurodiversity nonsense. In fact, it had a meltdown when I wanted it to transcribe videos I was making and refused to transcribe them. Older technology works fine for transcribing them.

    Essentially, this technology stifles real, useful innovation.

    Further, because of the ‘black box’ nature of this technology, I believe that doors are open for evil spirits to be involved in what it spews out – and I have seen some evidence of this. They way they are being pushed certainly has a demonic agenda behind it.

    If you must use it, use it with great care and a huge dose of scepticism. Whatever you do, never ever rely on it.

    There are similar issues with computer generated images. If you know what to look for, you can generally spot they are fake – and again you don’t know what they have been trained on and what is incorporated into their fancy statistical models.

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth, for all this explanation. A large ministry used an image on Facebook to convey devotion in the Bible. Without telling my husband who the ministry was, or what its intent was, I showed him the image and asked him what he thought about it. Immediately he said, “that is demonic.” I think perhaps the explosive nature of it from my dream might have to do with how far reaching the images are, being produced exponentially across the globe.

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