Dream Interpretation Audio Series (Online platform-Download)




In this 4-part audio series, Wanda takes the student from learning the basic principles of dream interpretation to learning how to discern more complex dreams and prophetic visions in the night. Using many practical illustrations and examples, you will learn how to recognize God’s voice through your dreams and apply the revelations in practical ways. This series includes almost four hours of teaching in addition to a detailed PDF outline to follow.

Upon purchasing this audio series, you will receive an email giving access to the online platform for you to download. 

Session 1: The Language of Dreams
-Revealing the Father’s heart
-Night Parables
-Types of dreams
-Spiritual warfare in dreams

Session 2: Interpretation and Application of Dreams
-4 steps to dream interpretation
-Preparing your heart and mind
-Common themes and symbols
-Interpreting disasters and negative elements

Session 3: Practicing Principles of Interpretation
-Review of principles
-Examples of interpretation
-Questions and Answers
-Tools of interpretation

Session 4: Nightmares and False Dreams
-Discerning the source
-Overcoming the spirit of fear
-Watchman and warning dreams
-Empowering children to overcome nightmares

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