And when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah.

I don’t like releasing these kinds of words. It would be far easier to just encourage the saints and help everyone to feel better about themselves. And yet, there are times when the Spirit of the Lord grips my heart so completely, I cannot shake what the Father is conveying. I cannot shake the deep pain He has for His sons who have fallen into sin and have compromised their call. I cannot shake His anguish over some of the spiritual fathers and mothers He has walked alongside for years, about to lose the fullness of their inheritance due to dangerous presumption and unrecognized pride. And I cannot shake the seriousness of this hour as the fires of purification are sweeping His Church.  

The Holy Spirit has been stirring the pot of many mega-ministries to bring up unrepentant sins of the past, dishonest ministry practices, and leadership abuses that have been poisoning the Body, little by little, year after year. Whether it be moral depravity, counterfeit gifts, or leaders gone rogue, the Holy Spirit is bringing these serious compromises into the light. And though there may be some testimonies coming out about these abuses that are sensationalized or contrived, there is also overwhelming confirmation from many valid witnesses that are raising legitimate red flags. And these issues are not isolated, but widespread in both evangelical and charismatic circles. The voices that are crying out for justice concerning these abuses are being severely questioned and criticized. But, we must see the Lord’s hand in this.

Not only is the Lord separating the wolves from the sheep in this time of exposure, He is calling His leaders to account. With zealous love He is going through His house to call out those who have misused their influence and abused their positions of authority. Whether for ministry reputation, financial profit, or misplaced loyalties to men, He is not only examining the fruit of their ministries, but the condition of their hearts. The fires that have been lit are testing the building materials of both men and ministries.

For many of these well-known leaders, they have spent years in establishing their ministries, hoping to fulfill God’s purpose and call. But some of these ministers have ended up building a brand, instead. Whether intentional or not, what may have started out as a genuine move of the Holy Spirit has become an idol to be preserved instead of a work to be built upon. The gifts they were given have become icons of their own history, and what was started in the Spirit is now being driven by the flesh. Thinking they are keepers of His flame, these leaders are now operating in familiar spirits and totally blind to the enemy in their midst.

I feel the burden of the Spirit, for the anger of the Lord has been kindled in this hour. I hear His voice clearly say to these ministers, “GET YOUR HAND OFF THE CART.” Just as Uzzah thought it was his job to protect the ark of God’s Presence from slipping and reached out his hand to steady it, some of these leaders believe it is their responsibility to protect their ministries. They are placing their hands where they should not be in hopes of stopping a fall. But in attempting to preserve their houses, they have over extended their reach. Whether from good intentions, misplaced loyalties, or personal ego, it matters not. What is taking place is a holy and sacred work of the Lord and He says, “GET YOUR HAND OFF THE CART.”

This is the hour of His holiness and no longer will He allow mixture in His House. No longer will there be any justification for compromising righteousness for the sake of ministry. He will not overlook unrepentant sin to make room for a spiritual gift, nor will He compromise His holiness to maintain someone’s public persona. No one is indispensable in His house. No one. He has raised ministries up, and He can bring them down. It’s the hour of decision for some of these leaders. The fires of sanctification are here and all must pass through them.

To those He is speaking to – you know who you are. His words have already pierced your heart. But know that His rebuke is the discipline of a Heavenly Father who greatly loves you. He longs to see you finish well. Let go of your need to control a narrative and defend your history. It is not yours to protect. Do not touch what His glory is revealing – or seek to defend it – for it is His alone. Do not lose your reward for a progeny that is poisoning your well.

Your response may determine your legacy.  

Get your hand off the cart.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


13 Responses

  1. This is a good word! I love “Get your hand off the cart”. (God used that word to speak to me on a personal level 🙂). There are many in the body of Christ that have been crying out for years for God to clean out his house. Clean out false gospels, the preaching of a false Jesus, expose corruption and deception and deal with us etc. Even Paul was so bold as to pray Anathema over anyone preaching a false gospel, he said let them be accursed, even himself if he was preaching the gospel wrongly. I know you are addressing sin and deception in the church, but aren’t those things like preaching a false image of Jesus or Christianity? Institutions that claim Christianity but perpetuate a false gospel also must come down. And if the born again spirit filled body of Christ is going to become fully visibly one and United, God must clean out everything that is false. God has been very loving and patient and has given us time to repent, it is time for Him to clean house. Thank you for being honest, and sharing the hard words.

  2. I received this in my email today (1-22-25) AFTER 1-20 inauguration, yet, the timing is still perfect. I am in between prayer calls with Dr. Billye Brim and Pastor Max Irhyam, as today is Moed Wednesday for this prayer company. You have named several ministries that I have listened to and believed in, so again, we need to continue asking for wisdom and supernatural discernment today. I have been disappointed with most churches in my small town, and much of the time feel likeI am swimming upstream against the current. However, prayer changes everything, including history. All things are possible with God. Thank you, once again, Sister Wanda Alger. for your words of wisdom from our Lord, and so happy to hear this young man’s testimony and all about his ministry, visions, etc., and what a beautiful, humble heart!! God bless you all!!!!

  3. I immediately thought of Kevin Zadai he had a visitation when 6 angels showed up and warned him about 2 things that could diminish the move of God. 1. Unhealed soul wounds in leaders 2. Merchandising of the Glory Very sobering Blessings 🙏

  4. Thank you for always being steady and consistent in your statements. I appreciate the time, prayer, and waiting on the Lord you give before speaking. There’s so much that can be said on this one subject, but you have thoughtfully explained the problem and encouraged prayer. I do pray the ministry leaders that fall into this category, recognize the chance to give it to God and let Him lead them once again.

  5. Sooo good I repent everyday and ask the Father God to cleanse my heart so I want displease him in my own walk .

    It has hurt me to see daystar and all the other mega ministry and all the drama but Papa is cleaning his house the world doesn’t want Jesus cause the church has tarnished his son name shaking my head

    THE LORD TOLD ME IN 2022 TO COME FOLLOW HIM NOT A MAN thus man will fail u but he will never fail u amen

  6. Thank you, Wanda, for the seriousness of this word. May the lord bless and protect you in this cleaning season.

  7. Agreed! We need more leaders like Bishop Mariann Budde to step up and spread the Love of Jesus, not political idolatry and hatred toward the marginalized! Praying for mercy

  8. Agreed! We need more leaders like Bishop Mariann Budde to step up and spread the Love of Jesus, not political idolatry and hatred toward the marginalized! Praying for mercy

  9. I find it interesting that the Lord said “Get your hand off the cart.” And not “Get your hand off the Ark.” Could this be a warning that if your hand is on the cart you are getting ready to take hold of the Ark and taking hold of the Ark is something that you don’t want to do. Could having your hand on the cart be synonymous with trying to cover up unrepentant sin among church “leaders”? And that if you do engage in the cover up then the next step is that you reach out and take hold of the Ark; which means that you are attempting to “course correct” the Glory of God; specifically The Glory of God that is to be revealed by His cleansing in the Church?

    1. I understand the question as I asked myself the same thing after I heard the phrase:-). But I realized He used the word “cart” to specifically represent the ministry/house/container, and not His presence or glory in and of itself (“ark”). It was directed to those ministers who are more focused on their ministries/houses than they are about His glory (that which is holy). Hope that makes sense:-).

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