This is a long post – but for good reason! I wanted to share with you some DREAMS and VISIONS about this nation and/or President Trump that various people have sent me in the past two years. None of these people claim to be prophets or high intercessors. They are simply believers who, like most of you, want to walk in truth and see God’s purposes fulfilled on the earth. I felt it was time to share some of these to encourage your faith and let you know that MANY people have received supernatural intel that points to the same outcome of this present war! VICTORY!
I am not providing much interpretation as I want you to receive the initial revelation and let Holy Spirit speak to your own heart about its message. I did comment briefly after each one to share some of my own thoughts. Regardless, you will be VERY ENCOURAGED as you see what God has been revealing to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear…
Darcy & Charles, 1/8/2020:
This vision was given to my husband, Charles. He’s rather new at this, so it was repeated by the Lord many times before he ever shared it with me. He had the same vision over and over. Sometimes during the days and sometimes waking up in it or even in a dream:
It begins at the Inauguration; the day of President Trump being inaugurated. Only a handful of people are coming out of the Capital Building double doors. Around 20 people other than the Secret Service agents and military men. They go before the President. President Trump emerges surrounded by SS and heavily armed military. A few steps later, Melania Trump comes out also heavily surrounded. A few steps later is Barron Trump – so surrounded he can barely be seen. The atmosphere is one of the very highest alert. Not only there, but the whole country and the world. Overhead are multitudes of military helicopters, fighter planes, and military jets. On every rooftop are positioned snipers; out in front, are only about 100 people in attendance. Strategically chosen government officials and only those who “need” to be there to witness the protocol of the ceremony of The Inauguration. Which seems to be only perfunctory to be made the official swearing in of The President.
Again, surrounding the 100 or so people attending, are countless heavily armed and covered military and secret service all around everyone and as far as could be seen. There had been discovered a plot of the various groups like Antifa, BLM, etc., who had joined together to do anything to stop the Inauguration. The military had been given the order to “shoot to kill” towards anyone who was shooting at them. Around 100,000 were killed. President Trump laid his hand on the Bible, was sworn in and then escorted back inside the building with the others and those outside escorted back into Protective Custody.
There were no ex-Presidents there or many people of recognition. Even Vice-President Mike Pence and his family were off in protective custody with many others. Kamala Harris was already arrested as were many other high officials. It was clear in these visions, that the only objective of President Trump as he left, was to protect the country and the people, and to “finalize” the indictments. There was a list in his hand of over 1000 high official’s names.
As he was entering the Oval Office, Joe Biden had seated himself at the Presidential desk. There was quite a scuffle as he said, “NO!! You can’t sit here! I’m the President! (That part may have been symbolic.) After all this, it was known that there was a great scrambling to fill the seats of Congress, Senate, House and every other imaginable office of government and the judicial system etc., as there were SO many people indicted or in prison. Over the next 2 years, it was still being wrapped up. Both Clinton’s, both Obama’s, and many others were put in prison. Many who no one had suspected were also taken away.
(Wanda): Could this be happening already? Could this be illustrating the extreme spiritual, digital, and bioterror warfare happening right now? Given some of the Executive Orders President Trump signed before leaving office, there’s strong indication that he made provision for the continuation of government (specifically the Executive Branch) in the event of WAR. Given all the arrests being made, political figures (globalists) going down, agendas being exposed, this is a very interesting possibility:-).
Casey, July 2020:
My perspective was (like) I was flying over an ocean, just soaring quietly through the air over the water. No waves, just calm. The horizon was getting lighter, as the sun was soon to come up. And I heard a voice say “The light of the Kingdom will be seen summer 2022.” It was a commanding yet calming voice.
(Wanda): Summer of 2022! This dream was from 2 years ago.
