Heaven Listens for the Sound of the Lion

A word that has been spoken repeatedly in the past few years by numerous prophets is now coming to pass – THE LION IS BEGINNING TO ROAR! Even as the enemy seeks to drown out this roar, heaven is calling for the saints to recognize this roar and join in the sound.
I am hearing it in the voices of numerous ones who are walking in the fear of the Lord and carrying a passionate ZEAL of God that cannot be quenched (Isaiah 9:7). They can no longer be silent as opposing forces compete for attention and seek to counterfeit the truth. They are responding to a call from heaven that has given them divine favor and a spirit of breakthrough. As they speak from their bellies, a sound is coming forth that is not of the earth and has authority to SHIFT the atmosphere.
LISTEN for THESE voices and learn to recognize the sound of the Lion. Do not listen to the clamor of the flesh and those who holler with no hope. Do not give heed to the outbursts of those who react out of bitterness and rebellion. They have no voice in heaven. Heaven listens for the sound of the Lion.
When the LION ROARS, there is life, power, and a shifting of mindsets and realities. When the LION ROARS there is authority backed by God’s presence. When the LION ROARS, it changes hearts and enlightens minds. When the LION ROARS, eyes and ears are opened as the Deaf and Dumb spirit of the enemy is broken. When the LION ROARS, assignments are released and gifts are empowered. When the LION ROARS, all of hell must bow and His enemies scatter.
Learn to recognize this roar and separate it from the clamor. Speak blessing on those who are releasing this roar and ask the Lion of Judah to fill you with THIS sound and not your own. This is not a sound you simply choose. It chooses you as a result of the fire of holiness within your bones. You will know it as it bursts out of your belly with authority that is not your own. It is birthed in intimacy and purified in the fire. It comes from the throne and issues decrees from a Holy God. It is the sound that reaches the Captain of the Host and clears the way for heaven’s armies to war on our behalf.

Listen! Listen to the roar of His voice, to the rumbling that comes from His mouth. He unleashes His lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth. After that comes the sound of His roar; He thunders with His majestic voice. When His voice resounds, He holds nothing back. God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; He does great things beyond our understanding… So that all men He has made may know His work. (Job 37:2-5, 7 NIV)

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


2 Responses

  1. Heaven hears the Sound of the female lion.
    The river the flows for a thousand miles.
    She is the change that Ears wait to hear.
    Blessed is she who comes in the name of the Lord of Hosts

  2. OH YES! I do bless and praise GOD for these LIONS; may GOD ARISE, let His enemies be defeated AMEN AMEN AMEN!

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