Two years ago the Lord gave me a prophetic word about Facebook. He said “…the Tower of Babble must come down!” In my journal, dated January of 2018, I wrote: ““FACEBOOK will become increasingly hostile to conservative voices, but the Lord is going to use this pressure to compel leaders to de-centralize their communication to home bases. The goal is to establish holy ground where you are. The TOWER OF BABBLE MUST COME DOWN. This stronghold of our mind, will, and emotions, must bow to the greater purposes of God.”
This is now happening. Not only are Facebook and Twitter in a free fall due to a mass exodus of users, mainstream networks that have been hostile to President Trump are also losing favor, finances, and followers. More and more conservative voices are being forced to take their messages to their own websites to avoid the ongoing censorship and shadow banning of their posts.
It is now apparent that the radical left has been using these social media platforms to promote their own deceptive agenda. I believe the decentralization has its merits. At the same time, I also believe the Lord would have us consider how we can see these media platforms sanctified for Kingdom purposes. In Psalms 2:8-9, the Lord tells us to ask Him for the nations as our inheritance. I believe these global online communities provide access to the nations and are territory for the taking.
This past Sunday, November 15, I did a Facebook Live where I led people in taking communion together (watch the replay below). Based on some prophetic dreams and an unction of the Lord, I felt called to declare the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood over these social media platforms (see Hebrews 10:21-24). In reading the story of Jesus breaking bread with the disciples on the Emmaus road (see Luke 24:30-31), I also saw communion as a prophetic activation in opening spiritual eyes and breaking off the spirit of unbelief that has immobilized the body of Christ through false reports. Taking communion on this platform was a way to take a righteous stand and declare that God’s truth will not be censored and His voices will not be silenced.
These next few weeks are critical in terms of getting accurate and revelatory information concerning this election. Because Facebook is still the king of all social media platforms, the need for believers to stand watch is more critical than ever. Instead of Facebook being a Tower of Babble, I am praying it can become a Watch Tower of the Lord! Regardless of man’s attempts at censoring His Word, the Lord can yet use this online territory for His purposes.
We need to encourage one another and not grow weary in well-doing. Join in faith with me in making this prophetic declaration over all social media platforms:
According to ISAIAH 40, I PROPHESY:
To this WILDERNESS OF SOCIAL MEDIA, prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every TRUTH shall be lifted up, and every LIE AND DECEPTION be made low; the BIASED and HYPOCRITICAL ground (of this platform) shall become level and FOUNDED ON TRANSPARENCY and INTEGRITY, and the COMPROMISED places (will become) a plain of RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken. (verses 3-5)
I say to the people of Zion, to those who herald good news; LIFT UP YOUR VOICE with strength! You voices who herald the good news; LIFT IT UP! FEAR NOT! Say to the cities of this nation, “Behold your God!” Behold, the Lord God comes with might, and His arm rules for Him; behold, His reward is with Him, and His recompense before Him. (verses 9-11)
I say to this nation and those who are faint of heart – The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might He increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but YOU who wait for the Lord shall renew your strength; you shall mount up with wings like eagles; you shall run and not be weary; you shall walk and not faint. (verses 28-31) For the sake of Jesus’ name and the glory of the King! Amen!
The media mountain is certainly being shaken, but I believe the SIFTING will SHIFT things in the RIGHT direction. God is establishing new platforms that carry heaven’s favor. He has raised up anointed voices to champion His cause in this hour, and we will know them by the FAVOR that rests on them. Pray that the VOICES and the PLATFORMS that carry this favor will align under the Lord’s banner to declare truth, righteousness, and justice.
It’s time we press in to take back the territory that has been hijacked by the enemy. The airwaves and lines of communication belong to the Lord. Let’s take our posts, secure the territory, and be watchmen who are faithful to our charge.
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Watch my Facebook Live Communion Service by clicking below. Be sure to share it with your friends!
9 Responses
“Mystery Fulfilled” 14 Nov 20
How well-timed Wanda in view of what I read today (hope there’s no pay-wall) of the founder of the internet’s founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee planning to revise and rebuild much better digital facility for users’ benefit rather than tech giants >
Yes! For years I have avoided Facebook but recently felt called to be a watchman and respond to ungodly postings with God’s Word and His Kingdom perspective. Have engaged dialog about abortion, fear, God’s way vs. our way, and even had opening to post John 14:6-7. I a
lways pray before posting a response, and do so with love. Believe we are to be His witness, share His Kingdom and be salt and light. Never know what will happen when God’s Word appears in enemy territory. Believing light pushes back darkness
The real issue has been with Christianity, which didn’t show up for the last 60 years when Satan began invading the ‘Seven Mountains’ of society with earnest, utilising ‘left wing secular humanist doctrine’ in conjunction with Satan’s favourite weapon – illicit sex, promoting the so called ‘free sex revolution’, – Fornication, which America bought into like ‘a pig into poo’.
This was like injecting a ‘deadly virus’ into the ‘body’ and repeating the Fall of Man, and turning America into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
1 Cor 6:18 “Shun immorality. Every other sin which a man commits is outside the body; but the immoral man sins against his own body. 19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body”.
Instead of being the stewards of the nation, protecting and multiplying God’s governance and sovereignty, we took a back seat relegating ourselves to so called Christian crusades and revivals. Well did we revive the nation. No, it has almost died on our watch, and now in the 11th hour we are beginning to realise our folly as perhaps the Israelites did when they were taken into Babylonian captivity as we have been. America instead of being Canaan, the Promised Land, has become Babylon, a whore nation. That’s our greater concern.
Christians must become the worthy stewards and servants of the nation and follow in Jesus’ footsteps who came to serve not to be served, who set an example by washing his disciples’ feet:
Jn 13:12 “When he had washed their feet, and taken his garments, and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? 13 You call me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. 16 Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. 17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you ‘DO’ them”.
Only then can we have any true authority, otherwise no one will listen to us.
It’s time to graduate ‘spiritual high school’ at least, preferably College.
Not to cause any more divisive speech and with respect, contraception via the pill which most Protestants agreed to helped open that pathway
agree and I post many verses and etc on FB – praying the owners and leaders that do not know the Lord will find Him in a powerful way
Read today that President Trump wants to do away with Section 230
– I wonder when God gave you this prophecy if this is a partial reason why.
Lately, in separate conversations with one of my sons, my brother and a grandson, I became very concerned because their thinking and values had completely changed! As I prayed for them, the Lord reminded me of Psalm 1:1″ Blessed are they who do not listen to the counsel of the ungodly, or stand with sinners, or join with scoffers”. Of course!, Each one of them are news junkies – mainstream news! They each have jobs where they can listen all day while working! Slowly and steadily their attitudes and minds have been transformed by the daily barrage and their hearts were changed! As Christ followers, we must be so very careful, our enemy’s tactics are very subtle, but deadly to a close walk with the Lord!
I listen to my Father’s voice. I was told to leave FB and that was when I realized I was addicted to it. He reminds me of each and every thing that I put in front of Him. I strive to place Him first and I am glad He reminds me. He is a good Father.