Ashleigh, January 2021:
The first dream was on an airplane. The flight was full. Everything was normal until it wasn’t. Suddenly, flight attendants made an announcement that the plane was going down. We all started to panic but they kept telling us not to panic because they knew what to do. They told us they had to open the cabin doors. That was the only way for us to land safely. They told us that things were going to be very scary for a while but we were not to be afraid. This was necessary. Winds would rage. Objects would fly about. It would seem like we were crashing. But this was what we had to do to survive. I felt fear in my spirit in the dream, but I held onto their words that told us it was necessary. They opened the cabin doors and sure enough, the winds raged and belongings were whipping all around us. But I wasn’t afraid. Then the oxygen masks fell in front of us. The attendants came back on the cabin radio and said “Put on your oxygen masks! You need oxygen if you want to survive this!” I struggled for a few moments but was able to do it. This is the part that I found most interesting… The plane landed safely. But I don’t know how. That part was not in my dream. One second I was sitting there with my mask on, the next I’m sitting in the seat realizing the plane had landed safely and that we survived.
(Wanda): Seems to describe exactly what we’ve been experiencing! (And we thought it was bad a year ago!!) But, look how “suddenly” everything seemed to shift.
I had another dream. It might have been the same night or the following night. I don’t remember. I was standing in front of the inaugural stage (but was off to the right-hand side) and Joe Biden was taking the oath of office with his hand on a Bible. I could only see the left side of his body because there was a man in a suit standing in front of him. Don’t know who it was. Never saw his face. They were looking at each other, and Biden’s eyes looked empty. He wasn’t speaking, but I remember feeling defeated. Why was this happening? And more importantly, why was I at Biden’s inauguration when I didn’t vote for him and don’t support anything he stands for? Then I moved to my left a bit and saw who was holding the Bible. Typically, the spouse holds the Bible. But in my dream it was Donald Trump. I remember thinking it was strange. Why was Trump standing there holding the Bible? And why wasn’t Biden saying anything? And why didn’t Biden have his hand raised as he took an oath? As I continued to watch, I noticed Biden looked at the random man in-front of him, his side to the people. I can only describe his demeanor as robot-like. In contrast, Trump stood tall, staring out at the crowd that stood with me but before him with a resolved look of pride on his face.
(Wanda): This would confirm that Trump knew exactly what was happening – and planned for it – when Biden assumed “his role” in this electoral drama.
William, 1/10, 2021
At 7 0’clock in the evening, I decided to watch the message from David Blanton, titled “Run to The Roar”. As soon as I clicked on it, I experienced a vision from the Lord. It was very clear and the presence of the Holy Spirit was powerful. I told my wife, who was sitting near me, “I see it, I see it plain as day, I know what is going to happen now!” I could hardly get the words out; I was overwhelmed with emotion. I sensed a presence, like the Lion of Judah, I could feel the authority, the fierce power, and the strength.
I saw the backside of a person, at this point, I could not tell who it was for sure, but he was glowing with a brilliance of gold. He was standing and I could see like a sea of small figures out before him, they were dark. As he spoke and stretched out and waved his arm, it was like a mighty force of wind of power went out over the dark figures and they cowered down to submission to his decree, almost like being swept away. I have no words to describe the force and power. At this point, my spirit was overwhelmed with a burden for President Donald Trump. I sensed that God was putting him back into his rightful place, but this time he was not the person of before, but redeemed, transformed into a mighty apostle of God. I sensed that he will not speak the words of man; he will speak God’s Word and the WORD will come out as fire and burn truth into all people who hear it. They will tremble over the anointed words. They will have no choice but to declare that this man, at this time, is appointed and anointed of God, to lead his people out of darkness. (I felt that this vision wasn’t just for the United States, but for all the world.)
(Wanda): Open visions are extremely powerful since there’s little to “interpret.” Sounds like continued prayer for President Trump is needed so he can finish the assignment God has given him. What was started by the Spirit must finish by the Spirit!
Ron, 4/8/21:
A few weeks ago I asked the lord what was happening in America, as I live in New Zealand and we watch and read all that is going on, I asked the Lord for a dream about America. That night I had this dream:
I was standing in a paddock in America, as I noticed an American red barn on the property. A huge black cloud was coming towards us. It started to hail and have lightning and I said to those with me we better head for shelter, a storm is coming, a real bad looking storm it was. As I watched it, all of a sudden, the back portion of the cloud, suddenly was cut off, like it had been cut with a knife. Then I saw a beautiful golden curved staircase made of golden light come out of the back of the cloud, and come down to earth, then I saw two big angels of golden light walk down the staircase side by side and step onto the ground, the stair case and the angels then disappeared, and I woke up.
