Through a recent prophetic dream it was revealed that the Lord is calling forth intercessors to RELEASE and DECLARE the word of the Lord so the angelic host can act on them to take out enemy forces.
Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word. (Ps 103:20 NKJ)
This exhortation comes through a fellow prophetic intercessor and writer, Madeline James, from Winchester, Kentucky. She contacted me last week with a dream she had where I appeared with a particular dog in the midst of a sniper attack. As she described this dream, it was evident there was powerful symbolism being illustrated with a charge to intercessors.
In the dream, she and many others were being held hostage in a house and she had secretly gone for help to a friend’s house who had connections with military support. It is there that she saw me come with this beautiful glowing Golden Retriever and I was playing fetch with him. It was then that she saw a swat team that had come, getting picked off one by one by a sniper. She felt that I represented prayer for the nation and those who are standing in the gap for the government in this season.
When she first shared it with me, my immediate thought was that this dog represented the angelic host who emanate the glory of heaven. Just as dogs are loyal companions to humans, so are angels ministering servants to the children of God. This identification seemed to resonate with Madeline since the swat team in her dream was from Los Angeles – the city of angels!
I knew that my “playing fetch” was for a reason. The fact is, Golden Retrievers are specifically designed to go after game that has been shot. They wait for their cue and then go after the spoils, bringing the prize back to their owner. I knew this was a picture of what happens in the spiritual realm when we release the word of the Lord and declare His purposes out loud. The angels know His word and when they hear us speak it out, the Father has specifically charged them to heed His word so that it does not return void.
The ISV translation states they are “obedient to the sound of His words.” This is a clear charge for us to not just sit on the sidelines and silently pray, but to take our stand right in the middle of enemy attack and declare God’s words with clarity so that the angels can do their work and accomplish God’s purposes.
It is not enough to simply make requests in hopes of help arriving. The fact is, help has already come! They are the angelic host that are waiting on US to give them instructions. Because of increased enemy attacks, both natural and spiritual, heaven is calling for believers to SPEAK UP and DECLARE God’s Word so that the demonic forces are not just taken down, but taken OUT. WE are the ones they take their cues from and then RUN to the battle to bring home the spoils!
There’s also another interesting note that should greatly encourage us. I, too, am from a city called Winchester (Virginia). Both Madeline and I felt this was significant. It turns out that there was a famous Winchester rifle that was used in the Civil War that was one of the first REPEATING rifles. This rifle was so powerful in repeating rounds in rapid succession, one soldier using this rifle was worth at least a dozen men with only single shot rifles. The Indians were so in awe of these “many shots,” they called them “spirit guns!” It also just so happens that Golden Retrievers are known as “gun dogs!”
I believe this reference to “Winchester” indicates the KIND of prayers we are to release. We are to speak His promises and purposes not just once, but many times, with confidence and boldness. Just like the persistent widow, we need to be relentless in our requests for God’s justice. But, this is not just saying the same thing over and over again. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 states the kind of prayers we are to release:
First of all, then, I urge that SUPPLICATIONS (requests), PRAYERS (worship), INTERCESSIONS (agreement with heaven), and THANKSGIVINGS (gratitude) be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
When we see danger ahead, we make our requests by speaking God’s purposes over our lives and over our nation. We do this in an attitude of worship of the One True God. We make sure we are in perfect alignment with heaven’s purposes and seal our prayers in gratitude with absolute confidence in the veracity of His Word. As we speak before our Righteous Judge, we must persist in our prayers and intercession UNTIL our spiritual adversary is neutralized!
Rise up intercessors and RELEASE God’s Word! The angels are here and waiting for their instructions. Come into alignment with the Father’s will and into agreement with one another. As we declare His purposes for our lives and this nation, the angels will hear HIS voice in ours and will accomplish what only heaven can do.
Let them be put to shame and dishonor who seek after my life! Let them be turned back and disappointed who devise evil against me! Let them be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the Lord driving them away! Let their way be dark and slippery, with the angel of the Lord pursuing them! (Psalms 35:4-6 ESV)
4 Responses
Dear Ps. Wanda,, What a marvellous word from the Lord. Thank you so much for your insight and encouragement. Having owned a Golden Retriever, I can attest to what you shared. We truly must rise up in this hour and be doers of the word and not just hearers only. My wife and I are still in Italy having served our season at the House of Prayer here. We are currently staying with friends as we await our next assignment, we would be so appreciative of your prayers to know where we are needed next? Bless you and your husband in the Name that’s above every other name, Peter and Eliza Sinek
Thanks for sharing, Peter. I pray God establishes every step and anoints every act of obedience as you follow Him!
Awesome word ty so much for sharing!!
Does Wanda have her weekly posts on podcast? My eyes are so blurry with such small print! I would love that, and even more could find that useful. Whilst dusting or the likes, we can listen to good food for the spirit and soul! Just a thought!😇🌹
Anne Bosman Sent from my iPhone