(Wanda): Darkness being “cut off” – indication of God’s overriding purposes and glory coming from the madness! Yes, Lord!
Gene, 4/4/21:
I walked outside, and the sky was filled with angels, as far as the eye could see, I think like there were billions in the sky. Then I woke up, I asked God what does this mean? The following night I was taken back to the same dream. As I was looking round the sky was filled with billons of angels as the night before. One of the angels appeared closer and blew a trumpet, and then a different angel appeared and said, “Let the Divine Justice begin.” At that moment an angel was standing next to me, like he knew that I was going to ask questions. I asked, what is happening?
At that time, all the angels came to the USA. The angel started to tell me. They came to bring Justice to the USA, from the church boards to city officials, state department, mayor’s offices, school boards, Governor’s offices all the way to Washington DC. All the corrupt politicians in Washington were taken down and dealt with and taken to jail. Some of them died on the spot. At that moment, the sky was filled with angels again and I asked why are they back? The angel said, they are not back, this is for the world.
Another angel blew a trumpet and another angel spoke, “Let the Divine Justice begin on the rest of the earth.” And all the angels flew all over the world and declared justice. I asked what next? The angel said, this will cause the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to fall on all flesh. This will cause the world to look like it is in total chaos, but fear not, this is the time for my people to reap the great harvest. And as this happens the USA will return to its divine purpose, as the City on the Hill. And the USA will declare that God and Jesus is the Lord of all the Earth. Then I woke up. And then had the dream again on the following night.
(Wanda): Not only is this a profound dream encounter – it was repeated the next night. In Scripture, when someone has the same dream twice, it is very significant – imminent, in fact. God is emphasizing His plans. (Same thing happened in some of the other dreams I’ve mentioned!)
Nicole, 6/2, 2021:
I was in the White House with President Trump and Melania. Initially, we were in a room watching TV, and I think it was watching the vote. We stopped watching the vote, and he was still President. It was like he was still making all the decisions. There was a feeling of caution. He was acting, but he was careful to not be seen. I told my husband it felt like there was oppression with us in the White House. At first, it was just like a haze/dark cloud, but at some point I saw Barack Obama’s face in it. I knew I was in Washington in the dream because when I stepped out of the White House to get something to eat the sandwich was like $1,000. I remember thinking “…man, things have gotten expensive in Washington” (but I think this was meant to show the effect of inflation under Barack).
Then, in one day, everything changed. The spirit that was dark/evil left the White House, and the relief and environment was so free! Everything was running like a well-oiled machine. Somehow, now I was Melania’s personal assistant. While I know I won’t be her assistant, what I remember is being paid by President Trump. He put his payment in a card and wrote a message to each of his employees, but in the envelope there were like two checks (only one was needed to pay for being assistant) and extra cash money on top of that. I think God is saying He is going to redistribute wealth or bring blessing to people. I tried to thank him, but he left the room as if he hadn’t done a thing for anyone, but he had overplayed everyone in that room.
(Wanda): President Trump “…still making decisions…careful to not be seen…” Many believe Obama is a chief player behind the scenes and the economy is tanking. “In ONE DAY, everything changed!” Gives much hope for transformation and economic blessing.
Sarah, a dream from 2017:
I was in a supernatural landscape with a sunset gold sky, a perfectly flat ground made of shiny solid gold. This ground had a channel of liquid gold running down the middle. The channel was 1-2 feet wide and its sides were perfectly parallel. I understood that the liquid gold flowing was extremely hot. A man approached me, dressed in gold robes and wearing a headdress made of gold. He was dressed like the images I’ve seen of an Incan emperor. This is kind of a silly example, but the head dress was exactly like what the main character in the Disney movie “The Emperor’s New Groove” wore. That style and solid, shiny gold. In the dream I knew he was an extremely powerful religious leader and that he represented a spirit that was ruling the nation from behind the scenes. He was full of pride and arrogance. VERY haughty and very certain of his power. He stood with a foot on each side of the channel of liquid gold. He acted like no one could oppose him. Though he had a “friendly” face I knew he was evil.
Next, from my right, Superman flew into the scene. His right arm was outstretched like he is shown flying in the movies. In the dream I heard and felt a huge celebration, it was the whole people of America saying, “Hooray, here comes our rescuer! Superman can surely defeat him.” I felt the hope of the nation in this rescuer. However, as Superman flew at the proud ruler, in a flash the man slammed his fist down on top of Superman’s head and he immediately fell into the channel of liquid gold. The implication was that he was dead and I felt the gut punch of the nation… feeling absolute shock, disappointment and hopelessness. The one they had confidence in was easily beaten. It wasn’t even hard for the ruler, and he had a laugh of pride and looked at me defiantly, and I heard in my spirit, “See, I can’t be opposed.”
Finally, just after this, my attention was drawn to the spot in the channel where Superman landed. The liquid gold was stirring and bubbling…then out of the gold rose the Statue of Liberty, wet and shining brilliantly in gold. It rose dramatically and the atmosphere instantly switched to one of total triumph. The ruler was shocked and instantly terrified. He and I both knew his rule was over. In his pride he thought he couldn’t be defeated, but he was now crushed. – End of dream –
(Wanda): Sarah had this dream 3 years before the stolen election. She indicates later in her email that she believes Donald Trump will yet resume office, but that “… we put our hope in him to single-handedly rescue us, and for a time, it appears that he has been defeated. But God is doing something MUCH bigger.”
Consider that these few dreams and visions are just a drop in the bucket compared to what I’ve seen and heard from other prophets, intercessors, and faith-filled believers who have been sharing their experiences in the past two years. Please know, dear saints, that our God is a supernatural God who delights in showing His people His plans and purposes for OUR GOOD. Don’t let any present darkness or temporary setback rob you of God’s promise to OVERCOME EVIL and REWARD the FAITHFUL! He knows the beginning from the end and has been planning His own “comeback” for MANY years.
If YOU have had a dream or vision about this nation or President Trump that would encourage others, feel free to share it in the comments below (try to keep it less than 3 paragraphs:-) Then – pass it on!
50 Responses
Thank you Wanda for this very encouraging word. Praise the Lord!
Thank you Wanda. Your wisdom and guidance is greatly appreciated as we navigate these tumultuous times. It has encouraged me to continue praying with faith not fear! Hugs and Prayers!
Wednesday morning, Oct. 20, 2021
I dreamt that Donald Trump and I were just hanging out and “chillin’.” We were in this sort of workshop like area and were listening to music. He had a great, eclectic taste in music. We listened to several songs and even sang along with some. It was fun and joyful. Then he played a love song that he said was his song for Melania. A bit later, Melania came in. I told her that he’d played a beautiful song for her. She was beaming and seemed very happy.
I had a dream in 2018 about President Trump. I was having a gathering at my home. Someone rang the doorbell and it was President Trump with 2 paper grocery bags full of food. Melanie was with him although I didn’t really see her. I welcomed them and lead them into the kitchen. I looked into the bags he had brought and I thought , oh he brought me my favorite (salad fixings). He went out back where our guest were playing baseball. I looked out to see President Trump hit the ball out of the park. He ran to 1st base and fell down. He stood right back up but didn’t run. Everyone was excited and yelling. I was concerned about him falling at his age. End of dream.
Wanda, thank you for sharing! You always bless and lift my spirits through your teaching and insight.
Nov.4th, 2020, day after the election. (Knowing something was wrong as I was up late watching as things halted on the election map the night before)…While driving in my car alone, worrying & praying about what our upcoming days will look like… I got this overwhelming, incredible feeling come over me. Out of nowhere, not expecting that! I was so exuberant & excited. NOTHING I’ve ever felt before. But it was telling me NOT to worry, the future is going to be ok, & all I wanted to do since then is share that amazing feeling that came over me. The Holy Spirit! But that moment has given me such a spirit to NOT be anxious and look past what the enemy is doing. Righteousness and Justice WILL prevail! Amen!
Thanks for posting this Wanda, we need all the encouragement available right now. We seem to be in the “hope deferred” moment and it does make the heart sick.
January 12, 2021 at 3:00 am
I awoke early this morning feeling frustrated and confused with the recognition of no real news or rather no news I felt I could really trust. Whether from the regular news, social media or even all of the prophetic voices which just seemed to create a “cacophony” (a harsh discordant mixture of sounds). All mixed up together, it all just left me frustrated and crying out to God to speak a word into my heart, mind and soul. He immediately dropped this song into my spirit “Our God is mighty to save”, I write the chorus below;
Savior, He can move the mountains
He is mighty to save
Forever, Author of Salvation
He rose and conquered the grave.
This song just flooded my heart and soul and as I lay in the bed taking in the healing flow and fountain of peace it brought to me, I heard God whisper to me “go and write”. I must say here, it was 3am in the morning and I really wanted roll over and snuggle back up to my warm and soundly sleeping husband. But I also did not want to miss a special encounter with the Lord as I needed to hear whatever He wanted to share with me, so I bundle up and tiptoed out to our living room and this is what he had me write down.
Suddenly and swiftly shall I move, suddenly and swiftly shall I strike, darkness shall come. Nations shall shake at my hand which has struck the Capitol to break the powers of evil that have dwelt there in and controlled My capitol house! The seat of governmental authority which I convened and established as foundational to America, brick by brick it shall fall to the ground, never to be rebuilt in the same fashion. A new and more glorious plan shall be put into place for the governing of America, “MY AMERICA, LAND THAT I LOVE! And I WILL stand beside her, and I will guide her in the troubling days ahead to rebuild the broken walls. I have not left her or pulled my favor from her!
I will rebuild the ramparts, the walls of My protection all around your land, the land of the free and the home of My brave ones! I have heard the cries of you all, My people and I have seen the many tears that have fallen as you have beseeched me to save America.
My sudden and swift strike will not only be to the Capitol house but also to the mountain of media, coming shortly thereafter and in the days ahead. There will be much darkness of soul as though all is lost, BUT IT IS NOT!
Sherrie, this is why I gave you the song;
Savior, He can move the mountains,
Thanks for sharing!!
March 25, 2020
I woke up this morning hearing the words “Trump is the last trumpet”. This shutdown is a preview/warning of the Coming of Christ for His church…..this is the world wide revival I have been expecting. God is giving people a chance to be saved, a chance to choose Jesus and eternal life or hell here on earth after he takes his church home.
Thank you, Wanda. Just what I needed today!
Thank you for sharing these. I pray they come true. I had lost hope for righteous to prevail at this time.
Several years ago (back in 2020) I had a weird “dream” in which I was walking out of a restaurant after finishing my meal. It was weird because it was SO normal and not dream-like. Everyone around had on light jackets and sweaters like it was Fall.
I am a regular listener of the Elijah List show. One of the first times that Manuel Johnson was on, he talked about going into the future and interacting with a man on the street in CA. He asked the man what year it was and who was the President. The man answered 2022 and it was President Trump.
On 12/22/2021, I had a repeat “dream” of walking out of the restaurant, but this time I interacted with the waiter and hostess. I asked what state we were in – the male waiter replied, “the Carolinas.” I asked which one, since there are two. The female hostess said that we were in South Carolina. I asked her what year it was and she looked puzzled at me but said, “2022.” I asked who the President was and she said, “Trump.” Finally, I asked her when he was put into office. She thought for a second then said, “It must have been back in March.” I awoke with such hope and understanding that I had traveled into the future.
While at Life Church in Edmond, OK on 10/20/19 The minister was talking about dreams and visions.
I had this vision:
Coming out of a turbulent dark sky comprised of many circles of turbulence, I saw a rider (Donald Trump) on a white horse wearing a mostly red and blue cape. I said, “but God the man is in his 70’s. He’s too old and out of shape to ride a horse.” God said, “He’s my warrior. “He said it more than once “He’s My Warrior”!
In the dream I was talking to Nancy Pelosi standing on some sort of Washington DC looking stairway outside (I think or big open area inside). Looking into her eyes talking to her telling her that she has a lot of good qualities and she’s a beautiful women but she needs to repent before it’s too late because God will deliver his people and she will end up in hell. I wanted her to look me in the face, in the eyes and understand that I say this with much Holy Spirit power – God will deliver his people!!!!
Awake the overwhelming impression is that the corrupt in government need to repent and get right with God because GOD WILL DELIVER HIS PEOPLE!!!!
(I think the dream took place Dec 2019)
Wow! I had no idea folks had been having these kinds of dreams! I’m encouraged for sure!✝️🇱🇷❣️
I’ve also gone back to listen to old Hosanna praise music!
When Donald Trump began his run for office, it was made very clear to me that something bigger was going on when he chose his running mate..
Trump + Pence = Trumpets
I have held onto that tidbit knowing that God is in control of this. I then found it encouraging to listen to the story of Donald’s Bible. Here is the link…
We may not understand all of God’s ways and purposes but I KNOW He is in control of it all! I have also been impressed to go back and listen to a Hosanna Praise Album, Mighty Warrior. This album is for this time and reminds us that we are VICTORS IN CHRIST. Here is the link…
God is our hope and will not let us down! #NeverLoseHope
Before the Presidential Election of Donald Trump, I had gone into my prayer closet & asked God who to vote for. God told me Donald Trump. I said, but God he is sort of crude. God said remember how I took care of King Nebuchadnezzar & I can take care of Donald Trump. So yes, I agreed with God and voted for Donald Trump.
Then, the next election I was expecting Donald Trump & again I went into my prayer closet & asked God what happened when Trump didn’t get elected? God first told me to remember how He told me He would take care of Donald Trump & that He is hiding Trump for a time until His bigger plan has been worked out. God also told me that it’s “NOT Over Until The Fat Lady Sings.” God told me the wicked thinks that they gotten away with stealing the election & He laughed. We cannot not even imagine the great glory God is going to bring to us but in His time & His way! Also, God warned me we are not to believe it is happening because of Donald Trump, it is happening because of God & He will not share His Glory with another. Donald Trump is the willing vessel & it’s the Power of God that accomplishes His desires.
Dear Wanda, thank you for sharing this richness of dreams and visions from God’s faithful. Only since Holy Spirit shared a few words into my spirit, I have been keeping a journal of my dreams to share my walk with The Lord. Before the November 4th election in 2020, I had been lifting up President Trump and his family to The Lord for victory, strength and protection because I could see how the enemy’s slings and arrows were attacking him on all fronts. So, right before the presidential election, my specific words in my prayer to The Lord were, “I desire President Trump to win”. Then, in a moment, these words rolled across my spirit, “I WILL BRING YOU FOUR MORE YEARS OF TRUMP”. Since then, I have clung to those words with a stronger faith in what God is doing and preparing for his saints.
Linda F November 3 2020 11:00am
I went to my normal place to pray and spend time with the Lord, he immediately told me to read 1Kings chapter 1. I had felt uneasy the day before. I had volunteered to work with Women for Trump and I had knocked on doors and talked to hundreds of people. I knew how people felt.
After reading the scripture, I felt the Lord was preparing me to trust in him, many eere devestated at the results and I kept trying to encourage and keep myself in faith. My husband and I stopped watching the news that very day and since. Just as Solomon was Gods choice and duly elected by the people, with the Lord confirmation to me that Trump is his chosen vessel and he will return just as Solomon rightfully was King. God has done way more through this awakening for me than I could ever imagine and I am so grateful to continue to trust him more!! To see his power and glory Psalm 63
Last year before the inauguration of present administration I dreamed President Trumpwas speaking to a crowd of people in a gymnasium type setting with a stage where he spoke. It resembled a stage of my generation. When he finished and walked off stage the crowd let out a loud yell to call him back and as I looked at the crowd I saw that it went way back out of the building and upward towards heaven. Which I take to be the saints who went before us praying for our nation. I looked towards the stage and president Trump came back out and bowed before the people. (It signifies to me that Trump is a president of the people by the people and for the people. And he has a different platform but very effective).
This was right before the election. I had asked the Lord not only of who to vote for but what he thought. He told me that Trump was the pause button for the Great Harvest
I can testify to this. The Holy Spirit has specifically used the word “pause” to describe the presidency of Trump to me. The Holy Spirit called it a “Giant Pause.” And He said its purpose was to usher in the Great Harvest. His specific words, “My pause shall be implemented through Trump, a great reshuffling of the church with occur, and the harvesters will be called forth. Satan has not yet been thrown down to earth. There is still time.” This I heard on June 25, 2020.